Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture​

The degree program teaches how to design, implement, manage, survey, monitor and maintain buildings in the broadest sense: from civil and industrial buildings to major works, and infrastructure; it also completes the quali cation with expertise on security and civil protection.

The overall structure of the Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture degree program is strongly rooted in tradition, thus maintaining the Industrial and Civil Engineer’s professional figure in keeping with its recognizable demand on the job market.

At the same time, the detailed structure of the study program, the specific contents of the modules and the innovations introduced make the curriculum very cutting edge and innovative.

 The first year of the programme trains students in the basic language of engineering, with courses in the foundation sciences (mathematics, chemistry, physics and informatics); the second year builds on the basic scientific preparation and provides the fundamentals of engineering for the construction sector; the third year completes the basic engineering training and introduces the specific applications of civil engineering, particularly in the areas of design, realization and testing.

The courses providing the basic language of engineering are organised into four groups: mathematics (including physical mathematics and numerical and statistical methods), physics, chemistry, and informatics. They are held in the first and second year.

The basic construction engineering courses are organised into three groups: representation and surveying, technical physics and materials science and technology, and structural engineering and hydraulics.

The courses in civil engineering applications are organised into two groups: geology and geotechnics, and structural and infrastructure engineering.


Career opportunities 

The BSc degree course in Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture is designed to train a professional figure with specific knowledge and skills related to the design, implementation, management, surveying, control and maintenance of buildings (civil and industrial), large structures (bridges, dams, tunnels) and infrastructure (roads and transport systems, systems for collection, distribution and treatment of water). To complement these skills, and taking into account the impact that major civil works have on the territory, the programme also provides basic instruction related to safety and civil defence.
The three-year programme is designed to give students the methodolical and operative tools they will need for immediate employment, in positions of support to the activities described above, or to continue their education in the two-year MSc course, where they will acquire the competences necessary to undertake free-lance professional activities.
Starting from a solid formation in basic sciences, students receive instruction that builds an engineering background founded on the basic notions of construction, followed by specific training in civil engineering. This includes both theoretical and applicative elements which will be a point of reference both in future professional activities and in the MSc degree course.
The overall organisation of the Civil Engineering programme has remained strongly traditional, in order to preserve the professional profile of the civil engineer which is a stong point for entering the working world. However, the specific contents of the curriculum and the innovations that have been introduced make the programme very up-to-date, forward-looking and open to new trends and developments.

Graduates in Civil Engineering can undertake professional activities, which entail liability to third parties. These are support activities in the areas of design, realization, management, surveying, testing and maintenance of buildings, large public works, and infrastructure, and are sought by public and private technical departments, building contractors and engineering firms.

The Study program qualifies the following professional profile/s:

Roles and skills:

Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture  


The Degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture is designed to train a professional figure having specific knowledge and skills related to the design, implementation, management, survey, control and maintenance of constructions (civil and industrial), major public works (bridges, dams, tunnels) and major infrastructures (roads and transport systems; collection, distribution and disposal of water). Given the complexity of the interactions that civil works create on a territory, these skills are supplemented with basic knowledge about security and civil protection.
The three-year training program is structured to provide students with the methodological and operational tools required for both a direct entry into the job market and for the pursuit of an MSc, with which they will acquire the necessary skills to start as freelance consultants.


Starting with a training in the field of basic sciences, students are offered modules that progressively define a basic qualification in engineering, based on the cultural cornerstones of the construction industry, and then a specific preparation in Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture. This is provided through theoretical and practical modules that are pivotal both for the professional activity, and for further education with the MSc program.
The overall structure of the Civil Engineering degree program is strongly rooted in tradition, thus maintaining the Civil Engineer’s professional figure in keeping with its recognizable demand on the job market. At the same time, the detailed structure of the study program, the specific contents of the modules and the innovations introduced make the degree program very state-of-the-art, outward looking and highly geared to future updates and evolutions.


Graduates in Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture can carry out freelance professional work , with responsibilities toward third parties, provided they pass the State exam and the consequent registration in the Association of Engineers (Section B, junior engineer). These are support activities in the areas of design, implementation, management, surveying, testing and maintenance of buildings, major public work and infrastructure, and are sought by public and private technical departments, building contractors and engineering firms.

Civil engineer, qualified in design  


The Civil Engineer has cross curricular skills for a large number of issues concerning constructions and infrastructure. His functions and skills can be referred to two professional figures who may find employment in many working environments: the civil engineer qualified in technical design and the civil engineer qualified in execution and management of works.
The Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture, qualified in design, is a technician who can help in the design of a building or an infrastructure from the preliminary draft design to the executive design and/or construction projects.


– plan and direct the civil engineering work, in accordance with the law;
– perform static calculations for reinforced concrete works, with the use of standardized methodologies;
– design of infrastructure and water work projects;
– design of ordinary geotechnical works;
– design of road infrastructures;


The BSc trained civil engineer in design, helps with the design of constructions, including complex ones, and can design simple constructions independently, and in conformity with the law. The activities as a freelance, entailing responsibilities towards third parties, may begin after registration with the Association of Engineers, in section B (junior engineer), after passing the State exam. These professionals are employed primarily for their support activities within public and private civil technical design departments, and in engineering firms.

Civil engineer, qualified in execution and management of works  


The Civil Engineer has cross curricular skills for a large number of issues concerning constructions and infrastructure. His functions and skills can be referred to two professional figures who may find employment in many working environments: the civil engineer qualified in technical design and the civil engineer qualified in execution and management of works.

The Civil Engineer, qualified to execute and manage major works, is a technician who can help in the construction and maintenance of a building or infrastructure, during the work’s life cycle up to its dismantling and reuse. This professional figure is primarily employed to monitor implementation phases in technical departments of government agencies and engineering companies operating in construction activities.


– plan and coordinate on-site safety;
– prepare and submit technical documents
– carry out tests and audit the standards, the functionality and the safety of structures and infrastructures
– preparation of reports
– manage ordinary and emergency maintenance of buildings and civil works
– prepare specifications for tenders;
– coordinate and manage labs for tests on materials and structures
– coordinate the survey of structures and infrastructures
– liaise with clients, workforce, colleagues and institutions


The BSc trained Civil engineer, qualified in execution and management of works, helps with the design of major works, even complex ones, and can design simple works independently, and in conformity with the law. The activities as a freelance, entailing responsibilities towards third parties, may begin after registration with the Association of Engineers, in section B (junior engineer), after passing the State exam. These professionals are employed primarily in the management and organization of building site operations, and production management in companies dealing with building materials and structural components.