Tutors are visiting the students’ rented apartments

Academic groups tutors of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are visiting the rented apartments where students live, in order to study their living conditions and readiness for the winter season.

During the visit, tutors are talking to the owners of the apartments, as well as necessary recommendations are given regarding the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and the safety of the equipment.

A festive event dedicated to the Constitution Day was held

The Constitution is a set of laws that defines the perspective of our tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the Constitution deeply and comprehensively, which is the criterion of the life of our society, realize its meaning and turn it into a permanent guide of our practical life.

A festive event was organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, under the theme “Youth – the treasure of our future”.

Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the university, opened the “December 8, the day of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” event. Then the event was continued by Ziyodulla Sadullayev, the deputy mayor of Almazor district for youth issues, with an address to the youth. Almazor district court judge on criminal cases, Sadiqov Khurshid, also congratulated the participants of the event and gave an interesting speech to the students about the rights and duties of citizens and the opportunities created for young people in the constitution.

The celebration was continued by the presentation and videos on the topic “Constitution and tolerance” prepared by university students. Uzbekistan is a multinational country. Representatives of different nationalities and peoples have been living on this land for centuries, and the atmosphere of inter-ethnic harmony and inter-religious tolerance prevails in our country. It was noted that Uzbekistan is becoming an example of tolerance for the countries of the world.

Tursunmetova Gozal, Chairman of Young Lawyers Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, spoke about the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 5106, the consistent and effective implementation of the state policy on youth in our country, and the comprehensive support of young people, touched on the system of protection of rights and legal interests.

The event was given a special atmosphere by the stage performances and musical performances of artists.

A seminar was held dedicated to the Worlds AIDS Day.

A seminar dedicated to “December 1- Worlds AIDS Day” was organized for students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. D.Narimonova, Head of Department of Red Cross and Crescent Movement of Uzbekistan, H.Akhmedova, Executive Director of Olmazor district, V.Abdullaeva, doctor of inter-district dispensary for skin-genital diseases, A.Tajiddinova and F.Jabborova district Sanitary epidemiological and public health service pecialists took part in the seminar.

The meeting was opened by the head of the university spirituality and enlightenment department Allamova G.A., who talked about the purpose and importance of holding such events, and introduced the guests.
Speaking at the meeting, Kh. Akhmedova gave a lecture to the students about the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, its tasks, as well as healthy lifestyle, consequences of harmful habits in human life, AIDS and its prevention. Then V.Abdullaeva made a speech, explaining the difference between HIV and AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, its causes, preventive measures, gave students interesting information about skin and genital diseases.

During the meeting, videos and video slides were shown to students, informed and encouraged to be aware of this immunodeficiency disease. During the event, students received answers to their questions.

PhD dissertatsiya himoyasi

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti huzuridagi

PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 raqamli Ilmiy Kengash qoshidagi

05.08.06 – “Gʻildirakli va gusenitsali mashinalar va ularni ishlatish” ixtisosligi boʻyicha Ilmiy Kengashida dissertatsiya himoyasi.

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti huzuridagi PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 raqamli Ilmiy Kengash asosida 05.08.06 – “Gʻildirakli va gusenitsali mashinalar va ularni ishlatish” ixtisosligi boʻyicha tuzilgan Ilmiy Kengashda texnika fanlari boʻyicha falsafa doktori (PhD) ilmiy darajasiga talabgor Muxitdinov Otabek Odil o‘g‘lining dissertatsiya ishi himoyasi.

Mavzu: “Improving the reliability of internal combustion engines of passenger cars by improving the properties of motor oils with antimicrobial additives”.

Sana: 2022-yil 12-dekabr kuni soat 14:00. 

Seminar shakli: offline/online (havola).

Manzil: Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti bosh binosining 2-qavat, MAJLISlar xonasi.

Masofaviy ishtirok etish uchun online ZOOM havola

Identifikator konferensii: 876 0931 1804

Kod dostupa: 1111

Roundtable discussions were held on the topic of crime prevention

Under the leadership of Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, roundtable discussions were held among university employees, academic staff and students on the topics of increasing students’ legal knowledge, early prevention of crime. At the meetings held with the students, the head of the university’s department for working with youth, G. A. Allamova, senior inspector of prevention, lieutenant colonel Yusupov Sh. and tutor of academic groups Sattiev F.O. participated.


