- +998 71 246-70-82
2008 - present |
PhD Independent researcher Tashkent University of Information Technologies |
2012 - 2013 |
Master Exchange in Information and Telecommunication Engineering Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
2010 - 2012 |
MS in Telecommunication Engineering, Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) |
2004 - 2008 |
BS in Telecommunication Engineering, Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) |
2022 - present |
Vice-rector for Financial-economic issues and innovations Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent |
2020 – 2022 |
Head of Strategic Development Department of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent |
2020 - 2020 |
Head of International Relations Department of Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education |
2020 - 2020 |
Head of International Relations Department of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent |
2020 - 2021 |
Coordinator for International projects at International Relations Department at TUIT |
2016 - 2020 |
Head of the International Relations Department at TUIT |
2013 - 2016 |
Assistant teacher at Tashkent University of Information Technologies |
2011-2012 |
Researcher at Uzbek-Korea IT center |
2011-2011 |
TeleTech-Huawei Telecommunication Company |
2008-2011 |
IRIS Telecommunication Company, NSN&ZTE Project in Uzbekistan |
Bachelor Internship: Automatic Telephone System of Andijan city 2/2008
Master Internship: Professional training at Automatic telephone station:
hardware installation and node inspection 3/2012
Training course: C# Language Programming course, CPPMP 5/2007
Master Internship: “Huawei C&C08” Tashkent Engineering Technical Centre 2/2011
1. American Councils, UniCEN project with Kent State University - Accreditation, Assessment, and Improving Student Outcomes. 2019-2020 years
2. Erasmus+ CBHE program, MechaUz: Modernization of Mechatronics and Robotics for Bachelor degree in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology. 2019-2022 years
3. Erasmus+ CBHE program, SPACECOM: New Curriculum in Space Systems and Communication Engineering. 2019-2022 years
4. Erasmus+ CBHE program, DECIDE: Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities. 2018-2021 years
5. Erasmus+ CBHE program, ITEM: Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics. 2018-2021 years
6. Erasmus+ CBHE program, NICOPA: New and Innovative Courses for Precision Agriculture. 2018-2021 years
7. Erasmus+ CBHE program, UNICAC: UNiversity Cooperation Framework for Knowledge Transfer in Central Asia and China. 2018-2021 years
8. Erasmus+ CBHE program, HiEdTec: Modernisation of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies. 2018-2021 years
9. JICA: Project for Improvement of Equipment for Media Training Center at Tashkent University of Information Technologies. 2016-2019 years
10. KOICA: Project for Establishment and Dissemination of Integrated Educational Information System for Tashkent University of Information Technologies. 2018-2021 years.
11. Erasmus+ CBHE program, I2-PLEDGE: Innovative and interdisciplinary Programmes in Bio-medical Engineering to Leverage and Exploit the Digital Growth programme for students’ employability in UZ. 2023-2025 years.
12. Erasmus+ CBHE program, UzMedEn, New master’s degree and training course programs in the field of medical engineering in Uzbekistan. 2023-2025 years.
Telecommunication, wireless communication, autonomous networking, Cloud and Fog Computing, self-management issues, and related research domain. International relations, Management.
1. Kim Sung Soo, Javlonbek Abdujalilov, Cheol ho Kang, SeHoon Jin. Optimizing parameters of Speech recognition for Uzbek voice. //International Conference on IT Promotion in Asia 2011 – Session T4, P.160-165
2. Farruh Muzafarov, Javlonbek Abdujalilov. Methods for Providing QoS in Multiservice IP Networks. //International Conference on IT Promotion in Asia 2011 – Session T7, P.400-404
3. Umid Niyazov, Rustam Abdurakhmanov, Javlon Abdujalilov. Frequency Estimation of Sinusoidal Signals Contaminated with White Noise. //ICEIC2012 Journal
4. Rustam Rakhimov Igorevich, Javlonbek Abdujalilov, Dugki Min, Karimov.M.M. Speech Recognition System for Humanoid Robot Control. //International Conference on IT Promotion in Asia 2011 – Session T7, P.407-412.
5. Javlonbek Abdujalilov, "Popularity of websites: HTTP Traffic Analysis" //Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems (ISSN: 2321 – 5658) Volume 02 – Issue 06, December 2014.
6. Abdujalilov J.A. "Analysis of HTTP traffic " //TATU XABARLARI 3(31)/2014
7. Abdujalilov J.A., Normatova D.T., Hujamov H.E., "Analysis of performance indicators of OCDMA in Passive Optical Network" //TATU XABARLARI 1(33)/2015
8. Ж. А. Абдужалилов, А.Ф. Хайтбаев, " Кириш тармоғида каналларни оптик код бўйича ажратиш усулида фойдаланиладиган оптик сигнал ишлаб чиқарувчи манбалар таҳлили", //TATU XABARLARI 2(33)/2015
9. Ж.А.Абдужалилов, А.Ф.Хайтбаев,"Синтез наложенных телекоммуникационных сетей с учетом единиц данных и применением многослойного графа", //Radiotexnika, Telekommunikatsiya va axborot texnologiayalari: muammolari va kelajak rivoji. Xalqaro ilmiy texnik konferensiya Toshkent 2015
10. Abdujalilov J.A., Eshmuradov A.M., Haytbaev A.F.," Analysis of performance indicators of WDM in Passive Optical Network" //TATU XABARLARI 2(33)/2015
11. Abdujalilov J.A., “Modeling Data communication protocols with NS3 simulator” // TATU XABARLARI 1/2016.
12. Farruh Muzafarov, Javlonbek Abdujalilov, “Modeling data communication with NS3 simulator” //International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 4 Issue VIII, August 2016, P.47-51. ISSN: 2321-9653
13. Farruh Muzafarov, Javlonbek Abdujalilov, “Modeling wireless network topology with NS3” // International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 4 Issue VIII, August 2016, P.80-85. ISSN: 2321-9653.
14. Н.Б.Усманова, Ж.А.Абдужалилов “К вопросу исследования автономного поведения и адаптации в современных сетях связи” //Международной научно-практической конференции «ИНФОКОМ-2018», МТУСИ, Россия, 2018.
15. Development of a method to build Fiber Bragg grating-based sensors/ by Abdujalilov Javlonbek, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Yakubova Muborak, Zhunusov Kanat, Orazalieva Sandugash, Konshin Sergey, Yakubov Bakhodir, Golubena Tatyana, Institute of Space Engineering and Telecommunications Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications), Almaty, Kazakhstan. ICISCT 2019
16. Providing resources in Fog Computing infrastructure: considerations on performance requirements / by Usmanova N., Abdujalilov J., Suyunov A., Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. ICISCT 2019
17. Dynamic control in fog computing infrastructure
Abdujalilov, J.
2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies, ICISCT 2020, 2020, 9351449
18. Analysis and improvement of the methods used for performance assessing of 4G network with NB-IoT technology for three scenarios of spectrum use in the 900 MHz range
Abdujalilov, J., Turzhanova, K., Konshin, S., Solochshenko, A., Yakubov, B. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies, ICISCT 2020, 2020, 9351379