The 5th meeting of the ERAMCA project and the Final Workshop were convened from January 7 to 11 of 2024 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU)

The 5th meeting of the ERAMCA project and the Final Workshop were convened from January 7 to 11 of 2024 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), Uzbekistan. The aim of the meeting was to gather all ERAMCA project partners at TTPU to discuss the progress of the activation of the ERAMCA master degree program and laboratory in every partner university.

The following high-level guests participated at the meeting: Ms. Sara Noshadi,Head of the UNESCO Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Ms. Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Coordinator of National Erasmus + Office in Uzbekistan; Mr. Botir Abdullayev, Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Tursunali Kuziev, Deputy Director of the Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Alessandro LIAMINE, Programme Manager of Cooperation Section Delegation of the European Union.

At the end of the meeting the delegation visited the new ERAMCA laboratory, met master students and got acquainted with their research activities.

TTPU progressing to develop key specialists in the field of the restoration of historical monuments

TTPU, ERAMCA ERASMUS + second level master students are successfully strengthening their obtained theoretical knowledge on the restoration of historical monuments in practice.

From 18 to 22 September 2023, students actively participated in restoration projects of timber construction of Juma mosques, Khiva under the supervision of specialists and restorers from Half-timbered center Quedlinburg, Germany.

During the project following restoration works have been performed:

  • Restoration of historical column and door
  • Elimination of damaged parts and production of new fitting parts
  • Restoration of historical timber frame construction
  • Restoration of historical painting, mixing ecologically color based on historical recipes for color

Japanese professors were awarded the title of “Honorary Professor” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Yasushi Niitsu, professor of Japan’s Denki University, and Chikahiro Minova, professor of the National Research Institute of Earth Sciences and Natural Disaster Resilience, were awarded the title of “Honorary Professor” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Professor Chikahiro Minova is famous for his scientific work on “Analysis and strengthening of seismic independence of buildings”. Minova Chikahiro headed many years of scientific projects, such as learning the experience of Japanese people on the construction of seismic priority buildings, establishing the activity of laboratories organized in the institute.

Japanese professors held a seminar training at TTPU

On July 31 and August 1, 2023, a two-day scientific seminar training was organized at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent with the support of experts from Japan.
For the seminar, specialists and researchers from Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, and Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction were invited.
Professor Yasushi Niitsu from Tokyo Denki University and Chikahiro Minova from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience participated in this seminar.
In seminar training, seminar participants and Japanese professors jointly conducted an image-processing experiment with a small building model.

Master Degree Program: “Restoration and Conservation of Historical Monuments”











Overview of the Program

The Master Course will cover the interdisciplinary approach to complex problems of environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

Curriculum of the master program was developed in the frame work of ERAMCA EU ERASMUS+ project (https://eramca.com/) which considers real needs, knowledge and expertise for restoration and conservation of historical monuments of Central Asian Countries.

The overall pedagogical approach is to set up with an outline of innovative learning schemes, including e-learning and learning by doing.


Program Offer

In this program, students will learn main aspects and skills in the field of geomatics, seismic engineering, hydrogeology, restoration and geotechnics, which will later on be applied to develop best practice in order to design restoration and conservation strategies for historical monuments.

The Master Course’s teaching methodology is incorporated into the general structure of the course and enables students to continue their education for PhD study programs either in European, national or international institutions.

Furthermore, due to the wide-ranging field incorporated into the proposed course, it offers an easy approach to variety of specific research topics or job placement opportunities. 


Course Activities

The two-year Master Course is divided into four semesters (two years). The overall number of 120 ECTS credits is assigned for Master Course and is divided into 30 ECTS per semester (60 ECTS per year). The number of credits per subject is in general 6 ECTS as in many European countries. See the curriculum of the master course.

First-year students are provided with theoretical backgrounds on different disciplines with basic training to learn the use of software and instruments.

Second-year students are involved in the analysis and data collection from specific case studies where they can elaborate the idea for the final thesis. 


Course Activities

The 4th semester is comprised with the research (laboratory or field work), oriented Master’s thesis writing and submission (research-based learning) of total 20 ECTS.


Starting from 2024-2025 academic year

Program duration: 2 years

Language: English and Russian

Application deadline: 30 September, 2024


The tuition fee is 15 000 000 (fifteen million ) UZB sums for 1 year (two semester).








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Civil and Industrial Engineering/Architecture and Design


Assessment of seismic stability of historical monuments is one of the big challenges faced by many civil engineers. This is because historical monuments are sophisticated in nature and made of comprehensive architectural elements such as domes, arches, beam roofs, facades, ornamental frames and rosettes. Computer modeling of these unique monuments with these geometric figures are not always easy. But this issue may be resolved with the usage of tools in Building Information Modeling and workflows.  

Digital Architecture Team has organized a demo project to assess the seismic stability of Ash-Shoshiy Mausoleum in Khasti Imom Complex in Tashkent. First of all, the interior and exterior sides of Mausoleum were scanned with the usage of FARO M70 instrument and all point clouds were registered. Then Sketch Up and Revit model was constructed by using registered point clouds. In Revit model, properties of construction materials of Mausoleum are also provided.

Ash-Shoshiy Mausoleum, Khasti Imom Complex in Tashkent
Top view of Ash-Shoshiy Mausoleum and location of FARO M70 laser scanner

In the final stage, Revit model of Mausoleum was uploaded to LIRA 10 software with its material properties to assess seismic stability. Next, acquired solid experience will be used in historic cities of Uzbekistan.

