Admission Test (Phase-1) Results are announced!

Dear Applicants,


for the Academic Year 2023-2024!

Please pay particular attention to this official announcement!

Based on the results of the Entrance Exams that was held on March 17th, 2023, the results are divided into five categories:


The following applicants will be directly enrolled to the First Level (Second Course) and will be given the FULL SCHOLARSHIP from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the following faculty. If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5) by the end of December, 2023*. No tuition fee for this category.

Surname Name Faculty
1 Zulunova Nasiba Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
2 Hikmatullayev Shamshod Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
3 Mirsaidov Rashid Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
4 Ishanxanov Ayyubxon Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
5 Xaitov Javohir Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
6 Isroilov Abdulahad Information technology and Automation systems in industry (ICT)
7 Sherikbayev Ibroxim Mechanical and Energy engineering
8 Xojimurodov Og`abek Industrial and Civil engineering and architecture
9 Sodikova Samirabonu Industrial and Civil engineering and architecture


Those who scored greater or equal than 50.00 points will be directly enrolled to the First Level (Second Course) and will be considered for the FULL SCHOLARSHIP, pending on the results of the second and third phase admission tests that will be held in May and July, respectively. If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) by the end of December, 2023*. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS.


Those who scored greater or equal than 20.00 but less than 50.00 points will be given a chance to be enrolled to the First Level (Second Course) 2023-2024 A.Y. If they successfully finish paid intensive courses of the Preparatory year that start in April and finish in July. If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) by the end of December, 2023*.

*In case that the Applicant does not provide in time IELTS certificate, he/she automatically switches to the Preparatory year.


Those who scored greater or equal than 10.00 but less than 20.00 points are accepted to the Preparatory year (= First Course) for 2023-2024 A.Y., regardless of the availability of an IELTS certificate. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS. The deadline for providing the IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) for this category is until the end of the academic year.


Those who scored below 10.00 points has not passed the admission threshold, therefore are not accepted to the university.

Issuance of contracts will be carried out in the building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from March 27, 2023 from 9 a.m.

The rules for the May admission exam (Phase-2) will be announced soon.

Responsible people for the work of the Admissions Committee:

Rector – Inoyatkhodjaev Jamshid Shukhratullaevich

Vice-Rector – Fulvio Rinaudo

Dean – Abdullayev Farhod Bahramovich

The administration of the Turin Polytechnic University is not responsible for the activities of people outside this list.

List of required documents:
Original Version of Applicant’s PASSPORT;
Passport Copy of Applicant’s parents.

For any questions, you can call the numbers:

(71) 246-80-51/52

(71)  246 63 48

E–mail: admission@polito.uz

Adress: st. Kichik Khalka Yuli, 17, Almazar district, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan

Literary evening was held among members of  TTPU book lovers club

On March 24, a social evening was held as part of the next spiritual and educational meeting of the book lovers’ club, in the summer library of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

On this evening, participants of the event talked about the importance of books in person’s life.

The members of the club expressed their opinions in this regard and recited samples from poems such as Zulfiyaxonim, Erkin Voxidov, Abdulla Oripov, Muxammad Yusuf, Halima Xudoyberdiyeva, Xurshid Davron of other Uzbek poets who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek poetry.

At the end of the event, the students who actively participated in the festival were awarded with books.

Admission exam (phase 1) was held at TTPU

On march17, the admission exam (phase 1) for 2023/2024 academic year was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The applicants have taken an exam for the following tracks “Mechanical engineering”, “Automotive engineering”, “Сivil engineering”, “Computer engineering”. Professors from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) participated in the exam to control the transparent examination process.

Applicants were evaluated by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, which consisted of the following questions:

Mathematics: 18 questions
Comprehension: 6 questions
Logic: 6 questions
Physics: 12 questions

An intellectual game “Zakovat” was held among the network young employees.

On march 14, 2023, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent hosted an intellectual game “Zakovat”, for the young workers of the network by the Tashkent regional of the labour union’s division council of metallurgical and mechanical engineering industry employees of Uzbekistan located in Tashkent city and Tashkent region. “Turin bilimdonlari” and “Orzu” team of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, “Elektroapparat” of “Uzelektroapparat” JSC, “Uzinzi” of JV “Ozavtoinzi”, “Bilimdon” of Chilonzor professional School №1 and “Metallurgs” team of “Uzmetkombinat” JSC took part in the game.

