Second trip by “Unlock Tours” program

On the 10th of March of this year, Unlock Tours program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the next trip to the largest factory of Artel company, producing the household appliances.
45 students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, who passed through a selection among more than 110 people, had the opportunity to visit Artel factory and get acquainted with one of its largest sectors – the section of thermoplastic household appliances production and section of washing machines’ and refrigerators’ assembly.

The guides and the administration of the plant explained the details of the conveyor process, the principles of equipment operation and answered numerous questions of students. A cognitive excursion interested every student. Especially, students were impressed with the volume of household appliances production by domestic manufacturers.

We are very grateful to the administration of Artel company factory and the Unlock project team for the opportunity to get acquainted with the factory’s activities and to gain knowledge in the home appliances production area.

Competition “Among Girls -2020”

Women and girls are compared with spring and spring with them. Beauty, elegance, renewal are combined in the concepts of spring and woman. The role of women in the family is priceless. Wise, beautiful women with their care, kindness and sincerity keep calm in the family and in society as a whole and also create an atmosphere of purity, honesty, sincerity and justice.

Increasing the socio-political activity of women in the country, increasing their spiritual and intellectual potential, strengthening their health, protecting families, motherhood and childhood are the policies of our state.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in order to provide an opportunity to test the abilities of girls in any field, organized a contest “Among Girls – 2020”.

For a fair assessment of the contest participants professionals in each of their areas of competition were invited :
– Director of Autoradio – Kamola Ermatova
– Director of the restaurant “Banquette Hall” – Dilnoza Sharipova
– Senior Researcher at the Center for Innovative Development under the Ministry of Innovative Development – Ulmas Zoirov
– Stylists of the beauty salon “S-Class”
– Founder and chief designer of the Anor brand, chairman of the Council of young designers – Dilnoza Umirzokova.

Participants demonstrated their abilities in 5 stages:
– “My mirror image” (presentation about yourself);
– “Cooking Secrets” (video about cooking and tasting dishes)
– “My innovative idea” (presentation of own innovation)
– “I-stylist” (creating the image of the model)
– “I’m on the podium” (creating your own image)

The most active girls of the university competed to show their superiority in agility, skill, intelligence and knowledge. The jury evaluated the participants in various trials. According to the results of the competition “Among Girls 2020” among female students, the first place was awarded to a first-year student Ozodova Shakhrizoda.

Each participant was awarded with diplomas and prizes from the university. Such events play an important role in educating our girls in harmony with national traditions. Girls with knowledge of oriental etiquette, gestures and traditions of grandmothers prove that they must become future husbands, husbands, mothers and make a worthy contribution to the solid foundation of the family society that they will build.

Eastern education, quick wit, knowledge of the traditions of our ancestors will become a support for our girls in their becoming worthy companions, excellent guardians of the hearth and exemplary mothers.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on December 28, 2019 No. DP-4553 “On Measures to Further Expand and Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan,” Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, U. Salomov and Head of the Department of International Relations in the university, J. Abdujalilov, visited the city of Hiroshima, Japan.

On the 19th of February of this year, the meeting with the president of Hiroshima University Mitsuo Ochi was organized. In the meeting, an agreement on academic and educational exchange was signed.

During a conversation with Vice President of Hiroshima University Yasushi Maruyama, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Professor Atsushi Sugeta and Head of the Department of International Relations Professor Toru Takashina, it was reached an agreement on educating the students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the Master’s program of Hiroshima University in Japan, organizing the exchange program of professors and teachers and conducting joint researches. Also, it was agreed to realize a program on obtaining a bilateral academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy sciences.

Together with Balcom company, it was signed an agreement on the creation of a training center at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The goal of this center will be exchanging experience with reputable Japanese companies, preparing the university graduates and educating technical skills to train qualified specialists who can compete in the global labor market. In the future, for the purposes of professional development, graduates who successfully completed their studies at the center will get a job in international companies in Japan.

Also, Balcom company is planning to provide a grant program for Master’s Degree for talented students to study at the University of Hiroshima.
The experience of the University of Hiroshima taken from cooperation in the field of science and industry will be laid down in the training center and carry out trilateral activity.

There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam!

