PhD dissertation was successfully defended

On April 21, 2023, Gulnora Yahshilikova, TTPU teacher of “Mechanical and aerospace engineering” department successfully defended her PhD dissertation at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, on the topic “Development of Energy Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles” under the supervision of  Prof.Andrea Tonoli (Politecnico di Torino) and DSc. Sanjarbek Ruzimov (TTPU).

The commission consisting teaching staff highly evaluated the work done, emphasized its importance and relevance in modern industry and wished the researcher great success in her future scientific activity.

The only source of knowledge is experience.

One of the big advantages for students of the Civil Engineering and Architecture Department is the opportunity to have both lectures, as well as practical lessons on construction sites.

Third-year bachelor students of the department conducted their practical part of the Geodesy course at the LOT6 construction site in Tashkent city. In practice students under the supervision of Prof. Saidislomkhon Usmanov participated in the quality assurance process using geodetic instruments together with specialists from PE BOMI Construction Engineering Co., LTD. This helps students strengthen their theoretical knowledge and gain ‘hands-on’ experience.

National dress as a mirror of culture

National costumes embody the history, ancient customs and traditions and aesthetic views of our people, and now it is very important to widely promote the beauty of national costumes among young people.

To preserve the national values ​​and spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people, to inspire the pride of national costumes in the hearts of our girls, respect and loyalty to our national values, customs and traditions, to widely promote the beauty and charm of national costumes among the youth, on April 12, 2023, an event named “Milliy libos-millat qiyofasi!” was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The first vice-rector of the university A. Ashurov opened the event and wished all the participants good luck.

At this event, together with the students of the university, the students of the “Art of historical and theater costumes” department of the art school named after Pavel Benkov held a fashion show of bright and attractive national costumes from different regions of our country.

The performances by “Alladin unique” kindergarten children, added a special atmosphere to the event.

The performances of the university girls were duly evaluated by the members of the jury, which consisted of teachers of the art school named after Pavel Benkov. All participants were awarded diplomas and souvenirs.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent hosted a cultural event dedicated to the 687th anniversary of Amir Temur’s birth.

On April 5, a cultural event “Sahibqiran Renaissance in World Civilization” was organized among university and academic lyceum students dedicated to the 687th anniversary of Amir Temur’s birth.

Guest of the event were – people’s Artist of Uzbekistan Tesha Muminov, director of the Republican House of Actors Munira Rakhimova and academic lyceum history teacher Khakimova Sayyora.

The event was opened by the first vice-rector of the university, A. Ashurov, and in his speech, he noted that, on april 9 we celebrate 687th anniversary of the great statesman and entrepreneur Amir Temur, as well as the material and spiritual heritage of Temur and the Timurid dynasty.

Academic lyceum history teacher Khakimova Sayyora gave information about Amir Temur – a great statesman of the Middle Ages, a great general, the founder of a strong, centralized state and patron of science and culture. First of all, he carried out military and most important economic reforms to increase and strengthen the power of his country. Also, Amir Temur paid special attention to the creation of a single state for development, mutual harmony, favorable property and legal conditions for businessmen, especially to the development of trade, and also made great changes in the field of creativity and reached our contemporaries.

The guest of the event, the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Tesha Muminov, at the beginning of his speech about our great grandfathers, noted that most of the historical cities and beautiful places were created during the period of Amir Temur and the Timurids. Due to national independence, there was an opportunity to deeply understand, study and glorify our perfect ancestors who have their place in the field of world spirituality and enlightenment and the rich spiritual and educational heritage they left behind.

The guest spoke about the work “Temur Tuzuklari” that Amir Temur left as a legacy to us, Amir Temur’s respect and attention to women, glorified them, and read a poem on this topic.

At the end of his speech, T. Mominov addressed the young people and said that they should study the teachings of such great people, analyze them and use them for the benefit of the country in the future.

M. Saparboev, head of the university’s music club, concluded the event with a musical performance about “Motherland”.

The event was very meaningful and interesting.

The “Rector’s Cup” in chess was held at TTPU

The “Rector’s Cup” in chess was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

TTPU hosted the “Rector’s Cup” in chess, where about 60 students from the university and academic lyceum took part.

Tournament results:

1st place — Raupov Nasrullo

2nd place – Jahongirov Samandar;

3rd place – Abdukayumov Akbar.

Congratulations to the winners!