In this game, which consisted of logical and interesting questions, the teams demonstrated their intellectual potential. At the end of the game, according to the result of the highest points collected from the 20th question, the “Metallurgs” team of “Uzmetkombinat” JSC won the proud 1st place among Tashkent region, “Turin Bilmdonlari” of the Turin Polytechnic University, won the proud 1st place among Tashkent city, and will participate in the final Republic stage. The event was attended by the deputy chairman of the Republican Council of the labour union “Uzmetmashsanoat” Sh. Israilov, the rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J. Inoyathojayev and the head of the department of the Tashkent City Council of the Federation of Labour Unions of Uzbekistan D. Meliyev.

At the end of the event, the winners were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the TurinPolytechnic University inTashkent and Indonesian Association of Science and Technology Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education

On march 13, 2023 delegation from the Indonesian Embassy in Tashkent and Association of Science and Technology Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

In the framework of the visit, memorandum of understanding was signed between the Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent and Faculties of Engineering of Muhammadiyah University of Magelang, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology of Ahmad Dahlan University. Also MoU was signed between Mechanical Engineering, Civil engineering and Computer engineering faculties of TTPU with faculties of Engineering of the Association universities.
The scope of cooperation under the MoU includes  academic collaboration, students, faculty members exchange, development of joint research projects and others.   

 DSc. Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: “We do hope that the MoU has become the first step in building a long-term and fruitful cooperation between the institutions aimed to strengthen the international cooperation and explore further research opportunities”.

“As from the embassy, we would like to welcome the initiation of cooperation between the universities and  do believe that collaboration with Science and Technology Association of Muhammadyah in future will make a great benefit to the university and Uzbek community as well” сommented Ms. Sintia C. Saeh, First Secretary/Head of Information, Social and Culture of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The goal of our visit is to conduct good collaboration not only in education, but also in research and industry with the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent” noted Ph.D Yun Arifatul Fatimah, Faculty of Engineering- Muhammadiyah University of Magelang.

During the visit, the delegation members also got acquainted with TTPU’s information resourse center, technology park and mechatronics centres.

The prospects for the implementation of the Uzbek-Chinese joint project were discussed

On March 10, 2023, an online meeting was held on the Uzbek-Chinese joint project “Modification of heterojunction photocatalysts for highly efficient and selective CO2 conversion into C2 + products”. The event was attended by representatives of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the National University, the Institute of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the University of Science and Technology of China.

The meeting was opened by the Director of the Agency for Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Olimjon Tuychiev. During the meeting, Ph.D., the project leader Sh.Mamatkulov informed the participants about the ongoing work within the framework of this project. In turn, prof. Jingxiang Low, the project manager from the Chinese side, informed the participants about the plans and stages of the above project. The parties also discussed the prospects for the implementation of a joint project, which has its relevance today, since it is aimed at preventing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

A seminar with the participation of Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – took place at TTPU

On March 10, 2023, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the “Tashkent – A Sustainable City” Seminar.

During the event, TTPU students learned about the Italian experience in the field of Urban development and finding solutions for mobility, following the scenario of a sustainable city, in the context of the current process of dynamic urbanization.

The seminar program included a presentation by Carlo Ratti, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founder of the Carlo Ratti Associati. This is not his first meeting with our university, and he has previously participated in similar events online. 

According to DSc. Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, such meetings provide an opportunity to be equipped with the necessary tools to solve problems related to the rapid growth of the capital and megacities in general.

Representatives of Politecnico di Torino and the Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute also took part in the seminar.

“The development of Tashkent attracts the attention and interest of many international specialists, which is great. Many interesting ideas were expressed during the seminar. Examples of various projects with different approaches and design methods were presented. Students’ particular interest in discussing international experiences is extremely important nowadays in the education of the younger generation.” commented Prof. Michele Bonino, Rector’s Delegate for International Relations with China and Asian Countries (Politecnico di Torino).

During the event, DSc Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev, Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, solemnly handed over to Prof. Carlo Ratti the mantle of honorary professor and a certificate of the corresponding title.