In our country, large-scale efforts are being made to preserve the purity of our sacred religion, to create new mosques and madrassas and to study the scientific heritage of great philosophers who have made a huge contribution to the development of Islamic culture. Unfortunately, nowadays, while there are forces that aimed to achieve their goals through various conflicts, actions that create conflicting situations will continue to be perceived. Even in the 21st century, when the ideological struggle escalates, peace and tranquility become a dream for many countries. An example of this can be the bloody conflict that took place in 2011–2016 in some Arab countries as a result of the political crisis and is still being continued. It is not a secret that in these countries the massacres, murdering innocent people during the so-called “Arab spring”, are mainly religious forces used by extremist movements and terrorist groups.
On the 20th of February of this year, a round table was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the topic “There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam” and “Information attack on social networks”.
The welcome speech of the event was spoken by Vice-Rector on Working with Youth Alisher Ashurov. In his speech, he talked about the threats of religious extremism and terrorism to the international community, about protecting young people from such dangers, about ensuring peace and stability and preserving the sacred religion in our country. The main tool of religious and extremist organizations to achieve their goals using modern information communications, promoting Internet sites in different languages and creating virtual communities, which is based on a well-developed strategy. The growing popularity of such forums, turning into fanaticism especially among young people, testifies to the seriousness of the problem. In addition, mobile messengers, which serve as a bridge to social networks, greatly facilitate their work.
The main purpose of this event was to familiarize young people about the threat of religious extremism and terrorism and to create immunity against destructive ideas to counter these forces when its necessary.
The next speech man was Dilafruz Turdieva, a teacher at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. In her speech, Dilafruz Turdieva informed students about religious extremism and terrorism, becoming a global problem nowadays, which manifests itself in various forms, about a number of terrorist organizations disguising the Islamic religion, and about their movements. She also encouraged students to be vigilant and aware of the threats posed by various religious extremist organizations. Due to the activity of terrorist organizations on Internet sites and social networks, she accented the need for caution.
The Internet is the result of the evolution of science and technology. Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. The global network is becoming more significant, especially in the lives of young age. Thanks to the Internet, it is becoming much easier for people from different parts of the world to interact and share information. According to statistics, a huge number of Internet users in the world are young age people from 21 to 30 years. According to Dilafruz Turdieva, day by day the number of Internet users in Uzbekistan is increasing.
At the end of the event, students had the opportunity to get answers to all the interested questions.

Remembering the great poets …

These days, events dedicated to the birthdays of two great ancestors of poetry: the founder of Uzbek classical literature, Hazrat Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoi and the great king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur – are widely celebrated in all educational institutions. In particular, on the 13th of February of this year, an evening of creativity took place at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent called “Remembering the Great Poets”.

The event was attended by Afzal Rafikov, National artist of Uzbekistan, who contributed to the Uzbek dubbing for more than 1000 films. In addition, an event was attended by teachers and students of the academic lyceum at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, university staff, teachers and students.

The event was opened by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Igor Semone Stievano. Igor Semone Stevano acquainted the students with the life and work of Navoi and Babur, their artistic and scientific heritage, and spoke with admiration about the respect given to the great ancestors in the country and their role in enriching the imagination of the young generation. At the end of his speech, the vice-rector spoke a poem translated from the “Alisher Navoi Gazelle” into English.

The literary part of the event began with gazelles and rubies of priceless figures of spirituality and literature of Mir Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, represented by talented university students.

The priceless works of geniuses have become the property of mankind thanks to their spiritual depth and artistic excellence. Students also presented a sketch of the drama of Uygun “Alisher Navoi” and Khurshid Davron “Baburshokh”. These performances show the enormous significance of works of art, the artistic nature, deep philosophy, educational significance, the spirit of patriotism and commitment to the country, the strengthening of a sense of kindness and mutual respect.

One of the highlights of the event was a video about the golden heritage of the World of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur from the university administration, teachers and students.

The main speaker in the event was Afzal Rafikov, who noted that studying the heritage of our great-grandfathers is a great honor. The exemplary life of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, their versatile creativity and outstanding works on the development of science still amaze the world. We are all inspired by such ideas as the beautiful artistic expression of the human spirit, spiritual perfection, peace and prosperity, interethnic harmony and prosperity of the country.

Any studies about their life and creations, this is not enough. When we study gazelles and poems, love for their creations grows. In his speech, A. Rafikov mentioned that playing the role of A. Navoi, it appears the pride in his heart.

