
Abdullo Boltoboev


Student (bachelor)

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Bachelor’s – 1998-2002 Tashkent State Aviation Institute, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Design of Flying Vehicles Department.

Master’s – 2002-2004 Tashkent State Aviation Institute, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Design of Flying Vehicles Department.

Certificate course on Programming – 2005-2006 2010 Young Developers Training and Support Center, Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Specialization – 2nd Level ofVisual C++, C#,Windows and Web Applications Development, MS SQL Database Development.

PhD in Aerospace Information Engineering – 2016 Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. Specialization – Aircraft Conceptual and Preliminary Design.

Certificate course on CATIAV5, CimatronE v.9 and Fikus Training – 2011 Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

Certificate course on NX Basic. Training course TR10000 – 2011 Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

Online course on Programming for Everybody (Python) – 2014-2015 University of Michigan, School of Information, USA

Online course on Fundamentals of GIS – 2016 University of California, Center for Watershed Sciences, Davis, USA

Researcher – 2004-2006 Tashkent State Aviation Institute, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Design of Flying Vehicles Department.

Project Engineer – 2011-2015 CAD-CAM-CAE Department. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

Project Engineer – 2015-2017 Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC), Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Senior Lecturer – 2017-till now. Civil Engineering and Architecture Department. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

Researcher – 2004-2006 Tashkent State Aviation Institute, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Design of Flying Vehicles Department.

Project Engineer – 2011-2015 CAD-CAM-CAE Department. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

Project Engineer – 2015-2017 Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC), Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Senior Lecturer – 2017-till now. Civil Engineering and Architecture Department. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Uzbekistan

SPACECOM Project: New study program in space systems and communications engineering. Erasmus+, ongoing project since Nov.2019, TTPU, Uzbekistan.

FoAF (Future of Aerospace Factories) Project: University and Industry (Airbus UK) collaboration project. 4.1.5. High Performance ADU (Automated Drilling Unit), 2015-2016 , NITC, UK

MSIT Project: University and JSC “General Motors – Uzbekistan” Industrial Enterprise joint Project, 2013-2015, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Product development and Metrology Centers Establishment Project (PMCEP): University and JSC “General Motors – Uzbekistan” Industrial Enterprise joint Project, 2011-2013, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) Project. 2010 ADIC, Konkuk University, Korea

Integrated Process and Product Development (IPPD) Project. 2008-2009, Konkuk University, Korea

Aircraft Design, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD), Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Geometry Design(CAGD), System Engineering, Product Design, Reverse Engineering.


1. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Maxim Tyan, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun. “Compound rotorcraft design Python framework”. 11th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Application (MITA 2015). Pages 83-88. Uzbekistan, 30 June -2 July, 2015
2. Abdulaziz Azamatov, “Concurrent engineering elements under the localization program of industrial enterprises in Uzbekistan”. Proceeding ACTA (“Вестник”). Issue 3 (Special Edition). Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2013
3. AmgadSalama, Abdulaziz Azamatov, M.F. El Amin, Shuyu Sun and Huancong Huang, “CFD investigation of flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in isoflux spirally fluted tubes”. SPE 154466, International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference. Pages 30-39, Noordwijk, Netherlands, June 12–14, 2012
4. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun. “Comprehensive aircraft configuration design tool for Integrated Product and Process Development”. Journal of Advances in Engineering Software. Issue 42, Pages 35-49, 2011
5. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun. “Intelligent shape generation solutions for aircraft geometry design in collaborative design framework”. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation – 2011”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, October 24-26, 2011
6. Ngoc Anh Vu, Than Lin, Abdulaziz Azamatov, TunLwin and Jae-Woo Lee, “Development of integrated rotorcraft design and virtual manufacturing framework”. Journal of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology. Issue 83/3, Pages 171-185, 2011
7. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Yung-Hwan Byun and Sangho Kim. “An Intelligent Geometry Generation System for Parametric Aerospace Vehicle Design”. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation – 2009”. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, October 26-28, 2009
8. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Yung-Hwan Byun and Sangho Kim, “Intelligent Rotorcraft Configuration Designer for Integrated Product and Process Development”. Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (KSAS) Fall Conference, KyongJu, Korea, November 11-12, 2009
9. Than Lin, Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Sangho Kim and Yung-Hwan Byun, “Integrated Product Process Development (IPPD): A Case Study of Manufacturing Helicopter Main Rotor Blade”. KSAS Fall Conference, KyongJu, Korea, November 11-12, 2009
10. Abdulaziz Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Yung-Hwan Byun and Sangho Kim, “An Automated Geometry Generation System for Aerospace Vehicle Conceptual Design. KSAS Spring Conference. PyongChang, Korea, April 16-17, 2009
11. Abdulaziz Irgashevich Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee, Yung-Hwan Byun and Sangho Kim, “Advanced Configuration Generation Technique for the Complex Aircraft Geometry”. The IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2008), Xian, China, July 2-5, 2008
12. Abdulaziz Irgashevich Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun, “Development of Configuration Design Method for the Complex Aircraft Shape Generation”. International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, PLM-2008, Seoul, Korea, 2008
13. Nhu-Van Nguyen, Abdulaziz Azamatov, Tran Si Bui Quang, Seok-Min Choi, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun, “An Overall Product Design Process Using Robust Design and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)”. KCOSE Journal. Vol.3. No.2, Pages 39-42, Korea, 2007
14. Abdulaziz Irgashevich Azamatov, Jae-Woo Lee and Yung-Hwan Byun, “Design of Heavy Cargo Aircraft by Implementing Russian Design Process”. KSAS Conference . KSA06-2513, Pusan, Korea, 2006
15. Azamatov A. I., Sultanov A.Kh., “К вопросу об оценке транспортной эффективности грузовых модификаций магистральных пассажирских самолетов” (In Russian: On estimation of transportation effectiveness of passenger jet’s cargo modifications). Modern methods in business administration and marketing, North-West Technological University (СЗТУ), Inter-University Journal, Issue 4. Russia, 2005
16. AzamatovA. I., Sultanov A.Kh., “К вопросу о целесообразности создания грузовой модификации самолета Ил-86”. “Texnika Yulduzlari” jurnali (In Russian: On appropriateness of cargo modification of passenger jet Ilyushin-86. Journal of “Technology Stars”. Issue 3. Pages 76-81, Uzbekistan 2003