During the discussion, the students were informed that regardless of their age and social background, they will be held legally responsible for any crimes and criminal actions according to the relevant articles of the Criminal and Administrative Responsibility Codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the end of the event, students received detailed answers to their questions from the expert.

Сlosing ceremony of the educational project Huawei “Seeds for the future” was held in Tashkent

On November 23, the closing ceremony of “Seeds for the Future 2022” was held, which for the eighth time brought together students of universities of Uzbekistan to improve knowledge and skills in the field of IT

From November 14th to 21th, students from seven universities in Uzbekistan took part in the annual Huawei Seeds for the Future 2022 training program, aimed at studying advanced technologies and the impact of digital solutions on the sustainable development of the world.

Within eight days, lectures, master classes, open discussions with international experts from Huawei, as well as experts from partner organizations were organized. The project was held in a hybrid format at the Huawei office in Tashkent with live broadcasts from the headquarters and virtual tours of technological showrooms, as well as online participation of mentors for leadership development, start-up launches and the implementation of business ideas.

30 students from 7 universities of Uzbekistan were selected to participate in the project. 5 students from the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent participated in this educational project:

• Koriev Amirkhon
• Mirkhakimova Mushtariibonu
• Mirkomilov Abdulvoris
• Turobov Mirkozim
• Hamza Endiсan

All program participants were awarded certificates and valuable prizes from Huawei. At the end of the program, the “Digital Climate” team took first place in the group, as well as among 12 teams from different countries under the leadership of our student Koriev Amirkhon.

It should be noted that teams have the opportunity to refine their projects according to the comments and advice received, and take part in the Tech4Good global competition, which will be held in January 2023.
We wish good luck to all project participants in the Global Competition

A number of agreements were reached during the visit to Italy

As reported, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjaev is currently on a business trip in Italy as a part of Uzbek delegation to establish comprehensive cooperation and reach agreements on the implementation of personnel training, retraining system by using the most modern technologies implemented in developed countries in the automotive industry and other industries.

In particular, in cooperation with the Turin Polytechnic University in Italy, an agreement was reached on the preparation of personnel with technical skills in digital technologies, advanced automation, “economical production” in the direction of dual education “industrial production technologies” on the basis of a 3-year training plan. According to the agreement, one third of the education process will focus on obtaining theoretical knowledge, and the rest on high professional practical knowledge and skills in industrial engineering, as well as training future specialists by involving them in laboratory classes.


Within the framework of the meeting, negotiations were held on cooperation with the CIM 4.0 competence center of Italy, organization of the “Industrial 4.0 Academy” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent  at the Andijan Institute of mechanical engineering was agreed. The Academy provides the opportunity to annually train 80 mature engineers to enterprises of the production sector.

Within the framework of the meeting, negotiations were held on cooperation with the CIM 4.0 competence center of Italy. At the Andijan Institute of mechanical engineering, the Organization of the “Industrial 4.0 Academy” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent was agreed. The Academy organizes a system of training, retraining and professional development of its personnel on the use of the most modern technologies implemented in developed countries in the automotive industry and other industries. The Academy provides the opportunity to annually train 80 mature engineers to enterprises of the production sector.


As part of the visit, a meeting was held to expand cooperation with the Italian Football Academy Juventus. 50 Uzbek Youth participating in Juventus Academy Tashkent, organized at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, were discussed to participate in the Juventus international tournament in Italy and to create opportunities for meeting leading European teams and expand cooperation.

Google developers student club was opened at TTPU

The Google developers student club helps to exchange experience in the field of programming and develop not only theoretical but also practical knowledge, and it also started its activity at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The main goal of the club is to help students exchange technology and startup ideas, find solutions to local and global problems using Google technologies, and is open to all students who are interested in growing as a developer.

At the event, GDG organizer, leader and android developer Azamat Majidov, Nuruddin Iminohunov, and GDSC leaders of prestigious higher education institutions of our country made a speech, had an interesting conversation on topics related to the sphere.

Another meeting in the dormitory

In the TTPU dormitory a meeting of students and administration was held, where such issues as preparation for the autumn-winter season, fire and technical safety and ensure of public order were discussed.

At the meeting, the students were explained the rules of fire safety, goals and objectives of fire prevention measures, the causes of a fire, emergency actions, fire extinguishing means, detailed information was given on the situations that should be paid attention to in case of fire.