We want to remind that the awards ceremony will take place on April 27

An event dedicated to the referendum on the Constitutional Law draft

On March 30, 2023, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent hosted an event dedicated to the essence and significance of the referendum on the Constitutional Law draft of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” .
The first vice-rector of the university, A. Ashurov, opened the event and spoke about the upcoming referendum and noted that special attention was paid to young people, as well as education and science in the updated Constitution.

Professor of Tashkent State Law University, doctor of legal sciences, Feruza Abdurashidovna Muhitdinova also took part in the event and gave a comprehensive understanding (understanding or explanation) of referendum concept, its legal basis, amendments and additions to our Constitution. She noted that more than 220,000 suggestions were received from citizens through the “Meningkonstitutsiyam.uz” electronic platform and social networks, where citizens’ opinions and suggestions regarding the constitution draft were organized, and one out of every four of them was included in the draft.

H. Sadikov – judge of the Almazor district court for criminal cases, highlighted that the new version of the Constitution is an important factor in creating social, democratic-legal foundations, increasing the well-being of the population, further enhancing human rights and interests, and dignity.

It was also noted that for the first time in the history of the country, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted through a referendum, that the referendum was direct expression of people’s will, and that the decisions made in the referendum would have supreme legal force.

“Books and reading – a mirror of human spirituality”

On March 31, 2023, a literary contest “Books and reading – a mirror of human spirituality” was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent within the framework of book lovers’ club meetings. In the contest, the teams formed from book-loving members, competed in four conditions. The contest was very interesting and in high spirits.

According to the results of the contest conditions, the 1st place was won by “Flight of Thought”, 2nd place by “Javahir” and 3rd place by “Koinot”. All participants were awarded with diplomas and a set of books as souvenirs.

“Fine art” contest was held at the university

Within the framework of the “5 important initiatives” put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, in order to increase the interest of young people in music, literature, painting, theater and other types of art, and to reveal their talent, on March 29, 2023, “Fine art” art competition was organized among university students and academic lyceum students. They demonstrated their talents in a free style on various topics.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent held the 2nd stage of “Zakovat” game

On March 28, 2023 the 2nd stage of Zakovat club was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The main goal is to organize students’ free time meaningfully, and further strengthen their extracurricular knowledge in a wide range of ways, and to form the skills of being able to express their thoughts deeply on various topics.

Following teams participated in the game:

1. “The best”

2. “Turin Lyceum”

3. “Managers TOP”

4. “Evreka”

Moderators of the club, tutors of academic groups Jamshid Makhkamov and Mirshod Eshonkulov started the game.

At the end of the event, participants from each team shared their opinions about the game.

Literary evening was held among members of  TTPU book lovers club

On March 24, a social evening was held as part of the next spiritual and educational meeting of the book lovers’ club, in the summer library of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

On this evening, participants of the event talked about the importance of books in person’s life.

The members of the club expressed their opinions in this regard and recited samples from poems such as Zulfiyaxonim, Erkin Voxidov, Abdulla Oripov, Muxammad Yusuf, Halima Xudoyberdiyeva, Xurshid Davron of other Uzbek poets who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek poetry.

At the end of the event, the students who actively participated in the festival were awarded with books.

Admission exam (phase 1) was held at TTPU

On march17, the admission exam (phase 1) for 2023/2024 academic year was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The applicants have taken an exam for the following tracks “Mechanical engineering”, “Automotive engineering”, “Сivil engineering”, “Computer engineering”. Professors from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) participated in the exam to control the transparent examination process.

Applicants were evaluated by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, which consisted of the following questions:

Mathematics: 18 questions
Comprehension: 6 questions
Logic: 6 questions
Physics: 12 questions

An intellectual game “Zakovat” was held among the network young employees.

On march 14, 2023, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent hosted an intellectual game “Zakovat”, for the young workers of the network by the Tashkent regional of the labour union’s division council of metallurgical and mechanical engineering industry employees of Uzbekistan located in Tashkent city and Tashkent region. “Turin bilimdonlari” and “Orzu” team of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, “Elektroapparat” of “Uzelektroapparat” JSC, “Uzinzi” of JV “Ozavtoinzi”, “Bilimdon” of Chilonzor professional School №1 and “Metallurgs” team of “Uzmetkombinat” JSC took part in the game.

In this game, which consisted of logical and interesting questions, the teams demonstrated their intellectual potential. At the end of the game, according to the result of the highest points collected from the 20th question, the “Metallurgs” team of “Uzmetkombinat” JSC won the proud 1st place among Tashkent region, “Turin Bilmdonlari” of the Turin Polytechnic University, won the proud 1st place among Tashkent city, and will participate in the final Republic stage. The event was attended by the deputy chairman of the Republican Council of the labour union “Uzmetmashsanoat” Sh. Israilov, the rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J. Inoyathojayev and the head of the department of the Tashkent City Council of the Federation of Labour Unions of Uzbekistan D. Meliyev.

