The Academic Council

  1. General Provisions

The Academic Council of the University is based on the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About Education” and ” The National Program of Personnel Training” and the Regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 3, 2011 № 487 “Standard Regulations on Academic Council of Higher Education”.

  1. The Academic Council of the University is a collegial body that carries out the general management of the University.
  2. Transparency in the activities of the Academic Council on the principle of collective discussion of matters within its competence.
  3. The Academic Council of the University forms its work plans, taking into account the proposals of the governing bodies and structural units of the University.
  4. Meetings of the Academic Council of the University are held at least once a month, except for the summer period.
  5. The procedure for organizing the work of the Academic Council of the University, holding its meetings and making decisions is determined by the regulations of the Academic Council of the University.


  • Structure of The Academic Council
  1. The Academic Council is formed by the University Rector’s order.
  2. Head of the Academic Council of the University is the Rector.
  3. The members of the Scientific Council are the Institute rector, vice-rectors, deans, head of departments, leaders of structural divisions, teacher’s staff, leading students and representatives of public organizations of the University.
  4. The Academic Secretary is appointed by the Head of the Academic Council.
  5. If a member of the Academic Council of the institute retired, he/she is immediately removed from the Academic Council.
  6. If a member of Academic Council is unable to attend the meeting of the Academic Council or is late for a valid reason he/she is to notify the scientific secretary of the Scientific Council of the Institute at the time.
  7. The Academic Council consists of an odd number of members. In case of need some decisions of the Academic Council are able to be changed.


  • The competence of the Academic Council of the University includes
  1. Determination of the main perspective directions for the University development, including its educational and scientific activities.
  2. Consideration of the plan of financial and economic activities and the development program of the University.
  3. Consideration and decision-making on educational, research, information-analytical and financial-economic activities, as well as on international cooperation of the University.
  4. The Academic Council gets the annual reports of Rector of the University.
  5. The Academic Council gets the annual reports of Vice-rectors, Deans, Heads of structural divisions on education, scientific research, international news, financial, economic, administrative forms and methods.
  6. Appointment to the rank of associate professor and professor.
  7. The awarding of honorary titles of the University based on the provisions approved by the Academic Council of the University.
  8. Textbooks, teaching aids and instructional development will consider the issue and offer.
  9. Decisions on the provision of grants to students who study on a paid basis.
  10. Admission of PhD students.
  11. The Academic Council gets the annual reports of PhD students.
  12. Decisions on other issues related to the competence of the Academic Council of the University.


  • Secretary of the Academic Council:

From among the members of the Academic Council of the University, by order of the Rector, the Secretary of the University is appointed for the term of office of this Council, who organizes the preparation of meetings of the Academic Council of the University, controls the implementation of its decisions and coordinates the interaction of the Academic Council and the structural units of the University in accordance with the powers of the Academic Council of the University.


  • Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Academic Council:
  1. Making proposals to the work plan of the Academic Council of the University, the organization preparing the work plan of the Academic Council of the University.
  2. Maintenance work on the preparation of documents and materials for consideration at the meeting of the Academic Council of the University, training control issues to be discussed at the meeting.
  3. Preparation of the draft agenda of the meeting of the Academic Council.
  4. Keeping minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the University, preparing copies of decisions of the Academic Council of the University and their reproduction.
  5. Implementation of the monitoring of the Academic Council of the University.
  6. Controlling the design of materials for Assigned academic titles, preparing them for consideration at the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute and their submission to the Higher Attestation Commission of Republic of Uzbekistan.


  • Voting and decision – making
  1. Decisions taken by the Academic Council of the University are both open and secret ballot. Open voting at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University conducts the chairman. Members of the Academic Council of the University are showing their opinion show of hands on one of the following questions in order to vote “yes”, “against”, “abstained”.

Secret ballot is carried out ballots.

If a majority of the members of the Academic Council of the University, present at the meeting voted in favor, and the solution is passed.

  1. The decision of the Academic Council of the University is considered adopted if the majority of the members of Academic Council present at the meeting voted for it, with the attendance of at least 60 percent of the list of this council.