Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting was held at TTPU

On October 25, 2024, the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO), in cooperation with Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, hosted the Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting on “Impact of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Projects in Engineering and Strengthening University-Industry Cooperation”.

At the beginning of the event, a tour of TTPU for guests was organized and closely acquainted with the activities of the University.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and innovation Otabek Makhkamov, Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Olimjon Tuychiev, coordinator of Erasmus + National Office (NEO) Aziza Abdurakhmanova and local coordinators and group members of the CBHE project, members of the National Expert Group for higher education reform (HEREs), representatives of non-academic CBHE partner organizations, stakeholders in the higher education system.

During the event, the results were analyzed on a total of 26 Erasmus+ CBHE projects (12 of which were completed, 12 on-going projects and 2 projects from the 2024 competition) in engineering and strengthening University-Industrial Cooperation.

The meeting aimed to:

  • Enhance Synergies: Foster collaboration between local higher education institutions, engineering fields, and industry.
  • Strengthen Academia-Industry Ties: Support research commercialization, patenting, and increased university revenue.
  • Promote Erasmus+ CBHE Projects: Provide a platform for stakeholders from the EU Delegation, Ministries, and higher education institutions to learn about Erasmus+ projects in Uzbekistan.
  • Exchange Best Practices: Facilitate the sharing of good practices and achievements among participants from all regions.

This meeting was conducted in English and Uzbek. For more information on Erasmus+ projects, use the QR code below.

 Erasmus+ CBHE projects in higher education:

Within 6 Calls (2015-2020) in total 43 Erasmus + CBHE projects were financed for Uzbekistan, including 12 national projects, involving European and Uzbek universities, 11 cross-regional projects, and 20 regional projects -with the participation of HEIs both from Uzbekistan and a number of other Central Asian countries. The total project budget allocated for 43 Erasmus + CBHE projects was €36.6 million euro, including about €11.5 million (31.4%) particularly for HEIs in Uzbekistan.

Within the 2021-2027 programme 20 projects have been selected so far. According to the selection results of the 2024 Call for Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 5 new CBHE projects with involvement of Uzbekistan HEIs will be funded. There are 2 national projects, 3 regional projects involving Central Asian countries. Currently, 16 CBHE projects are ongoing, with 8 of them launched at the beginning of this year. Five newly selected CBHE projects from the 2024 call will start at the beginning of 2025.
            26 Erasmus+ CBHE projects in the field of Engineering and Strengthening University-Industry Cooperation (12 completed projects, 12 ongoing projects, and 2 projects from Call 2024) were funded until September of 2024. In total, 26 universities and 7 non-academic organisations from Uzbekistan were involved in the projects in these fields.

October 2024 1-2015 2-2016 3- 2017 4- 2018 5- 2019 6- 2020 Call-2022 Call-2023 Call-2024
63 projects 11 7 7 7 5 6 7 8 5
43 completed  11 7 7 7 5 6      
15 ongoing              7 8  
5 new selected projects                 5

Use the QR code below to access complete information about Erasmus+ projects.

An excursion was organized for “Architecture and Design” students of TTPU

On October 14 of this year, to practically reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained during studies, Enter Engineering organized a tour for second-year “Architecture and Design” students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

During the tour, the students became familiar with the construction process of the National Agency for Social Protection building, in particular, with the layout of structural and communication systems, room dimensions on each floor, dismantling works, as well as the render showing the interior and exterior design of the building. They also, while communicating with foremen and construction workers, not only received practical advice but also had the opportunity to get answers to relevant questions about the profession.

At the end of the tour, TTPU students were invited by representatives of Enter Engineering to revisit the site and see the results of the restoration work upon its completion.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment for the implementation of the project “Sphere: Sustainable transportation within the framework of a green deal”

In order to implement the Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-4477 of 04.10.2019 “On approval of the Strategy for the Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy for the Period 2019-2030”, PP-59 of 19.12.2022 “On measures to reform the public transport system” Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has recently become an active member of European Erasmus+ CBHE project “Sphere- Sustainable transportation within the framework of a green deal”.

In this regard, for the purpose of project further implementation, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment indicated in Table 1.

Table 1 List of required equipment

Type ( equipment or Software) Item name Quantity
Equipment VBOX 3i dual antenna- Industry standard data logger 1
Equipment Brake trigger/ Pedal force sensor 1
Equipment Brake temperature monitoring system 1
Equipment Inertial Measurement Unit 1
Equipment VBOX 3is 1
Equipment RTK base station 1
Equipment VBOX speed sensors 1
Equipment Tyre temperature monitoring 1
Equipment Steering Torque Sensor 1
Equipment NTRIP Modem 1
Equipment Literature 1
Equipment 2Chan VN1610+Y-cable 1
Equipment 2Chan VN4610 (IEEE 802.11P) 1
Equipment P-CAN USB Interface/Simulator 1
Software CANoE Pro 15S (SAE J2735, 0053, 0157, SAE J1939, ISO11786) 1
Equipment NEXT N9EV EV Smart Diagnostic System 1
Equipment ASCT-1000 Intelligent ADAS Calibration System 1

Republican and foreign companies can participate in the tender. All offers should be sent till November 11th, 2024 18:00. For all questions, please contact

Sanjarbek Ruzimov

Manager of Sphere project

e-mail: sanjar.ruzimov@gmail.com

Asanov Seyran

Contact person of the tendering procedure

e-mail: seyran.asanov@polito.uz

A tender has been announced for construction and repair work to organize the opening ceremony of a new 5-storey building on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Further construction and repair work on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is as follows:

  1. Repair of the corridor and foyer of the 1st floor of the 4-storey educational building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

2. Corridor leading to a newly built 5-story building on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University, student lounge (bosedka) and lobby part.

