Ilmiy seminar


          Online Application Date March 25 (Fri), 9:00 – May 11 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (First Admission) ● May 16 (Mon), 9:00 – July 8 (Fri), 18:00 2022 (Second Admission) ● July 11 (Mon), 9:00 – August 31 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (Third Admission)   Your application is considered as “complete” if you receive a verification email from the admissions Office. You cannot cancel or change the Admissions Program after your application is verified.
                Date of examination There will be three admission tests for the 2022/2023 Academic year: The second session will take place on July 11th at 9:00 am local time. The registration for July exam is open. The third session will take place in September (tentative period; exact dates and procedure will be announced later).  
Admission quota 200
Education language: English
  Tuition fee   28 500 000 soums  
  Diploma Uzbek and USA* *Need to transfer to the Pittsburg State University “2+2” program (USA)  
          Admission exam   LMS (Math, English, Logics) Mathematics: 18 questions (time: 66 minutes) English: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) Logic: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) The full online test consists of 30 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct. Every question carries: 1 point – if it is correct 0 points – if it is incorrect All the questions will be in English!  
  Accepted certificates (not to take admission exam): IELTS 6.0; SAT; GMAT; GRE. IELTS 7.5 = no exam + 50% scholarship of tuition fees (only for 2022/2023 AY with possibility to extend the scholarship); IELTS 8.0 = no exam + 75% scholarship of tuition fees (only for 2022/2023 AY with possibility to extend scholarship); The certificate must be valid at the date of APPLICATION SUBMISSION.
  Exam results   Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with percentage of their results will be announced within a week after the admission test.
            Submission of documents After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee: show the original Passport (with copy);provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher.  
    Location The admissions tests will be at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”).    


We would like to invite you to take part in the scientific event which will be held on April 26, 2022, at 13:30 in the Grey Hall of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent


This event is a completely open scientific forum for the exchange of new ideas and findings. This year’s meeting will highlight state of art and advances in engineering new materials and technologies. The presentations will be addressed the following topics:

Mechanical engineering, Energetic, Natural sciences and mathematics, Ecology and environmental issues, Materials science, etc.

Everyone with an interest is invited to attend including students, scientists, engineers, technical managers and production personal from industrial enterprises. One of the main aims of the conference is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and improve their skills in the technique of presentation.

          The working language of the conference is English.


April, 26, 2022. Tuesday

13.30 – 16.00 Grey Hall. 

Opening talk: Rector, prof.  Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev 

Moderator:  assist. prof. Javlon Karimov

  1. Ural  Bekbaev (TTPU, assoc. prof.): A classification of two-dimensional algebras, up to a special group of isomorphisms, over any basic field. (13.40 – 13.50)
  • Taur Alimov, (TTPU, student): Feynman Integral trick. (13.50 – 14.00)
  • Anvar Sheryatullaev (TTPU, student): Porcelain: definition, history and types. (14.00 – 14.10)
  • Asad Kayumov (TTPU, student): History of glassmaking. (14.10 – 14.20)
  • Abdurauf Qodiriy, Samandar Jahongirov (TTPU, students): Some properties of continued fractions and return time for circle homeomorphisms. (14:20 – 14:30)
  • Muniskhon Abdurashitova (TTPU, teacher): Neural network generalization improvement using Noise Augmentation for indoor human localization. (14:30 – 14:40)                
  • Sardor Beshimov (TTPU, student): Synthesis and properties of anodic aluminum oxide. (14:40 – 14:50)
  • Rakhmatov Khondamir (TTPU, PhD student): Regularization of the incorrect boundary problem for the parabolic equation. (14:50 – 15:00)    
  • Umidjon Usmanov (TTPU, teacher), Abdulla Saidov (TTPU, prof.): Fuel cell technology in the automotive industry. (15:00 – 15:10)
  • Takhirjan Pulatov (TTPU, assoc. prof.), Ulugbek Rakhmatullaev (TTPU, student): The principles of operation of an electric car and the power supply scheme from batteries. (15:10 – 15:20)
  • Olimjon Eshkobilov (TTPU, teacher): A singularity of the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime. (15:20 – 15:30)
  • Meronshoh Yusofov  (TTPU, student), Axtam Djalilov (TTPU, prof.):  Chaotic maps. (15.30 – 15:40)
  • Abdumaminov Asilkhon (TTPU, student): On some methods for solving third and fourth-degree polynomial equations. (15:40 – 15:50)