Registered point cloud of Ash-Shoshiy Mausoleum
Revit model of Ash-Shoshiy Mausoleum

“Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses” Project

In the fall of 2021, Digital Architecture Team (DAT) of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) joined the “Traditional Bukharian Jewish Houses” project in the city of Bukhara to bring its own technical expertise to a unique project implemented by the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (IICAS) and Bukhara National University. Its funding comes from the World Monuments Fund (WMF). 

The aim of the project is to utilize the latest digital technologies for electronic documentation and creating the best conservation practice guidelines for Bukharian Traditional Jewish Houses. 

The first phase of the project was conducted from 25 of September and the first day of October of 2021 in the historical areas of Bukhara.  

Only a cohort of students joined DAT under the strong leadership of professors from Civil Engineer and Architecture Department at TTPU in a joint collaboration with a specialist of IICAS. So far, the project members successfully reached the objectives put forward in the first phase of the project. 

The objectives were both to survey the three traditional Jewish Houses and to document them electronically with the usage of FARO M70 terrestrial laser scanner and other geodetic surveying instruments. It should be noted that these geodetic instruments were purchased in the framework of ERAMCA project which stands for Environmental Risk Assessment And Mitigation On Cultural Heritage Assets In Central Asia https://eramca.com/. 


The second phase of the project is to be conducted in the summer of 2022 within the historical part of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Details of the process of research and structural modeling of buildings.


A seminar on “Importance of Lectures in Civil Engineering Projects” is to be hold!

TTPU Makes Differences on Preserving Objects of Cultural Heritages in Uzbekistan


SEPTEMBER 17, 2020


Laureate: TTPU Makes Differences on Preserving Objects of Cultural Heritages in Uzbekistan

September 17, 2020
By Khasan Khankeldiyev, TTPU’s International Relations Department

Local participants of the seminar on preserving objects of the cultural heritages are getting ready to meet their counterparts from Italy, Germany, Croatia and Tajikistan via Zoom platform at TTPU’s conference hall (September 15, 2020).

At a seminar on preserving the cultural heritages held at TTPU this week, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abdusafi Rahmonov, said that Turin Polytechnic University makes differences and takes the responsibility while none of the universities of construction and architecture across Uzbekistan raised this issue. As a senior specialist at the Restoration and Research Department of Cultural Heritages in Tashkent, Mr. Rahmonov said that we need to rush to save the last brick and that traffic fumes are destroying historical monuments.

Thanks to ERAMCA Erasmus + project, local honorary speakers, professors and researchers met their counterparts from Italy, Germany, Croatia and Tajikistan in a virtual conference to shed light on problems that deteriorate conditions of cultural heritage sites in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. 

In his opening speech, Dr. Jamshid Inoyatkhodjayev, Rector of TTPU,  said,  “Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are meeting our Western partners online and have local partners here in the university’s  conference hall, but I can assure you it won’t affect the quality of the seminar at all.”

Dr. Inoyatkhodjayev was absolutely right as the quality of the seminar was really sustained from start to end as participants hotly debated over issues like restoring a school of restorers and the apathy of certain bodies of organizations to rushing to save the last brick of certain historical monuments.

A leading scholar and professor of Politecnico di Torino, Fulvio Rinaudo, said that frankness among participants will truly shed light on problems. Moreover, Alisher Yarkulov, a specialist at the Department for Preservation and Utilization of Cultural Objects of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan said that by optimizing our abilities and utilizing the experience and technologies of advanced Western economies in regard to the restoration of cultural objects, we will succeed in our mutual effort.

“History is not only historical monuments but also people, cultures, streets and dwellings. We should let those dwellings evolve along with historical monuments in their surroundings. We cannot just sweep away these historical dwellings and build modern buildings around historical monuments.” 

— Askar Khasanov, Professor of the Department Geotechnical engineering department, SamSACII


ERAMCA stands for Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation on Cultural Heritage Assets in Central Asia. It is a joint capacity building project between three program countries (Italy, Germany and Croatia) and two partner countries (Uzbekistan and Tajikistan). Since February 2020, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has been implementing an ERASMUS + ERAMCA project.

Laureate: TTPU Makes Differences on Preserving Objects of Cultural Heritages in Uzbekistan TTPU

Turin Polytechnic University Conducts a Seminar on Preserving the Cultural Heritage Sites this September

February 13, 2020, Turin, Italy, the kick-off meeting of ERAMCA ERASMUS + project.

Strategy Forum on need analysis in Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation on Cultural Heritage Assets in Central Asia is to be conducted at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on September 15, 2020, within the framework of the ERAMCA Erasmus + project.

Keynote speakers, researchers and participants of partner countries are expected to participate in the conference hall of the university or at least meet online in a virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you want to join online webinar, please contact bonu.azizova@gmail.com to get a webinar link.

Turin Polytechnic University and the World Bank for the Safety of Public Schools in the City of Andijan

Turin Polytechnic University students are in a field of study in one of the public schools in the city of Andijan (August 9, 2019).

Turin Polytechnic University students and a team of experts assessed the seismic resistance of a number of public schools in the city of Andijan under the World Bank School Safety Project from August 1 to August 14 of 2019.

Professors and students from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and experts from the Institute of Mechanics and Seismology participated in field research to collect the necessary information from 9 different buildings and assess the seismic resistance of objects in the city of Andijan using Performance-Based Design technology.

The two-week research came out with the findings that helped the team develop blueprints and completed custom assessment questionnaires for each building block.

The next task of the team was to develop a structural model of buildings and conduct modeling to assess the seismic resistance of buildings using a special computer program.

For follow-ups of this news story, please check our news and upcoming events section.

To learn more about the research findings and structural modeling of the buildings to seismic resistance, please check the publication section of our department or just click on this link.


Professor Anvar Yumitov, Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures, is in a field of study in a public school in the city of Andijan (August 8, 2019).