3. Repair of the 3-4 floors and stairs of the Student Residence building of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

The tender period is defined as 5 calendar days from the date of publication of the tender on the university’s Internet portal.

In the Appendix

  1. Technical conditions.
  2. Evaluation criteria.
  3. Design of furniture and equipment.

To participate in the tender, documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Tenders for capital repair and construction work are conducted based on the principles of reducing estimated prices (lowering).

Questions about participation in the tender can be addressed to the chief engineer of the university Eshmuratov Ilkhom Amanturdievich.
Phone: (98) 809 02 11.

Transforming the World Through Human-Centered Design: Insights from a Seminar by a Korean Professor Kwan Myung Kim

On September 25 of this year, Korean professor Kwan Myung Kim, Dean of Research affairs of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea) visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

A tour of the university was organized for the guest, and the conditions created by the university, in particular, the projects implemented by university students were introduced.

During the event, a meeting was held with the participation of TTPU Rector Olimjon Tuychiev. At the meeting, a presentation was made about the activities of the university and future cooperation was discussed.

Also, a seminar by a Korean professor Kwan Myung Kim focused on the theme “Human-Centered Design that Transforms the World” was held for university students. The event attracted a diverse audience, including students and design enthusiasts, all eager to explore how design can address real-world challenges.

During the seminar, professor gave valuable advices to students, shared his experience on human-centred design and answered all their questions.

The results of the entrance exams held from May 4 to September 14 of this year have been announced

Initiation ceremony – 2024

Today, the “Initiation ceremony” event was held for students admitted to the first year of the 2024-2025 academic year at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

At the start of the event, the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was played. Then, the Rector of TTPU, Olimjon Toychiyev, delivered a speech, wishing all the TTPU freshmen success in the new academic year. He also expressed confidence that they will become skilled professionals in the future. The Chairman of the University’s parent council also congratulated the students on obtaining student status and wished them all the best.

During the annual event, students take their oaths to dedicate all their activities for our motherland and its great future, to become highly qualified professionals, to be the best before parents, to devote all their knowledge in order to fully fulfill it, regularly acquire practical knowledge and skills in the chosen specialty, to complete the activities specified in the curriculum and programs on time, to constantly participate in training sessions, use the acquired professional knowledge, master the engineering profession and contribute to the development of the economy of our country, and consider compliance with the internal rules of the university as their sacred duty.

Also, at the event, the military orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, singers of the song and dance ensemble of the Armed Forces and students of the university gave an upbeat mood to the event with their musical performances.

The results of the entrance exams on September 14 of this year have been announced

Dear applicants and students!

Considering the large number of applications from students and applicants, the deadline for providing a 10% discount for 100% tuition payment is postponed to September 20, 2024

The results of the entrance exams on September 7 and 10 of this year have been announced

Dear applicants and students!

In connection with the 15th anniversary of our university, a 10% discount will be provided to the students if they make the contract payment in full (100%) by September 15, 2024.

Magistratura bo‘yicha ko‘p beriladigan savollar

  1. Magistratura hujjatlarining topshirish muddati qachon tugaydi?

2024-yil 31-avgust.

  • Magistraturada qanday mutaxassisliklar mavjud?

“Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi”, “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”, “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)”.

  • Magistraturada necha yil o‘qiladi?

2 yil.

  • Magistraturada kontrakt narxi qancha?
  • “Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi” – 22 000 000;
  • “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”- 15 000 000;
  • “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)” – 22 000 000.

  • Magistraturaga hujjatlarni topshirish tartibi qanday?

Faqat onlayn. Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti sayti (https://qabul.turin.uz/) orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tiladi va saytda ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan tegishli hujjatlar yuklanadi.

  • Magistraturaga qanday hujjatlar talab qilinadi?
    • pasport nusxasi;
    • bakalavr diplomi ilovasi bilan;

    • 3×4 fotosurat;

  • Til sertifikati (agar mavjud bo’lsa).
  • Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish to‘lovi


  • Magistraturaga qabul qay tarzda amalga oshiriladi?

Magistraturaga qabul suhbat asosida amalga oshiriladi.

  • Til sertifikatisiz ham hujjatlarni topshirish mumkinmi?

Ha mumkin.

  • Magistratura mutaxassisligi uchun tashkillashtirilgan kurslarda kimlar dars o‘tadi?