Awarding ceremony: (15:50 – 16:00)

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy.
Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J.Sh.Inoyatkhodjaev on April 2-7 will visit Italy as part of delegation of “Uzavtosanoat” JSC, for negotiation with the rector of the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) for further development of cooperation.

Universitetimiz talabalari Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xoʻjaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari institutiga tashrifi

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti “Mashinasozlik texnologiyasi” taʼlim yoʻnalishi 4-bosqich talabalari “Suyuqliklar mexanikasi va gidravlika (Fluid mechanics and hydraulics)” fani doirasida Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xoʻjaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari institutidagi amaliy oʻquv dars jarayonlari hamda laboratoriya uskunalari bilan yaqindan tanishish uchun institutga tashrif buyurdilar. Tashrif davomida talabalar institutning “Gidromeliorativ ishlarni mexanizatsiyalash” kafedrasi oʻquv laboratoriyasi, Avtotraktor dvigatellari va yonilgʻi moylash materiallari tajriba laboratoriyasi va boshqa koʻrgazma stendlari bilan yaqindan tanishishdi. Ushbu tashrif fanni chuqurroq oʻzlashtirish, fan, taʼlim va ishlab chiqarishning oʻzaro integratsiyasini taʼminlash va pirovardida sanoatning yuqori texnologiyaga asoslangan tarmoqlari uchun yetuk mutaxassislarni tayyorlashga xizmat qilishiga ishonamiz.

Xalqaro “SOL-GEL 2020” konferensiyasi

Joriy yilning 11-15 oktabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti bilan hamkorlikda Samarqand Davlat Universitetida MDH davlatlarining oltinchi xalqaro konferensiyasi “Sol-gel sintezi va noorganik birikmalar, gibrid funksional materiallar va dispersli tizimlarni tadqiq qilish”-“SOL-GEL 2020” bo’lib o’tadi. Konferensiya davomida xorijiy va mahalliy professorlar-o’qituvchilar taqdimotlari bilan qatnashadilar. Bundan tashqari xalqaro deligatsiya Samarqand va Buxoro kabi tarixiy shaharlarga sayohat qiladi. Qolaversa, Toshkent viloyati Parkent tumanida joylashgan O`zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi Materialshunoslik institutiga tashrif buyurishi rejalashtirilgan.

Batafsil ma’lumotlarni quyidagi havola orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.

O‘zbekistonda ilk bor Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universiteti talabalari tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan CubeSat (nano sun’iy yo‘ldosh) kosmosga uchiriladi.

CubeSat stratosferada havo namligi, shamol tezligi, havoning ifloslanish darajasi to‘g‘risidagi va boshqa turdagi ma’lumotlarni onlayn tarzda uzatadi, universitetda joylashtirilgan ma’lumotlarni qabul qiluvchi stansiyada uzatilgan ma’lumotlar tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, CubeSat uchishi davomida video tasvirlar onlayn tarzda uzatiladi, ushbu ma’lumotlar yordamida kelgusida geo axborot tizimlari yo‘nalishidagi tadqiqotlarda foydalaniladi.

Ushbu tadbirda ishtirok etish uchun sizni Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universitetiga 2021 yil 17 sentabr kuni ertalab soat 05:30 ga taklif qilamiz.

Matematik olim “Doʼstlik” ordeni sohibi

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetining tabiiy-matematika fanlari kafedrasi professori Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovich “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan taqdirlandi.