For information:

An architect and engineer by training, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directs the Senseable City Lab, and is a founding partner of the international design office Carlo Ratti Associati. He graduated from the Politecnico di Torino and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, and later earned his MPhil and Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, UK

Ratti has co-authored over 500 publications and holds several patents. His work has been exhibited worldwide at venues such as the Venice Biennale, the Design Museum in Barcelona, the Science Museum in London, and The Museum of Modern Art in New York. TIME Magazine has included two of his projects – the Digital Water Pavilion and the Copenhagen Wheel – in the list of the ‘Best Inventions of the Year’.

Carlo Ratti has been featured in Esquire Magazine’s “Best and Brightest” list and in Wired Magazine’s “Smart List.” Blueprint Magazine included him among the “25 People who will Change the World of Design,” and Fast Company named him as one of the “50 Most Influential Designers in America.”

Italy hosted the first defense of a Ph.D. dissertation which was held within the framework of the double degree program (Cotutelle) between TTPU and Politecnico di Torino.

On March 6th this year, the first defense of a Ph.D. dissertation within the framework of the double degree program (Cotutelle) between Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and Politecnico di Torino (Italy) was successfully held at Politecnico di Torino (Italy).
Jasurkhuja Kholkhodjaev, a young researcher from Uzbekistan, defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic “Innovative geometrical and mechanical characterization of metallic components”, carried out under the supervision of DSc. J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjaev (TTPU) and Professor Gianfranco Genta (Politecnico di Torino).
The Commission, composed of the teaching staff of both universities, highly appreciated the work done, noting its importance and relevance in modern industry and wished him further success in his scientific activities.

Innovative devices for military sphere

Robot-sapper – “Zirhli Tulpor”, created by engineers and students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the basis of a grant from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Robotic complex “Zirhli Tulpor”, designed for remote disposal of explosive devices.

“Zirhli Tulpor” is used for visual reconnaissance, search and initial diagnosis of suspicious objects using television cameras, and special attachments. For the evacuation of defused explosive devices, the complex is equipped with special containers. The robot is also used when performing technological operations to provide access to potentially dangerous objects.

The control of the robotic complex is carried out both by cable and by radio, depending on situation. The duration of continuous operation of the robot is from two to four hours. The caterpillar platform allows Zirhli Tulpor to overcome thresholds 250 mm high and water barriers up to 200 mm deep.


  • Dimensions:-Length 70-80sm; width 30-40sm
  • Infrared cameras
  • Signal suppressor
  • Camera 360* view
  • Remote control within a radius of 500m
  • Lighting system
  • GPS-tracking
  • Mobile cameras
  • Sensors for finding mines
  • Obstacle sensors

  • Sensors for terrain and surface design
  • Load capacity up to 35kg
  • Robot weight 160kg
  • Manipulator rotation angle 180
  • 4 motors for grasping and lifting an object
  • Battery life 2 hours
  • Tracked chassis
  • Weather protection (dust, moisture)
  • Impact resistant design.

Microsoft Student Programs at TTPU

On 15th of February, a live event was held with Microsoft and our university students at TTPU campus. The aim of the meeting was to introduce “Microsoft Student Programs” to our students and encourage them to be involved in the program. They learned about Microsoft offering and benefits, and had an opportunity to get answers directly from Microsoft employees, such as Carlotta Castelluccio a cloud developer advocate, and Tessa Wiedmann a product manager at Microsoft.
In addition to student ambassador program, annual competition held by Microsoft – “Imagine Cup” was also discussed.

Our students had a chance also to talk to their peers from other countries who had an experience in the program and to learn about their experience. Namely, Kenji Phang and Jennifer Holland both from UK and considered Gold Microsoft Learn student ambassadors at their host universities shared their experience and the benefits they got from the program.

In the end, our students were offered a free $100 Azure credit to try and learn Microsoft technologies for free as part of their university education.

