The topic of the project is very important and relevant to the current trends, and the project will support and stimulate the Digital Transformation Initiatives in Uzbekistan!

The team members of ELBA project participated in “Erasmus+ opportunities for institutional cooperation” session, organized by National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan in Tashkent State Pedagogical University, within the Erasmus+ Week 2022.
The project facts and results were welcomed by the attendants with a great interest. The participating professors highlighted that “The topic of the project is very important and relevant to the current trends, and the project will support and stimulate the Digital Transformation Initiatives in Uzbekistan”.
Moreover, the ELBA project team members shared their experiences and motivated newcomers from the hosting university to step into “The amazing world of Erasmus+”.

List of applicants of Management track for May 2022

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and the corresponding time of the admission test on May 14th for the Management track. Please bring an identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee.

Football academy “Juventus” is 3 years old!

For some, football is just a game, for others, it’s just a sport. And for someone football is LIFE!

On May 7, 2022, an event dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of the official opening of the first professional football academy in Central Asia “Juventus” in Tashkent was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The event was opened by the acting head of the Academy Mahamatkhodjaev Toirkhodja. The rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev made a welcoming speech.


The head of the academy spoke about Juventus’ plans for the future, a summer camp for young football players, as well as the participation of football academy students in the Juventus Academy World Cup 2022 international tournament, which will be held in Turin (Italy).


In addition to the parents of young football players, such a significant event was attended by honored guests: the rector of the Tashkent State Economic University Kongiratbay Sharipov, the leading specialist of the department for the development of clubs of the professional league of Uzbekistan Alisher Fayziev, the People’s Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, opera singer Jenisbek Piyazov. In their speeches, the guests spoke about the further development of this academy, congratulated the participants on their achievements and wished further success to the Juventus Academy in Tashkent.


At the event, an awards ceremony was held for coaches, as well as for the most active young football players. Also, worthy team captains were chosen by voting.

The students of the academy received not only unforgettable emotions from this event but also memorable photos.

Want to see how it all was, then watch the photo report!

List of applicants for May 2022

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and the corresponding time of the admission test on May 13th. Please bring an identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee.

Please note that the admission test for the Management track will be held on May 14th.


Every year, 9th of May is widely celebrated in our country as a national holiday “Day of Remembrance and Honor”. This holiday is dedicated to the memory of the heroes of independent Uzbekistan for centuries, who defended our country, and fought for its freedom, independence and peace of its nation.
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent also hosted a spiritual event “Meeting of Three Generations”, dedicated to May 9 – the Day of Memory and Honor.
The event held on April 28, 2022 was attended by: a 96-year-old participant of World War II, who lives in Almazar district of Tashkent – Abbos bobo Apponov, and veterans of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan – retired generals and senior officers.
A significant contribution to the organization of this event was made by the Tashkent City Council for Veterans Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the creative team of the Central Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which performed a concert for the participants of the event. At the end of the event, guests were presented with souvenirs on behalf of the university.

To the attention of creative people, talented professors, young scientists and researchers, who aim at boosting the innovative potential of our country!   


📣📣📣El-Yurt Umidi Foundation for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies at prestigious universities and research centers of advanced foreign countries ANNOUNCES The Second Scholarship Competition 2022!

✅Applications are accepted online and via email from April 15 to May 15, 2022.

So, hurry up, don’t miss this lifetime opportunity!!!

👉For more information: https://www.eyuf.uz/

Welcome to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent!

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📹watch the video on our youtube chanel!😍


A delegation of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Сivil Engineering led by Rector Ercan Kahya met with the rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Rector Ercan Kahya got acquainted with the activities of the information resource center, mechatronics, and technopark of TTPU.
During the visit, areas of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed, in particular in the field of architecture and design. The sides also discussed the organization of academic exchanges, the development of joint projects in scientific fields.

On April 19, 2022, the rector of TTPU J.Sh.Inoyatkhojaev met with preparatory course students.

The meeting was held in the format of “open conversation” and discussed the benefits of studying at the university, opportunities of exchange programs with foreign universities and other topical issues of university life. During the meeting, students received detailed answers to their questions.


We would like to invite you to take part in the scientific event which will be held on April 26, 2022, at 13:30 in the Grey Hall of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent


This event is a completely open scientific forum for the exchange of new ideas and findings. This year’s meeting will highlight state of art and advances in engineering new materials and technologies. The presentations will be addressed the following topics:

Mechanical engineering, Energetic, Natural sciences and mathematics, Ecology and environmental issues, Materials science, etc.