Oliy darajali “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan qardosh xalqlar oʼrtasida koʼp asrlik doʼstlik va qoʼshnichilik munosabatlarini mustahkamlashdagi, jamiyat va xalqlarning birdamligini uygʼunlashtirishdagi, xar tomonlama strategik hamkorlikni rivojlantirishdagi alohida xizmatlari uchun faxrli ustozimiz Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovichni bu mukofot bilan universitetimiz jamoasi chin yurakdan tabriklaydi. Vatan taraqqiyoti yoʼlida olib borayotgan faoliyatida ulkan zafarlar tilaymiz.

Внимание! Проводится тендер по приобретению оргтехники!

В целях приобретения оборудования для Туринского Политехнического Университета в рамках программы ERAMCA (Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia) объявляется о проведении тендера.

Подробную информацию о необходимом оборудовании можно узнать по следующей ссылке.

Все предложения можно направить до 21 мая 2021 года по почте на следующий адрес: eramca@new.polito.uz

Узбекистан, 100095, г. Ташкент, ул. Кичик Халка Йули, 17, Ташкент, Узбекистан., Туринский политехнический университет в городе Ташкенте

ADMISSION 2021/2022



This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU).

1.2. Faculties and seats

For the 2021/2022 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) for each faculty is:

Name of faculty Number of seats
Mechanical Engineering 250
Automotive Engineering 250
Information Technologies and Programming in Industry (Computer Engineering) 350
Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture 50

1.3. Scholarship

In 2021/2022 academic year, there will be scholarships available by “UzAvto”, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in addition, state scholarships will be provided (according to the draft Decree of President). Selection for scholarships will based on the results of the admission and will be given to those applicants who obtain the highest score. The number for scholarship places for the 2021/2022 academic year is the following:

Scholarship Number of seats
State Scholarships 15
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 10
“UzAvto” 25

1.4. Admission procedure and important dates

1.4.1. Admission test

All the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by TTPU are based on a “locally programmed admission” scheme. There is a limit with a limited number of places for students. The University accepts applicants who have received the highest number of points in the Admission Test, until the limit of the admission quota is reached. The score obtained in the Admission Test, is valid only for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.

Applicants, who score very high marks in the Admission Test, are possibly allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and given the opportunity to be enrolled in the First Level (= Second Year), provided that the language requirements discussed in the Section 1.5 are satisfied. It is important to point out that applicants must hold a Secondary School Diploma obtained after 12 years of school attendance or 11 years + having passed all the scheduled exams in the Preparatory Year or 11 years + one year at a recognized University (having passed all the scheduled exams).

The applicant has the right to refuse this opportunity and continue his/her studies from the Preparatory Year.

The final decision on admission to the First Level is made after the consent of the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the Vice Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters and the coordinator of the Admission Committee.

1.4.2. Date of examination

There will be three admission tests for the 2021/2022 Academic year:

  • First session will take place on May 21, 10 AM Local Time (Registration deadline May 14, the maximum number of applicants is 450). If the number of registered applicants exceed the quota for the first exam they will automatically enrolled to the July session. Applicants who miss to show up are not allowed to participate in the July session;
  • Second session (with larger number of applicants) will take place in the beginning of July (exact dates and procedure will be announced later);
  • Third session will take place in September (tentative period; exact dates and procedure will be announced later) and eligible applicants are not allowed to skip PY.

The admissions tests will be at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”).  

1.4.3. STEP #1 – On-line Application

The Online application form is available at:

PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO HOW TO FILL IN ONLINE APPLICATION.                                                        

The registration is now open for the first, i.e., May, session.

Step 1 is mandatory and applicants cannot proceed to step 2, if step 1 is not completed!

STEP #2 – In order to ensure the transparency of the admission process,

Admission committee will take applicant’s fingerprint and photo. The applicant must have with him/her a passport, document of secondary education (diploma, certificate in the absence of the diploma or a document confirming the completion of the studies at this educational institution (original)).