After the words of the king of dubbing, the Tanovar dance, prepared by university students, added color to the event.

The end of the creative evening was presented to Sultanov Mansur Kilikovich, the head of the educational-methodical department. In his speech, he thanked all the guests and representatives of the university for their contribution to the event.

А youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden

On the 8th of February of this year, it was held a youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. The event included masterclasses, performances, contests and exhibitions of all Tashkent high educational institutions.

Students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent presented their robotic developments and technical projects like 3D-printer, Humanoid robot and an unmanned aerial vehicle.

In addition, many young people interested in our university had the opportunity to receive information about university education, opportunities and entrance exams.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the joint-stock company «O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” are conducting joint works.

A branch of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering of Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) was established on the territory of the Design and Technology Center for Agricultural Machinery of the Tashkent Agricultural Mechanical engineering Plant of the “O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” Joint-Stock Company.

For lectures, practical and laboratory work, a room is allocated, equipped with desks, chairs, video projectors and demonstration materials. A list of more than 80 modern educational and scientific literature in the industry has been compiled and purchase orders have been placed.

For 4-year students (40 students) studying at TPUT in the field of mechanical engineering technology, the lesson schedule for the course until the end of the 2019-2020 academic year was approved in the subject “Testing of agricultural techniques and technologies”.

In order to conduct laboratory and practical classes at the branch, two professors and teachers of TTPU and two leading employees of the Tashkent Agricultural Equipment Plant are involved.

A list of problematic topics and projects for joint research of practical and innovative projects for 2019-2020 is being formed in collaboration with the Department of Engineering Technologies and Aerospace Engineering, TTPU, Turin Invest Engineering LLC and the “O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” Joint-Stock Company.

2 researchers and 2 doctoral students of TPUT will perform dissertation works, as well as 10 of 4-year students will perform final qualification works on problematic issues of “O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” Joint-Stock Company, where 5 qualified employees of the enterprise are involved in their scientific management.

For lectures, practical classes and summer internships for students on the territory of the Tashkent Center for the Design and Technology of Agricultural Machinery, visual models of tractors and agricultural machines, including cotton assembly parts, were provided.

In order to ensure activity in the joint-stock company “O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING”, 6 professors and teachers of TPUT took part in an interview, among which Mirzaliev Sanzhar was hired as deputy head of the department of innovation and investment projects and localization, Tajiev Zafar as a leading engineer and Khakimzhanov Ruslan as a leading specialist of the production planning department.

Family is the foundation of society  


Many people, especially women, mistakenly believe that the higher the cost of a party at weddings, family events and ceremonies, the better their relationship with the bride. The growth of the aforementioned negative consequences had a profound effect not only on the social status of thousands of families but also on their entire lives, as well as on the spiritual environment in our society. In order to eliminate these situations and strictly regulate weddings, family celebrations and ceremonies, stabilize the social and spiritual atmosphere in families, ensure social justice in society, and create a culture of salvation of the population, especially youth, on September 14, 2019, it was approved the Regulation “On the Procedure for Family Weddings, anniversary celebrations, family memorial rites and events dedicated to the memory of the dead” at a joint meeting of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, which entered into force in January of this year.

  1. Aripova continued her speech, presenting two important laws of the President of our Republic as a vivid example of attention to women:
  2. Law No. 561 of September 2, 2019, on the Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence
  3. Law No. 562 of September 2, 2019, On Gender Equality of Women and Men

“Domestic violence” is one of the most common crimes in the world. In most cases, women suffer from this crime. That is why countries and international organizations pay particular attention to protecting women’s rights.

“The law prohibits all forms of violence against people, including women. However, most Uzbek women do not turn to anyone, even if their rights have been violated by their spouse or their parents. As a result, the situation becomes more complicated and unpleasant. To prevent this, Centers for the Social Adaptation of Women were created in the regions. Their main task is to rehabilitate and adapt victims of violence and prevent suicides, identify and solve the problems of women who have been tortured in public life, family or others, to take regular preventive measures to prevent further adverse events, to identify dysfunctional family, family living out of wedlock or a family in which husbands have two or three wives, as well as to prevent their future crimes and offenses, ”said O. Aripova.

On the second question, Senior Colonel O. Matchonova, Senior Inspector for Women of the Almazar District Department of Internal Affairs, began her talk about early divorces. In recent years, the problem of divorce has become one of the most pressing problems in our society. Tashkent is currently the leader in family divorces throughout the country.