Biomedical engineering will be modernized in cooperation with Italian universities

Within the framework of the project “Strengthening the Material and Technical Base of Higher Education Institutions” financed by the World Bank in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in order to develop cooperation programs with the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Italy, the working group headed by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education for Science and Innovation R. Hakimov is in Italy.

A meeting with representatives of the Interuniversity Research Center for Sustainable Development (CIRPS) was held yesterday in Rome. There were discussed the issue of establishing a “technological park for service and repair of medical equipment” at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in cooperation with CIRPS and providing the technological park with laboratory equipment in the direction of servicing advanced medical equipment, a tripartite agreement was reached.

A meeting was held develop cooperation relations with Laquila University. As a result, with the support of the Erasmus+ grant project an agreement was reached on the modernization and organization of the “Biomedical Engineering” undergraduate education for 2023-2024 in 7 higher educational institutions of the republic (Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent Medical Academy, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Andijan State Medical Institute, Tashkent University of Information Technologies and Urganch branches of the Tashkent Medical Academy) on the basis of innovative ideas and digital technologies

In particular, in 7 higher education institutions, curricula and programs of the Biomedical Engineering field of study will be developed based on the European standard, teaching materials and tools will be prepared, more than 70 professors and teachers will be qualified, at least 20 students in each higher education institution will be specialized in this field.

A festive event was held at TTPU

On November 17, a festive event was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the occasion of “International Students’ Day” and “November 18 – the Day of Adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
The event was opened by Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the university, who congratulated the students on these holidays and wished them success in their further work. An award ceremony was held for students who actively participated in the “Student of the Year-2022” competition.
Musical performances by a member of the University Music club Shahrukh Hasanov, and its leader Mansur Saparbaev, gave the participants a festive mood.
Then the awarding ceremony of the winners of the sports competitions held for “International Students’ Day” was held.
The second part of the holiday was dedicated
The second part of the holiday was dedicated to the day of the adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Our student Imomalieva Shahlo gave a presentation with interesting and useful information about the flag of our country, a video about national flag by our students was shown.


Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent invites applications for a position at the rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in the Software Engineering track, and Civil Engineering and Architecture track. We are seeking a highly qualified candidate with good communication skills who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and who possess a strong background in Civil Engineering or related areas. A Ph.D. in Civil Engineering must be completed by the time of appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to take an active role in teaching undergraduate/graduate courses and mentoring student projects.

All faculty members at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent have three workload components: teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service. The successful candidate will demonstrate an interest and a high level of competence in teaching. Candidates should have a research agenda that complements their area of academic specialty resulting in peer-reviewed publications and presentation. The service component of the workload includes student advisement as well as active participation on departmental, school and University-wide committees.


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Architecture or related areas.

  • Background in Civil Engineering/Architecture or related areas.
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness at the college level.
  • Strong research plan.
  • Ability to teach in English.


• Experience using software packages in teaching or research.

• Experience mentoring undergraduate research projects.

Application Instructions:

The following documents are required for all positions:

• Resume/C.V.

• Teaching Statement

• Research Statement

• List of publications

The review of applicants will begin immediately and will be finished when position is filled.

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

In order to study the experience of quality assurance at the level of higher education in the Republic of Italy, including doctoral studies, to establish comprehensive cooperation and reach an agreement relations between the universities of the two countries in the fields of science and education, rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjayev will leave to Italy on a business trip, as part of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan from November 16 to November 23, 2022.

“Yashil makon”: planting works continues…

The planting work within the framework of the “Yashil makon” initiative is in full swing at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.
As part of the measures in which the university staff participates in cooperation and good mood, fruit and ornamental trees were planted.

Yashil makon” (“Green space”): “Urgent 40 days” events have started at TTPU

Currently, the national project “Green Space” is being consistently implemented at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the “Urgent 40 days” event, which was announced within the framework of this project, work on planting seedlings and creating green spaces was started.

More than 100 seedlings of ornamental trees and shrubs were planted on the territory of the university. These planted seedlings will now be fed with mineral and organic substances, protecting them from pests

Within the framework of the “Urgent 40 days” event, every employee of the university approaches the greening works in a cooperative and upbeat mood.

Enlightenment against ignorance

On November 4, 2022, an event called “Enlightenment against ignorance” was held at the Conference Hall of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The event was opened by the rector of the University J.Sh.Inoyatkhodjaev, emphasizing the reforms carried out in our country today, the conditions and opportunities created for young people, the need to properly approach education and upbringing, and gave a speech to J.V Melikoziev, the representative of the Сommittee of Religious Affairs Cabinet of Ministers Republic of Uzbekistan.