Everyone with an interest is invited to attend including students, scientists, engineers, technical managers and production personal from industrial enterprises. One of the main aims of the conference is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and improve their skills in the technique of presentation.

          The working language of the conference is English.


April, 26, 2022. Tuesday

13.30 – 16.00 Grey Hall. 

Opening talk: Rector, prof.  Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev 

Moderator:  assist. prof. Javlon Karimov

  1. Ural  Bekbaev (TTPU, assoc. prof.): A classification of two-dimensional algebras, up to a special group of isomorphisms, over any basic field. (13.40 – 13.50)
  • Taur Alimov, (TTPU, student): Feynman Integral trick. (13.50 – 14.00)
  • Anvar Sheryatullaev (TTPU, student): Porcelain: definition, history and types. (14.00 – 14.10)
  • Asad Kayumov (TTPU, student): History of glassmaking. (14.10 – 14.20)
  • Abdurauf Qodiriy, Samandar Jahongirov (TTPU, students): Some properties of continued fractions and return time for circle homeomorphisms. (14:20 – 14:30)
  • Muniskhon Abdurashitova (TTPU, teacher): Neural network generalization improvement using Noise Augmentation for indoor human localization. (14:30 – 14:40)                
  • Sardor Beshimov (TTPU, student): Synthesis and properties of anodic aluminum oxide. (14:40 – 14:50)
  • Rakhmatov Khondamir (TTPU, PhD student): Regularization of the incorrect boundary problem for the parabolic equation. (14:50 – 15:00)    
  • Umidjon Usmanov (TTPU, teacher), Abdulla Saidov (TTPU, prof.): Fuel cell technology in the automotive industry. (15:00 – 15:10)
  • Takhirjan Pulatov (TTPU, assoc. prof.), Ulugbek Rakhmatullaev (TTPU, student): The principles of operation of an electric car and the power supply scheme from batteries. (15:10 – 15:20)
  • Olimjon Eshkobilov (TTPU, teacher): A singularity of the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime. (15:20 – 15:30)
  • Meronshoh Yusofov  (TTPU, student), Axtam Djalilov (TTPU, prof.):  Chaotic maps. (15.30 – 15:40)
  • Abdumaminov Asilkhon (TTPU, student): On some methods for solving third and fourth-degree polynomial equations. (15:40 – 15:50)

Awarding ceremony: (15:50 – 16:00)

“Fight against corruption”

On April 14, 2022, a conversation was held at Turin Polytechnic University among the students on topical issues “Fight against corruption” and “Prevention of crimes and offenses among young people.” The event was attended by an employee of the Anti-Corruption Agency A. Ergashev, inspectors for work with youth of the Almazar district of the Department of Internal Affairs Mayors R.Nasirov and O.Yusupov.
In their speech, the lecturers noted that an important legal framework has been created in our country for combating corruption, as well as to prevent crimes among young people. The nature and content of the adopted laws were explained in detail, as well as their main focus on the inadmissibility of illegal actions and offenses in the development of various spheres of society. During the event, a thematic video was shown calling on young people to be responsible and vigilant, and exhaustive answers were given to the questions asked by young people.

Report on the results of working visit of the rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent to Italy on April 2-7

During the visit to Politecnico di Torino (Italy) on April 2-7, a number of fruitful talks and meetings were held with the participation of Shavkat Umurzakov, Head of Uzavtosanoat JSC, Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev, Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Umid Turdaliev, Rector of Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Guido Saracco, Rector of Politecnico di Torino.

The official visit included acquaintance with educational and scientific laboratories located on the territory of the university and visits to research centers and enterprises in the field of the automotive industry.

As a result of the meeting with the Italian company Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence in Turin, it was agreed to open a permanent representative office of the company in Uzbekistan and a Center of Excellence for Production at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and a laboratory for new metrological technologies.

During the visit to the “Laboratory for the study of automotive smart systems in urban infrastructure” at Politecnico di Torino, the delegation got acquainted with new developments. During the negotiations, it was agreed that such a laboratory would be created with the help of Italians at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent during the 2023/24 academic year.

In order to train specialists in the field of automotive and mechanical engineering, an agreement was reached to open a professional higher education in “Industrial Production Technology” with the involvement of professors and specialists from Italy. It is planned to open this program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from the 2022-2023 academic year, which will enroll 150 students in the first phase. From the 2023-2024 academic year, this program is planned to be introduced at  Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering. In general, it is planned to increase the number of students in the field of “Industrial Production Technologies” to 10 thousand by 2026.