In addition, due the cost associated with maintaining the student database, each applicant must pay the admission fee of 5 euros (65000 sum) at the exchange rate of Central Bank. Applicant who have not paid the admission fee will not be admitted to the exams.

For this, applicants must arrive at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”). After completion of this process, the originaldocuments will be returned to applicants.

If the applicant did not make successfully the Online Application within the admission period, and did not submit fingerprint and photo, then the documents will not be accepted and the applicant will not be allowed to take the exam!

1.4.4. Online test

Knowledge of the applicant will be assessed by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, featuring a difficulty level that is adequate to the secondary school programs of the Uzbekistan.

The Online Test consists of:

Mathematics: 18 questions (time: 40 minutes)

Comprehension: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Logic: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Physics: 12 questions (time: 26 minutes)

The full online test consists of 42 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct.

Every question carries:

1 point – if it is correct(you get 1 point)

-0.25 points – if it is wrong(you loose -0.25 points)

0 points – if it is left blank(you do not loose any points)

All the questions will be in English!

1.4.5. Exam results

Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with percentage of their results will be announced within a week after the admission test.

After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:

  • submit the paper application form, provided at the front desk by the Admission Office: it must be properly filled in and initially signed by the Applicant, in front of an Authorized member of the Admission Committee;
  • show the original Passport (with copy);
  • provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;
  • provide 1 paper folder, large envelop;
  • submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);
  • IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher (for other language certificates see section 1.5. of this  regulations).

Paper documents should be submitted to the Admission Committee at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Kichik Halqa Yuli str. 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan.

1.4.6. Exemptions from the admission test

This section is intended for applicants, who have certificates listed below. A score equal to or higher than a given threshold is set. According to the Section 1.4.1, students with very high marks are possibly allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and enter the First Level. The final decision is made by the Admission Committee coordinated by the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters. For foreign students coming from countries where Admission Test to University is compulsory, it is necessary to attach a certificate confirming that the exam is passed.

Certificates considered equivalent to the admission test (the following number refers to the grading equal to or higher than the threshold: 60/100)

GRE (General Test) with a minimum score of 153 in the “Verbal” section and 144 in “Quantitative” section and any score inthe “Analytical Writing” section

GMAT with a minimum score of 500 in the two sections “Verbal” and “Quantitative”, with any score in the “AnalyticalWriting” section.

SAT SAT Reasoning test (section “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and section “Math” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section) and SAT Subject Test (section “Physics Level 1 or 2” and section “Mathematics Level 1 or 2” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section). The two sections “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and “Math” of the SAT Test can be replaced by the ACT Test with a minimum score of 20.

1.5. English Language certificate

The minimum IELTS (academic) requirement for enrollment in the Preparatory Year of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU is IELTS 4.5.

IELTS (academic) 5.5 or higher is mandatory to progress to the First Level of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs atTTPU.

The equivalent English Language Certificates and exemption cases can be found at https://didattica.polito.it/cla/en/certificates.

1.6. Tuition fee

The tuition fee per 1 Academic Year for all courses of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is 28 500 000 (twenty eight million five hundred thousand) UZB sums.


Responsible people for the work process of the Admission Committee:

Chairman of the Admission Committee – Inoyatkhodjaev J. Sh.

Secretary of the Admission Committee – Abdullayev F. B.

The administration of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is not responsible for the activities of people outside of this list!

For more information regarding the application process and any other queries, please contact directly to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at:

E-mail: admission@new.polito.uz

Tel: +99871 246-80-51, +99871 246-80-52

Work hours of admission committee: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:00


Are you passionate about science and technology? Do you want do develop new technological knowledge and skills while working in an inspiring academic environment? Doing a Ph.D. may be the right choice for you!

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) is offering fully funded PhD position by Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major for three years at TTPU (in Uzbekistan) and “Politecnico di Turino” in Italy (one of the top European universities for interdisciplinary research in the fields of Engineering).