In his speech J.V.Melikoziev gave a lecture on such topical issues as reforms in the socio-economic, religious sphere carried out in our country, as well as the noble teachings of Islam, such as humanity, peace, tolerance, as well as issues of ideological risks and prevention spreading through the internet and social networks.

Also, in today’s era of globalization, issues of combating various ideological threats were discussed, and the importance of fighting ignorance with enlightenment and being aware was emphasized.


After the question-and-answer event, a documentary film was shown to the students. At the end of the discussion, the students got answers to all their questions.

The university stage of the Republican contest “Student of the Year” was held at TTPU

On November 1, 2022, the university stage of the “Student of the Year – 2022” contest was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

First, university rector J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjaev spoke about holding the traditional “Student of the Year” Republican contest among students at a high-level, the purpose and importance of this event and wished good luck to all the participants. Then, the talented students of the university participating in the competition in different nominations made interesting presentations about their work, achievements and ideas.


The members of the jury expressed their opinions on the students’ presentations and made suggestions and recommendations for further improvement of the work done by them.

Based on the results of the students’ performances, the jury of the contest came to decision, and recommended the following students for participation in the Republican stage of the contest “Student of the Year”:


1. Qoriyev Amirxon (“Computer engineering” 4th-year student) – “The most active student propagandist of the year”;


2. Urunov Asadbek (“Mechanical engineering” 3rd year student) – “The most active inventor-innovator student of the year”;


3. Tursunov Diyorbek (“Civil engineering” 4th year student)- “The most knowledgeable student of the year in his specialty”;


4. Xaitov Narzullo (“Civil engineering” 3 rd year student)- “The most active creative student of the year”;


5. Mirkomilov Abdulvoris (Mechanical engineering 4 th year student)– “The most active talented student of the year”

We congratulate our students on their first victory and wish them even more victories in the Republican stage of the contest.

Juventus Academy in Tashkent sent its first team to the tournament

The “Antalya Friendship Cup” international football tournament among children has been started in Antalya, Turkey.
More than 30 teams from 20 countries are expected to participate in this tournament, which is held from October 30 to November 4.
For the first time, the under-12 team of the Juventus football academy in Tashkent also flew to Antalya to participate in this tournament.

Initiation ceremony – 2022

On October 27, 2022, a cultutal-educational event was held dedicated to “Initiation ceremony” to TTPU freshmen, admitted in 2022-2023 academic year and “October 21- the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State Language”.

First, the event was opened with the anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After that, the rector of the university Inoyatkhodjaev Jamshid Shuhratullaevich made a speech and said that the university will provide the necessary conditions for the students to become leading specialists in the future.


During the annual event, students take their oaths to dedicate all their activities for our motherland and its great future, to become highly qualified professionals, to be the best before parents, to devote all their knowledge in order to fully fulfill it, regularly acquire practical knowledge and skills in the chosen specialty, to complete the activities specified in the curriculum and programs on time, to constantly participate in training sessions, use the acquired professional knowledge, master the engineering profession and contribute to the development of the economy of our country, and consider compliance with the internal rules of the university as their sacred duty.


After that, our students who scored the highest points at the entrance exams for the 2022-2023 academic year Madaminova Kamola (Mechanical Engineering Technology), Abduganiyev Abdulaziz (Information Technologies), Shakirov Temur (Civil engineering), Kurbanova Nigora (Management). a ceremonial handing of course symbols (attributes) was held by the heads of departments.

In order to welcome the students, the participant of university music club Shohruh Hasanov and its leader Mansur Saparbaev presented musical performances, and our students Sarvinoz Yoldasheva and Khayitov Narzullobek read poems.

In order to convey the beauty and sophistication of our Uzbek language, literature, culture, and art to our students, Uzbek People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Tesha Muminov visited the event. Tesha Muminov spoke about the history of the Uzbek language, the works of our ancestors, great writers and poets.


To show his achievements, educational system of the university, the created conditions, the projects implemented in the last two years and to motivate the students, an active and talented student, winner of several contests, a third-year student Urunov Asadbek presented a very informative presentation.

We wish all the students to stay true to their oaths, raise the dignity of our country to the heights, and become worthy children of a bright future in the future.

The problem of the incorrect strategy of restoration of historical buildings in the republic of Uzbekistan and it’s modern solutions.