Magistraturada ilmiy darajaga ega bo‘lgan yuqori malakali, tajribali xorijiy va mahalliy professor-o‘qituvchilar dars o‘tadi.

  1. Magistraturada darslar qaysi tilda olib boriladi?

Darslar ingliz tilida olib boriladi

  1. Magistraturani bitirgandan so‘ng qanday diplom beriladi?

Magistraturani bitirgandan so‘ng xorijda tan olinadigan O‘zbekiston namunasidagi diplom beriladi.

Dear applicants and students!

In order to create additional opportunities for the students of our university and make it easier to pay the contract fees, a 10% discount will be provided to the students if they make the contract payment in full (100%) by September 10, 2024.

The results of the entrance exams on August 17 and 24 of this year have been announced

Announcement on the start of admission to basic doctoral studies on the basis of the State budget from September 15, 2024

We announce that admission to the basic doctoral studies at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent will start on September 15, 2024, based on the state budget, for the following specialties:
• 05.09.01 – Construction structures, buildings and structures (Quota: 2);
• 05.01.08 – Automation and management of technological processes and productions (Quota: 3);
• 05.08.06 – Wheeled and gusenis cars and their use (Quota: 3);
• 01.01.05 – Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Quota: 1);
• 05.01.07 – Mathematical modeling. Numerical methods and set of programs (Quota: 1).

Applicants for basic doctoral studies must submit the following documents:
• application;
• brief biographical reference;
• a certified copy of the work book in the prescribed manner (for working applicants);
• Diploma of the magistracy of a higher educational institution, a copy of the diploma on higher education (in specialty programs) ;
• published list of scientific works, as well as their copies;

• Copy of the Passport or ID;

• National or equivalent international language certificate;
• Holders of state scholarships of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan will present a copy of the relevant document.

Documents of applicants for a basic doctorate will be accepted from September 15 to October 15 of this year.

A cooperation agreement was signed between Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and “AgroTech Cluster” LLC

In order to effectively implement the tasks set at the video conference held under the chairmanship of the Head of state on the training of engineering personnel and improving the activities of higher educational institutions, representatives of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent visited the Chirchik cluster of agricultural Engineering – “Agrotech Cluster”.

As part of the visit, university representatives acquainted the company’s employees with the university’s activities and conducted a presentation on master’s and bachelor’s programs.

At the end of the event, a meeting was held with the participation of Azizbek Mukhitdinov, General Director of “AgroTech Cluster”, and issues of comprehensive bilateral cooperation on training qualified personnel in the field of engineering were discussed.

These included:

  • Establishing a branch of “Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aerospace Engineering” Departmen at AgroTech Cluster and equipping it with the latest machinery, processing technologies, and equipment samples.
  • Reviewing and shaping course projects, graduation qualification works, and master’s thesis topics based on existing production issues, with the participation of leading specialists from the company.
  • Equipping educational laboratories with modern equipment according to educational programs.
  • Sending academic staff from the Department of “Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aerospace Engineering” for internships at AgroTech Cluster.

An agreement was reached on these important matters, and a cooperation agreement was signed to implement these initiatives.

There is very little time left until the application deadline for the President Tech Awards startup competition!

There is very little time left until the application deadline for the most exciting startup competition, the President Tech Awards, with a prize fund of $1,000,000!

Don’t miss this opportunity and prove the world that your project can change the future!

📎 Submit your application through the following link: awards.gov.uz.

Ensure that you have joined the team and uploaded your project into the system to confirm your registration!

🔅 Ahead lies the Boot Camp, where you will acquire practical skills on how to properly structure your project and what to focus on.

➡️ Deadline: August 20th

A TENDER HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED for the supply of furniture and equipment for a 5-story building under construction on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Furniture and equipment for the new building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are as follows:

Teacher chairs – 50

Student chairs – 450

Student desk 1.3 * 0.6 * 0.7 m – 230

Wardrobe 0.8 * 0.4 * 2.2 m – 6

Wardrobe 1.6 * 0.4 * 2.2 m – 18

Stage – 1

Pouffe 0.45 * 0.45 * 0.4 m – 20 pcs.

Pouffe 0.45 * 0.45 * 0.45 m – 25 pcs.

Pouffe 0.45 * 0.45 * 0.5 m – 25 pcs.

The tender period is defined as 5 calendar days from the date of publication of the tender on the university’s Internet portal.

In the Appendix

  1. Technical conditions.
  2. Evaluation criteria.
  3. Design of furniture and equipment.

To participate in the tender, documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Tenders for capital repair and construction work are conducted based on the principles of reducing estimated prices (lowering).

Questions about participation in the tender can be addressed to the chief engineer of the university Eshmuratov Ilkhom Amanturdievich.
Phone: (98) 809 02 11.

The results of the entrance exams held from May 4 to August 10 of this year have been updated

Research Commercialization Program (RCP) held within the framework of the MUNIS project of the World Bank

A group of scientists from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent participated and won Research Commercialization Program (RCP) held within the framework of the MUNIS project of the World Bank, with the project “Digital Twin based education platform for STEM” (project leader Doctor of technical sciences Jasurkhoja Kholkhojayev).