Accepted candidates are expected to study one year at “Politecnico di Turino” in Italy and two years at TTPU (in Uzbekistan). All study fees and research expenses will be provided by TTPU. Unlike other universities in Uzbekistan, for PhD students at TTPU, an increased scholarship is provided for the successful completion of their scientific work.

We encourage applications from candidates with a Master’s degree in mechanical or physics engineering with high marks and with a background and interest in engineering. Candidates must prove a strong attitude towards experimental research and the drive and capacity to tackle different aspects of a complex problem with large independence.


  • You should hold a Master’s degree in engineering, engineering science, engineering technology, physics or equivalent major;
  • You should have excellent grades (especially on the theoretical subjects), very good skills in oral and written communication, and well developed analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • You should meet English language requirement by achieving the required score on an internationally recognized English test (Minimum: Academic IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL ibt 55);
  • You are motivated, enthusiastic and eager to learn;
  • You are a team player, yet also able to work independently, accurately and methodically;
  • You are willing to contribute to the research activities of Mechanical Engineering research group and pursue a doctoral degree in engineering technology;
  • You are willing to present research findings at national and international conferences and in international journals;
  • You will develop the necessary software programs, conduct experiments and report both internally and externally;
  • You will work together with colleague-researchers and offer support in research projects that are related to your expertise;
  • You are willing to contribute up to maximum 100 hours per academic year in teaching activities within the Bachelor and Master of the Engineering Technology programs at TTPU (in Uzbekistan) and “Politecnico di Turino” in Italy.


You can apply for the Ph.D. position through TTPU’s admission system. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the advertisement.

Applications must include the following elements:

  • CV with your relevant professional experience and knowledge (including at least two references);
  • Motivation letter with a brief description of why you want to pursue research studies, about what your academic interests are and how they relate to your previous studies and future goals (maximum 2 pages long);
  • Recommendation letter
  • Copies of diplomas and grades from previous university studies and certificates of fulfilled language requirements (see above). Document should be translated into English, Uzbek or Russian if the original document is not issued in one of these languages.
  • Representative publications or technical reports. For longer documents, please provide a summary (abstract) and a web link to the full text.


For more information, please contact Prof. [Responsible Person], Tel.: [Phone number], Email: [Email address]

You can apply for Ph.D. position no later than [deadline] via the following link: [Application webpage link]

TTPU seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality, or impairments.

Туринский политехнический университет в г. Ташкенте протянул руку помощи пострадавшим в Сырдарьинской области.

Чрезвычайное проишествие на Сардобинском водохранилище в Сырдарьинской области потряс каждого из нас и не оставил никого равнодушным. По возможности, каждый протянул руку помощи.

В частности, 2 мая текущего года команда нашего университета оказала моральную и материальную поддежку пострадавшему населению, эвакуинованному в Гулистанский строительный колледж.

В связи с этим, старший преподаватель гуманитарно-экономических дисциплин Томчани Людмила Владимировна, принявшая участие в благотворительном визите, поделилась с нами своими впечатлениями:

” Мы привыкли с вами жаловаться на жизнь. Особенно сейчас мы часто слышим вокруг: надоело сидеть дома, плохой интернет, высокие цены в магазине. Но вчера я побывала там, где даже мысли о тех, кто это говорит, вызывают не только недоумение, но и раздражение. Вчера я была в городе Гулистане, куда были эвакуированы жители посёлков из зоны подтопления в результате прорыва дамбы Сардобского водохранилища.

Ректор нашего университета Саломов Уктам Рахимович, первый проректор Иноятходжаев Джамшид Шухратуллаевич и проректор по работе с молодёжью Ашуров Алишер Абдумавлянович, по просьбе нашего президента Мирзиёева Ш.М., взяли на себя заботу о людях, которым сейчас очень плохо. Это простые граждане нашей страны, жители далёких кишлаков, скромные труженики, которые, как и мы с вами, вносят свой посильный вклад в развитие нашей Родины. Сегодня у них случилась беда. Многие потеряли всё своё имущество, жильё, домашний скот. Но наша страна не оставила их без помощи и поддержки!