Curricula for internships are developed in close cooperation with industrial and manufacturing enterprises. As a result, graduates will gain professional skills in advanced engineering technologies that can be used in manufacturing at the end of their studies.

To implement all the above agreements, the Italian partners will develop a 5-year strategic partnership project. Members of the working group headed by the Rector of Politecnico di Torino Guido Saracco are expected to arrive in Tashkent in the coming days to launch the project.



Date and time: Starts 10:00 AM, Friday, 8 Aril 2022

Venue: Green Hall in TTPU

Department: Civil Engineering and Architecture

Advantages for Students:

-Learn how to use modern equipment

-Introduction to BIM technologies

-Meeting with experts

-Get in ongoing projects

-Internship in ELLIPS GROUP projects

Cooperation with Politecnico di Torino (Italy) is expanding.

In order to further long-term and sustainable development of the manufacturing industry in automotive engineering, improvement the system of training highly qualified engineers and technicians based on best international practices, JSC “Uzavtosanoat” the members of the delegation headed by the Chairman of the Board Shavkat Umurzakov visited Politecnico di Torino (Italy) on April 2-7.

During the visit number of fruitful talks and meetings were held with the participation of Shavkat Umurzakov, Head of Uzavtosanoat JSC, Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev, Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Umid Turdaliev, Rector of Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Guido Saracco, Rector of Politecnico di Torino.

The official visit included acquaintance with educational and scientific laboratories located on the territory of the university and visits to research centers and enterprises in the field of the automotive industry.

As a result of the meeting with the Italian company Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence in Turin, it was agreed to open a permanent representative office of the company in Uzbekistan and a Center of Excellence for Production at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and a laboratory for new metrological technologies.


During the visit to the “Laboratory for the study of automotive smart systems in urban infrastructure” at Politecnico di Torino, the delegation got acquainted with new developments. During the negotiations, it was agreed that such a laboratory would be created with the help of Italians at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent during the 2023/24 academic year.

In order to train specialists in the field of automotive and mechanical engineering, an agreement was reached to open a professional higher education in “Industrial Production Technology” with the involvement of professors and specialists from Italy. It is planned to open this program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from the 2022-2023 academic year, which will enroll 150 students in the first phase. From the 2023-2024 academic year, this program is planned to be introduced at  Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering. In general, it is planned to increase the number of students in the field of “Industrial Production Technologies” to 10 thousand by 2026.

Curricula for internships are developed in close cooperation with industrial and manufacturing enterprises. As a result, graduates will gain professional skills in advanced engineering technologies that can be used in manufacturing at the end of their studies.

To implement all the above agreements, the Italian partners will develop a 5-year strategic partnership project. Members of the working group headed by the Rector of Politecnico di Torino Guido Saracco are expected to arrive in Tashkent in the coming days to launch the project.

Visit of Pittsburg State University’s representatives to TTPU.

Pittsburg State University’s Associate Dean for the Kelce College of Business, Bienvenido Cortes, and Intensive English Program coordinator, Paige Cortes visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the meeting, the sides discussed issues of cooperation between the universities, in particular, the establishment of a new “2 + 2 + 1” program on “Management”.
Students admitted to bachelor of Management after 2 years of study at TTPU, will have an opportunity to continue their studies for the next 2 years at Pittsburg State University, where they can receive a bachelor’s degree from the University of the United States. It is also planned that students who successfully complete the bachelor’s degree will be admitted to the 1year MBA master’s degree. Successful students will also be offered the opportunity to practice in the United States for 3 years.
In future, according to the partnership, it is planed to develop grants under the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID HELIX) for Higher Education Innovation, Exchange and management Programs.

Professors and Engineers of Turin polytechnic university are attending international training courses at Politecnico di Torino

From March 28 to April 8 this year, here, at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), regular short-term training courses are being held for the ELBA project academic teams, including the Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent, within the framework of the ELBA project.

At the courses, the ELBA project team of the Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent is represented by the professors and engineers of the university Prof.Kudratillo Fayazov, Prof.Utkir Safarov, Eng.Makhkam Kayumov, Eng.Azizjon Kobilov, and the Project manager Mr.Mansur Asranov.

The training courses have started on March 28 this year, under the guidance of Professor of Politecnico di Torino Prof.Roberto Fontana, one of the European Academic coordinators of the ELBA project.