A students meeting with the participation of a doctor was held at the university

In paragraph 4 of the program of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (10/1-154 02.02.2023) on planning the measures aimed at preventing the early marriage of girls and unwanted pregnancies, high school students of general education schools and academic lyceums, professional education, on February 22, 2022 students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in order to organize promotional activities and facultative trainings about the negative consequences of early marriage and early childbirth, marriages between close relatives, among students of higher educational institutions. A campaign event was held with the participation of the deputy head doctor of the p branch central polyclinic D. Tursunova, gynecologist Y. Rahimova and therapist-physician M. Sharapova attached to the university.

The event was also attended by G. Allamova, the head of the university’s department for working with youth, Rector’s adviser on issues of family and women, tutor F. Nabikhanova, methodist of the department with youth H. Kamilova.

The purpose of this promotion event is to strengthen the reproductive health of the population, to give birth to a healthy child, to bring up a physically and spiritually developed generation, the negative consequences of early and consanguineous marriage, healthy youth among young people. is to create an understanding of the ways of life – forming a healthy family, improving the medical culture of female students, and forming the foundations of HIV/AIDS prevention.

During the event, experts spoke on the topic and gave information to students. At the end of the event, the students received sufficient answers to their questions from experts. Through this event held with medical experts, students were informed about the privileges granted to women by our state, necessary medical information, the right directions for those who need medical advice, and that women and girls are under the protection of the state in any case. it was emphasized once.

TTPU representatives at FarPI

On February 20, 2022, representatives of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent visited the Ferghana Polytechnic Institute and met with school graduates of the region.
Graduates were informed about the conditions created at the university, educational areas, entrance scores to the university, international joint programs.

Also within the framework of the visit, a meeting was organized with FarPI students, at which TTPU professor Guido Marchetto gave the students detailed information about the master’s program and student exchange.
At the end of the event, students received detailed answers to all their questions.

Training program in Belgium under Erasmus+ Capacity Building of Higher Education (CBHE) “Multidisciplinary Skills for Artists’ Entrepreneurship (MUSAE) project

On February 13, 2023, the MUSAE program within the framework of Erasmus+ started training program. This workshop involves the participation of professors and trainers as well as the students from EU program universities including Finland, Italy and Belgium and other partners such as Tunisia, Palestine and Uzbekistan.

The training program is scheduled on February 12-26, 2023, at Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, Belgium as a part of the Work Package 4 under ERSAMUS + CBHE “MUSAE” project. A group of teachers and students are participating in this workshop from our university as well.



The first day of the training was the welcoming and introductory day for all the participants. The main purpose of this training is to establish multinational teams to develop the new entrepreneurship activity as a business model. Therefore, the first part of the training is to introduce the student to each and share their ideas between them. Meanwhile, there are some beneficial lectures are given by both EU professors and other partner universities’ professors including TTPU. Brainstorming section is organized to define the different ideas and forming them into specified groups based on international and interdisciplinary presences, in a mix of all universities, preferably a gender mix and a mix of Bachelor-Master levels. Meantime, the participants visited to the different universities and institutions in Antwerp such as Sint Lucas Higher Art Education and Royal academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Moreover, the participant have an opportunity to join into the various events ranging from sessions, workshops, and projects will take place in an open and adventurous environment, including artists across disciplines that range from dance, drama, to music. Next days, students have already shared their ideas and joined into the team where they work together for developing their business model. On the daily basis, they presented their progress on developing a problem, concept and solution for their customers they are focusing. The first week is over with the additional training sessions including mentors presentations and lectures to all groups.

Chess tournament was held at TTPU

On February 14, 2022, a chess tournament was held on the occasion of the 540th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. University students and Turin academic lyceum pupils participated in the tournament.

Here are the winners:

– 1st place – Otabek Umarov, Turin Academic Lyceum pupil;

– 2nd place – Fazliddinov Shokhjakhan, Turin Academic Lyceum pupil.

– 3rd place – Turaev Golib, a 1st year student, Xabibullaev Umidjon-the 4th year student of the university.

At the end of the tournament, the winners were awarded certificates and gifts.

Another meeting of members of university book lovers club was held

On January 25, 2022, another spiritual and educational meeting of members of book lovers’ club was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

At the meeting, the club members discussed the story “Alvido bolalik” by Uzbek people’s writer Tahir Malik.

At the beginning of the event, a video about the writer’s life and work was shown for the participants in order to get detailed information about the writer. The moderator of the club meeting, the tutor of academic groups Fakhriddin Sattiyev, gave a word to Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector for work with youth, to start the discussion of the book.