At the end of the event, the winners were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the TurinPolytechnic University inTashkent and Indonesian Association of Science and Technology Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education

On march 13, 2023 delegation from the Indonesian Embassy in Tashkent and Association of Science and Technology Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

In the framework of the visit, memorandum of understanding was signed between the Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent and Faculties of Engineering of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology of Ahmad Dahlan University. Also MoU was signed between Mechanical Engineering, Civil engineering and Computer engineering faculties of TTPU with faculties of Engineering of the Association universities.
The scope of cooperation under the MoU includes  academic collaboration, students, faculty members exchange, development of joint research projects and others.   

 DSc. Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: “We do hope that the MoU has become the first step in building a long-term and fruitful cooperation between the institutions aimed to strengthen the international cooperation and explore further research opportunities”.

“As from the embassy, we would like to welcome the initiation of cooperation between the universities and  do believe that collaboration with Science and Technology Association of Muhammadyah in future will make a great benefit to the university and Uzbek community as well” сommented Ms. Sintia C. Saeh, First Secretary/Head of Information, Social and Culture of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The goal of our visit is to conduct good collaboration not only in education, but also in research and industry with the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent” noted Ph.D Yun Arifatul Fatimah, Faculty of Engineering- Muhammadiyah University of Magelang.

During the visit, the delegation members also got acquainted with TTPU’s information resourse center, technology park and mechatronics centres.

A seminar with the participation of Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – took place at TTPU

On March 10, 2023, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the “Tashkent – A Sustainable City” Seminar.

During the event, TTPU students learned about the Italian experience in the field of Urban development and finding solutions for mobility, following the scenario of a sustainable city, in the context of the current process of dynamic urbanization.

The seminar program included a presentation by Carlo Ratti, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founder of the Carlo Ratti Associati. This is not his first meeting with our university, and he has previously participated in similar events online. 

According to DSc. Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, such meetings provide an opportunity to be equipped with the necessary tools to solve problems related to the rapid growth of the capital and megacities in general.

Representatives of Politecnico di Torino and the Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute also took part in the seminar.

“The development of Tashkent attracts the attention and interest of many international specialists, which is great. Many interesting ideas were expressed during the seminar. Examples of various projects with different approaches and design methods were presented. Students’ particular interest in discussing international experiences is extremely important nowadays in the education of the younger generation.” commented Prof. Michele Bonino, Rector’s Delegate for International Relations with China and Asian Countries (Politecnico di Torino).

During the event, DSc Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, solemnly handed over to Prof. Carlo Ratti the mantle of honorary professor and a certificate of the corresponding title.

For information:

An architect and engineer by training, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directs the Senseable City Lab, and is a founding partner of the international design office Carlo Ratti Associati. He graduated from the Politecnico di Torino and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, and later earned his MPhil and Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, UK

Ratti has co-authored over 500 publications and holds several patents. His work has been exhibited worldwide at venues such as the Venice Biennale, the Design Museum in Barcelona, the Science Museum in London, and The Museum of Modern Art in New York. TIME Magazine has included two of his projects – the Digital Water Pavilion and the Copenhagen Wheel – in the list of the ‘Best Inventions of the Year’.

Carlo Ratti has been featured in Esquire Magazine’s “Best and Brightest” list and in Wired Magazine’s “Smart List.” Blueprint Magazine included him among the “25 People who will Change the World of Design,” and Fast Company named him as one of the “50 Most Influential Designers in America.”

Innovative devices for military sphere

Robot-sapper – “Zirhli Tulpor”, created by engineers and students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the basis of a grant from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Robotic complex “Zirhli Tulpor”, designed for remote disposal of explosive devices.

“Zirhli Tulpor” is used for visual reconnaissance, search and initial diagnosis of suspicious objects using television cameras, and special attachments. For the evacuation of defused explosive devices, the complex is equipped with special containers. The robot is also used when performing technological operations to provide access to potentially dangerous objects.

The control of the robotic complex is carried out both by cable and by radio, depending on situation. The duration of continuous operation of the robot is from two to four hours. The caterpillar platform allows Zirhli Tulpor to overcome thresholds 250 mm high and water barriers up to 200 mm deep.