The courses will be held over 10 days in the following three modules:

– Statistical methods in data science (3 days);

– Computational linear algebra for large-scale problems (6 days);

– Design of experiments (1 day).

Upon completion of the training course, all participants of the course will be awarded certificates of completion and mastering of the training materials of the course.

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy.
Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J.Sh.Inoyatkhodjaev on April 2-7 will visit Italy as part of delegation of “Uzavtosanoat” JSC, for negotiation with the rector of the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) for further development of cooperation.

International Conference on Electrical Facilities and information technologies 2022


Date August 10 – 13, 2022
Conference Type Hybrid (Virtual+Offline)
Web Site   www.ICEF2022.org  
Organized by KIEE EF (KIEE Electrical Facilities Society), TTPU, TUIT, TSTU, KNUT

Welcome to ICEF 2022

The International Conference on Electrical Facilities and information technologies 2022(ICEF2022) is

an annual event co-sponsored by the above four institutions with the aim to provide an international platform for electrical Facilities and experts for sharing information and addressing issues in multifaceted fields of electrical Facilities and information technologies

The ICEF2022 would like to invite prospective authors to share ideas and join discussions on emerging

challenges and key questions during the evolving of a safe, reliable, sustainable and intelligent

Electrical Facilities and information technologies. ICEF2022 welcome the potential authors from the fields.

Conference Topics: Paper Topics Include, But Are Not Limited To:

Session 1: Future Electric Facility Planning and Operations Session 2: Smart Electric Facility
– Power Distribution Network Modeling, Analysis and Control – HVDC, MVDC & LVDC: Design, Control and Protection – AC-DC Hybrid Grid Operation, Control and Protection – IOT(Internet Of Thing) – Electrical Safety : Design, Control and Protection – Electric Machinery and Drives – Energy Storage Systems, Renewable Energy Smart Grids, Micro-grid, and Utility Applications – Smart Energy Management for Home, Building and Factory – Smart Materials and Devices, Media Facade and Large Format Display – Illuminating Design and Light Installation – Electrical Installation Design and Construction Technology – Technical Specification for Electrical Installation – Converge Technique for Electric Facility
Session 3: Information Technology Session 4: Intelligent Transportation Technology
– Software System & Engineering – Artificial Intelligence – Wireless Communications and Networking – Embedded System, IoT/Edge Computing – VR/AR, Metaverse – Data Science, Big Data, Database, Data Mining – 3D Printing, Digital Twin – Railway System & Technology – Intelligent Transportation System – Future Smart Automobile Technology – Road Operation Technology – Aircraft System and Control Technology

Important Dates

– Abstract Submission due: May 15, 2022

– Abstract Acceptance : May 30, 2022

– Paper(Extended Abstract, Short Paper(2pages), Full Paper(4pages)) Submission due : July 15, 2022

– Author / Early Registration : July 15 – Final Presentation File Submission due : July 15, 2022

Conference Language

The official language of the Conference is English

Venue & Accommodation

The ICEF 2022 Organizing Committee has reserved accommodations at special room rates in Tashkent, Uzbekistan for the duration of the conference, specific information of which will be announced on the web then.

Publication in Academic Journals

The selected papers in the conference will be recommended to the following journals.

– JEET(SCIE, Scopus) : Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology

– T.KIEE (Scopus) : The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

– ACTA TTPU (International scientific journal) : ACTA TTPU (http://acta.polito.uz/index.php/


Contact Information

-HOSUK SONG: secretariat@icef 2022.org

-JAVLONBEK ABDUJALILOV: j.abdujalilov@polito.uz (Uzbekistan only)

Secretariat of ICEF 2022, KIEE Electrical Facilities Society

Room #901, New B/D, Science & Technology Building, Teheranro7-gil, Gangnam-Ku, Seoul 06130, Korea

Tel:+82-2-553-0151 | E-mail:elecjour@kiee.or.kr

Civil and Industrial Engineering/Architecture and Design

Staff training at the University of Granada.

Representatives of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent took part in Staff Training week: “Internationalization Advanced Level” organized by the University of Granada (Spain).


During the training, each participant made a presentation about their home university, were discussed issues of admission procedures, internationalization of higher education through academic cooperation projects, development of promotion and social networks, Erasmus+ projects for improvement of international mobility quality and many more.


As a result of negotiations, was agreed to sign Memorandum of understanding (MOI) for development of students exchange program.