Since ancient times, the family was respected as a sanctuary, and it was protected from extraneous influences. When it comes to oriental upbringing, Uzbek families have always been exemplary. Unfortunately, today due to the lack of spirituality of adults, their attempts at self-expression and unreasonable interference in the lives of young families, the number of divorces is increasing, the family is falling apart and the children are left without parents.

Since the relations of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, early marriages, the intervention of adults or third parties in the lives of young people, as well as incompatibility lead to the breakup of young families, O. Matchonova noted in her speech on the activities of the relevant authorities that prepare young people for family life, help restoration of family relations and prevent family divorces, illegal and early marriages.

In order to determine the opinions and suggestions of students on this topic, they were asked questions and meetings continued in the form of discussions. During the conversation, students also asked the speakers their questions and received the necessary answers.

Summing up, it should be noted that the future of our society depends on the strength of the family. In this regard, each of us should become an example in the family and raise children so that they feel responsible and protect their family from everything that could become a threat. After all, a healthy family is the beginning of upbringing right generation and creating a strong family.

New study program in space systems and communication engineering

TTPUA research project related to an artificial earth satellite has begun at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Since November 15, 2019, the Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) in collaboration with several international and local universities, within the framework of the European program Erasmus +, launched the project “New study program in space systems and communication engineering” – SPACECOM).



TTPUOn November 20, all partner universities met at the Tashkent University of Information Technology (TUIT). European partners from Berlin Technical University (Germany) and EXOLAUNCH (Germany) participated also took part in the occasion. During the meeting, the main objectives and conditions of the project were discussed.

The first conference on this project is scheduled for March 4, 2020, at TUIT.

Photo report from the first republican competition from the GRBS team and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

The competition results will be announced in 10 days at the official ceremony of GRBS and TTPU.

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“We are your defenders, my Motherland!”

To love the Motherland, to protect and preserve it as the apple of the eye, to fight for its independence and prospects, for peace and prosperity and even sacrifice your own life for it is the duty of every citizen. Our defenders devote their whole lives to protecting the borders of our country.

This year “The Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” was widely celebrated at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The event was attended by the Vice-Rector of the University A. Ashurov, the Chairman of the Creative Union of Cinematographers of Uzbekistan M.Matchonov and the Honored Artist of Uzbekistan R.Aliyev.

The event was opened by Vice-Rector on Working with Youth A. Ashurov. In his speech, he noted that defending the homeland is indeed an honorable duty of every citizen, regardless of age, occupation and profession. He also noted about the attention paid to the celebration of “the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” in the republic, about the National Army, which is an integral part of our society and becoming the leading institution for educating the younger generation and military personnel in the spirit of patriotism, strengthening their active position and increasing their sense of civil responsibility.

Students of the academic lyceum at the university opened the artistic part of the event with poems about peace in the country, about feeling and love to the motherland. The next word was given to the chairman of the Creative Union of Cinematographers of Uzbekistan M. Matchonov and Honored Artist of Uzbekistan R. Aliyev. They told about the meaning of the patriotic film “Behind the Peace” by playwright Akbar Bekturdiev prepared for the end of the event, their roles, episodes and impressions. Later, students were given the opportunity to watch the new patriotic film “Behind the Peace” about the touching and semantic story of a citizen.

Excursion to the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the decision of January 14, 1992 on the transfer of all military units and formations, military educational institutions and other military formations deployed in the territory of our independent state and the development of a long-term program for reforming the national army of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in order to familiarize themselves with the history and achievements of the Armed Forces, it was organized a tour to the State Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan for students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

During the tour, students were able not only to study the history of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan but also to get acquainted with the expositions of the rich and extensive history of the museum of Central Asian and Uzbek military art. Getting acquainted with the exhibits, university students mentally traveled to our past, learned about the life of people, the development of defense, military equipments and weapons that were used to protect the territories, and also familiarized with the exhibits of our great ancestors, like Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Amir Temur, Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur and Mirzo Ulugbek.

The monument “Oath to the Motherland”, erected at the entrance to the museum and reflecting the image of the faithful and strong son of our country, did not leave anyone indifferent.

The excursion to the State Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan was another step towards increasing students’ love and respect for their homeland, dedication and expanding knowledge about the history of our country.