  • Dimensions:-Length 70-80sm; width 30-40sm
  • Infrared cameras
  • Signal suppressor
  • Camera 360* view
  • Remote control within a radius of 500m
  • Lighting system
  • GPS-tracking
  • Mobile cameras
  • Sensors for finding mines
  • Obstacle sensors

  • Sensors for terrain and surface design
  • Load capacity up to 35kg
  • Robot weight 160kg
  • Manipulator rotation angle 180
  • 4 motors for grasping and lifting an object
  • Battery life 2 hours
  • Tracked chassis
  • Weather protection (dust, moisture)
  • Impact resistant design.

TTPU representatives at FarPI

On February 20, 2022, representatives of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent visited the Ferghana Polytechnic Institute and met with school graduates of the region.
Graduates were informed about the conditions created at the university, educational areas, entrance scores to the university, international joint programs.

Also within the framework of the visit, a meeting was organized with FarPI students, at which TTPU professor Guido Marchetto gave the students detailed information about the master’s program and student exchange.
At the end of the event, students received detailed answers to all their questions.

Chess tournament was held at TTPU

On February 14, 2022, a chess tournament was held on the occasion of the 540th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. University students and Turin academic lyceum pupils participated in the tournament.

Here are the winners:

– 1st place – Otabek Umarov, Turin Academic Lyceum pupil;

– 2nd place – Fazliddinov Shokhjakhan, Turin Academic Lyceum pupil.

– 3rd place – Turaev Golib, a 1st year student, Xabibullaev Umidjon-the 4th year student of the university.

At the end of the tournament, the winners were awarded certificates and gifts.

Another meeting of members of university book lovers club was held

On January 25, 2022, another spiritual and educational meeting of members of book lovers’ club was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

At the meeting, the club members discussed the story “Alvido bolalik” by Uzbek people’s writer Tahir Malik.

At the beginning of the event, a video about the writer’s life and work was shown for the participants in order to get detailed information about the writer. The moderator of the club meeting, the tutor of academic groups Fakhriddin Sattiyev, gave a word to Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector for work with youth, to start the discussion of the book.

The discussion of the book took place in high spirit, full of debates, and the 1st grade student Abdugaffarova Madina, who was recognized by the club members as the most active participant, was gifted a set of books.

At the end of the event, the participants agreed to read and discuss rubai and ghazals, dedicated to the life and work of the great poet and thinker, statesman Mir Alisher Navoi and the great Uzbek poet, historian and statesman, founder of the Baburi dynasty and kingdom – Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

Protecting the motherland is the everyone’s duty

In order properly celebrate the Day of Defenders of the motherland widely as a national holiday, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  despite the winter vacation at the university, on January 12, an online event was held on the topic “Protecting the Motherland, Everyone’s Duty”.

  Colonel Hotamov Shuhrat Nasirovich, an employee of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor of the socio-humanitarian department, visited the event as a guest. Also, the first vice-rector of the university A. Ashurov, the head of department of work with youth – G. Allamova, the internal affairs department of the Almazor district attached to the university, senior inspector of prevention lieutenant colonel Sh. Yusupov, the methodists of the youth work department H. Kamilova , the head of the university music club M. Saparbaev, our tutors – university adviser on family and women issues F. Nabihanova, M. Esonkulov, F. Sattiev, J. Mahkamov and talented university students Urunov Asadbek and Rustamov Dilmurod. participated with the presentations of their projects “Universal battery modular for electric mobiles” and “Innovative military kit”.

Those who took part in this event online participated with their opinions and received detailed answers to their questions.

Visit to the “Memorial of Repression’s Victims” museum

In order to spend their free time usefully, students of the Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent, visited the Museum “Memorial of Repression Victims” under the leadership of the academic group tutor Eshonkulov Mirshod.

During the visit, the students got acquainted with the life, work, and scientific activities of our great enlightened ancestors, such as Abdulla Qadiri, Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdulla Avloni, Abdurauf Fitrat, Abdulhamid Cholpon, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the independence of our country, the preservation of our nation’s pride, its values, and rich spirituality. Each section of the museum is enriched with historical sources presented by the people, families and descendants of the repression victims, and obtained from archival documents in the museum.

Lectures and introductions by the scientific staff of the museum on establishment and historical significance of the memorial complex “Memorial of Martyrs” and the museum “Memorial of Victims of Repression” made a great impression on the students.

Museums have a special role in moral upliftment of the society, education of the young generation in the spirit of respect for national values. Historical sources collected in them, expositions reflecting the past of the people, introduce us to the life, struggle and rich heritage of our ancestors. One of the functions of museums in our social and political life is the center of education and training.