Туринский университет тоже принимает участие в работе по оказанию помощи нашим соотечественникам. Меня и Алламову Гульбахор Азатовну попросили приехать для оказания психологической, эмоциональной и моральной помощи пострадавшим. К счастью, если в данной ситуации уместно это слово, люди, с которыми работает вся команда Туринского университета, не потеряли имущество и дома, они были эвакуированы для обеспечения их безопасности, пока спецкомиссия оценивает масштабы разрушения дамбы. И тем не менее, это люди, которые оторваны от дома, многие от семьи. Они напуганы и растеряны. Я была свидетелем того, как простые и хорошие люди нашей команды находят добрые слова для, вчера ещё чужих и незнакомых, людей, говорят с ними, как с родными, покупают им лекарства, выполняют просьбы.

Руководство города Гулистана обеспечило этих людей всем необходимым: местом временного проживания, питанием, защитой. А простые жители этого небольшого города весь день несли для пострадавших то, чем готовы были поделиться: продукты, вещи, одеяла. А вид авто-поезда с гуманитарной помощью от одной области нашей страны пострадавшей Сырдарье потряс меня до глубины души! Я насчитала 30 огромных грузовиков! Возможно их было больше. И это только от одной области! И знаете что? Я горжусь, что я член этой большой семьи, имя которой – Узбекистан!”

ADMISSION 2020-2021



This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU).


For the 2020/2021 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs, for each faculty is:

Name of faculty Number of seats

Mechanical Engineering 200
Automotive Engineering 200
Information Technologies and Programming in Industry (Computer Engineering) 150
Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture 50
Management and Industrial engineering 100


1.3. Admission procedure and important dates

1.3.1. Admission test

All the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by TTPU are based on a “locally programmed admission” scheme. There is a limit with a limited number of places for students. The University accepts applicants who have received the highest number of points in the Admission Test until the limit of the admission quota is reached. The score obtained in the Admission Test is valid only for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

Applicants, who score very high marks in the Admission Test, are allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and given the opportunity to be enrolled in the First Level (= Second Year), provided that the language requirements discussed in Section 1.4 are satisfied. The applicant has the right to refuse this opportunity and continue his/her studies from the Preparatory Year.

The final decision on admission to the First Level is made after the consent of the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters, the coordinator of the Admission Committee and the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.
1.3.2. Date of examination

  • There will be two admission tests for the 2020/2021 Academic year:
    The first exam will take place on May 22, 1 PM Local Time (Registration deadline May 18, the maximum number of applicants is 200). This exam will be online, therefore EVERY APPLICANT MUST HAVE PC/LAPTOP AND WORKING VIDEO CAMERA.
  • The second exam (with a larger number of applicants) will take place at the beginning of July (exact dates and procedure will be announced later)

1.3.3. STEP #1 On-line Application

The Online application form is available at: —->>>



Step 1 is mandatory and applicants cannot proceed to step 2, if step 1 is not completed!

STEP #2 – In order to ensure the transparency of the admission process, during the quarantine, after completing step 1 applicant must send the electronic copy of his/her passport to admission.polito.uz.
If the quarantine is over before the deadline (i.e., May 18 for the first test), the admission committee will be taken the applicant’s fingerprint and photo. In addition, the applicant must have with him/her a passport, document of secondary education —> diploma, a certificate in the absence of the diploma —> a document confirming the completion of the studies at this educational institution (original).
For this, applicants must arrive at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”). After completion of this process, the original documents will be returned to applicants.

If the applicant did not make successfully the Online Application within the admission period and did not submit fingerprint and photo, then the documents will not be accepted and the applicant will not be allowed to take the exam!

1.3.4. For applicants who took admission test last year
Due to the COVID-19, we offer a unique opportunity to applicants who participated
in the last year’s admission test. The score applicant received last year is valid and the
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent will accept those applicants to the Preparatory Year for 2020/2021 Academic year without admission exam.