The discussion of the book took place in high spirit, full of debates, and the 1st grade student Abdugaffarova Madina, who was recognized by the club members as the most active participant, was gifted a set of books.

At the end of the event, the participants agreed to read and discuss rubai and ghazals, dedicated to the life and work of the great poet and thinker, statesman Mir Alisher Navoi and the great Uzbek poet, historian and statesman, founder of the Baburi dynasty and kingdom – Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

Final Meeting of the Erasmus Plus ELBA Project

Academic and Management staff of Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent, Prof.Kasim Khusanov, Mr.Mansur Asranov, Mr.Makhkam Kayumov and Mr.Khamidulla Khabibullaev, are participating in the Final Meeting of the Erasmus Plus ELBA Project. The Final meeting, dedicated to discussion of project results and finalization, is being celebrated in #University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia during January 23-25, 2023.


One of the amazing parts of the event is the Competition in the field of Intelligent BigData Analysis. The projects developed by joint Academic and Student teams from each Central Asian Partner universities have been discussed. The Project proposed by the #TTPU joint Academic and Students team, supported by Prof.Kasim Khusanov and Dr.Shokhjakhon Abdufattokhov, has been selected as the Winner of the Competition.

Erasmus+ #ELBA Project’s goals are: establishment of training and research centers (laboratories) on Intelligent BigData Analysis, equipped with high-performance computing and software, as well as development and implementation of a course package on Intelligent BigData Analysis for bachelor and master students, and professionals.


FIND OUT MORE HERE: https://elba-project.eu

Republican online competition “Kitobxon yoshlar”

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is holding the online Republican competition “Kitobxon yoshlar” this January. Participants should register through the special @kitobtanlovbot on Telegram and become a participant of the competition!

Regulations on the competition

The first online meeting of the students who are involving in Erasmus + MUSAE project.

On January 14, 2023, the first online meeting of the content team with all the students of Partner Universities was held on under the Erasmus+ Capacity Building of Higher Education (CBHE) “Multidisciplinary Skills for Artists’ Entrepreneurship (MUSAE) project”. In the first part of the meeting, Jeroen Malaise coordinator of the content team briefly introduced the project description and aim to all students who are participating in the different Entrepreneurship modules that are developed under the MUSAE project.

In addition, Mr. Malaise presented a detailed plan for the students and content team workshop which will be held on in February 13-25, 2023, in Belgium. In the second part of the online meetings, students were joined to the predefined break-out rooms where they met with other students from the different Partner Universities including local universities such as Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod and also foreign universities like Birzeit University, Dar al-Kalima University, Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers de Sfax, Palestine Polytechnic University as well. The aim of these group meetings is to introduce the students to each other and to be familiar with them before the workshops to establish communication with each other. During the meetings, students present themselves to Partner Universities’ students and also share their idea as well.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent city received the certificate of State Accreditation.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent for the first time passed the certification by the State inspectorate for supervision of quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and received a certificate of state accreditation.

This confirms that the education at the university is in accordance with the international standards, as well as the standards of higher education in Uzbekistan.

Protecting the motherland is the everyone’s duty

In order properly celebrate the Day of Defenders of the motherland widely as a national holiday, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  despite the winter vacation at the university, on January 12, an online event was held on the topic “Protecting the Motherland, Everyone’s Duty”.

  Colonel Hotamov Shuhrat Nasirovich, an employee of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor of the socio-humanitarian department, visited the event as a guest. Also, the first vice-rector of the university A. Ashurov, the head of department of work with youth – G. Allamova, the internal affairs department of the Almazor district attached to the university, senior inspector of prevention lieutenant colonel Sh. Yusupov, the methodists of the youth work department H. Kamilova , the head of the university music club M. Saparbaev, our tutors – university adviser on family and women issues F. Nabihanova, M. Esonkulov, F. Sattiev, J. Mahkamov and talented university students Urunov Asadbek and Rustamov Dilmurod. participated with the presentations of their projects “Universal battery modular for electric mobiles” and “Innovative military kit”.

Those who took part in this event online participated with their opinions and received detailed answers to their questions.