1.3.5. Online test

Knowledge of the applicant will be assessed by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, featuring a difficulty level that is adequate to the secondary school programs of Uzbekistan.

The Online Test consists of:

Mathematics:                  18 questions (time: 40 minutes)

Comprehension:               6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Logic:                                 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Physics:                            12 questions (time: 26 minutes)

The full online test consists of 42 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct.

Every question carries:

1 point               –      if it is correct (you get 1 point)

-0.25 points       –      if it is wrong (you loose -0.25 points)

0 points             –       if it is left blank (you do not loose any points)

All the questions will be in English!

1.3.6. Exam results

Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with the percentage of their results will be announced within a week or two after the admission test.

  • After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:

submit the paper application form, provided at the front desk by the Admission Office: it must be properly filled in and initially signed by the Applicant, in front of an Authorized member of the Admission Commit-tee;

show the original Passport (with copy);

  • provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;
    provide 1 paper folder, large envelop;
    submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);
    IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher (for other language certificates see section 1.4. of these regulations).

Paper documents should be submitted to the Admission Committee at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Kichik Halqa Yuli str. 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan.

1.3.7. Exemptions from the admission test (for foreign students only)

This section is intended for applicants from foreign countries, who have certificates listed below. A score equal to or higher than a given threshold is set. According to Section 1.3.1, students with very high marks are possibly allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and enter the First Level. The final decision is made by the Admission Committee coordinated by the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters. For countries, where Admission Test to University is compulsory, it is necessary to attach a certificate confirming that the exam is passed.

Certificates considered equivalent to the admission test (the following number refers to the grading equal to or higher than the threshold: 60/100)

GRE (General Test) with a minimum score of 153 in the “Verbal” section and 144 in “Quantitative” section and any score in the “Analytical Writing” section

GMAT with a minimum score of 500 in the two sections “Verbal” and “Quantitative”, with any score in the “Analytical Writing” section.
SAT SAT Reasoning test (section “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and section “Math” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section) and SAT Subject Test (section “Physics Level 1 or 2” and section “Mathematics Level 1 or 2” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section). The two sections “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and “Math” of the SAT Test can be replaced by the ACT Test with a minimum score of 20.

1.4. English Language certificate

The minimum IELTS (academic) requirement for enrollment in the Preparatory Year of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU is IELTS 4.5. DUE TO THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN APPLICANTS ACCEPTED TO PREPARATORY YEAR CAN SUBMIT THEIR IELTS SCORE WITHIN THE YEAR OF ADMISSION.

IELTS (academic) 5.5 or higher is mandatory to progress to the First Level of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU. DUE TO THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN APPLICANTS ACCEPTED TO THE FIRST LEVEL CAN SUBMIT THEIR IELTS SCORE BY THE END OF 2020.

The equivalent English Language Certificates and exemption cases can be found at https://didattica.polito.it/cla/en/certificates.

1.5. Tuition fee

The tuition fee per 1 Academic Year for all courses of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZB sums.


For more information regarding the application process and any other queries, please contact directly to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at:

E-mail: admission@new.polito.uz

Tel: +99871 246-63-48, +99871 246-80-52

Working days: Monday-Friday (09:00-18:00)


For the purpose of effectively fighting against the coronavirus COVID-19 and preventing the spread of the disease in our republic,

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a contest of ideas!


Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent gives you an opportunity of participating in the competition with your innovative ideas and projects.
You can give ideas and suggestions in the following areas:
  1. The role of the media (television, radio, social networks, etc.) in the effective organization of leisure activities of citizens during quarantine;
  2. Measures on the remote organization of work, teaching and studying during quarantine for employees (mainly the service sector), students and pupils;
  3. Measures on using disinfectants and preventing the spread of the disease;
  4. Means of rapid detection of coronavirus infection.
The university will consider and take measures to implement each relevant idea.
To take part in the contest, just send a brief description of the idea, the full name of an author and a phone number to @businessincubator by telegram messenger!