The list of applicants – second phase

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and corresponding time of the admission test on July 5th and July 6th. Please bring with you identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee.

Please note that the admission test for Management track will be held on July 13th.

Master Degree Program: “Information and Communication Engineering”




The master program will cover the interdisciplinary approach to learn how to design and operate any modern communication system, including satellite and radio links, fiber optic networks, computer networks, wireless networks and how to process an information: signals, images and videos.

Curriculum of the master program was developed in the framework of SPACECOM Erasmus+ project (www.spacecom.uz) which creates the innovative teaching and learning environment for education of high skilled specialists in line with labor market and according to EU best practices and Bologna process.

Program Offer

The main goal of the Master of Science (MSc/MEng) programs is to provide graduate students with advanced education and training for highly qualified professions in data analysis and communication technology field. In this program, students will learn main aspects and skills in the field of analysis of big data, use and develop of communication technologies. Gained skills through the program gave an opportunity to apply by graduates further research or job in the area of:

  • Aerospace communications;
  • Mobile and cellular communications;
  • Connected cars and autonomous driving;
  • Data centers;
  • Satellite communications;
  • Environmental data analysis;
  • Multimedia processing and machine learning;
  • Telecommunication and computer networks and
  • and etc.

The Master Course’s teaching methodology is incorporated into the general structure of the course and enables students to continue their education for PhD study programs either in European, national or international institutions.


Course Activities

The two-year Master Course is divided into four semesters (two years). The overall number of 120 ECTS credits is assigned for Master Course and is divided into 30 ECTS per semester (60 ECTS per year). The number of credits per subject is in general 6 ECTS as in many European countries. See the curriculum of the master course.


First-year students are provided with theoretical backgrounds on different disciplines with basic training to learn the use of software and tools.

Second-year students are involved in the analysis and data collection from specific case studies where they can elaborate the idea for the final thesis. 

The 4th semester is comprised with the research (laboratory or professional practice), oriented Master’s thesis writing and submission (research-based learning) of total 30 ECTS.



Starting from 2024-2025 academic year

Program duration: 2 years, full time

Language: English

The tuition fee: 21,900,000 (twenty-one million nine hundred thousand) UZB sums for 1 year (Two semester).


On June 24, 2022, a meeting with students who won scholarships to study in Italy took place at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. About 40 TTPU students will study for Fall Semester 2022 at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) under the Erasmus exchange program. Most students will receive their monthly stipends of 850 euro throughout the semester, plus their round-trip tickets will be covered.


Vice-rector for Academic and Scientific Affairs of TTPU, Fulvio Rinaudio, spoke to students at the meeting, which was held in an interactive format. Students received all necessary answers to their questions about living and studying in Italy.

For information: Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent conducts an Erasmus exchange program with Politecnico di Torino for 2nd and 3rd year students. Period of study: Fall semester 2022 The program involves students of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering.

In addition to Italy, TTPU students also may spend one or two semesters under exchange programs in Poland, Spain, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Lithuania and more.

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Inoyatkhodjaev J.Sh. from June 25 – July 05, 2022 will pay a working visit to Turin (Italy).

The purpose of the visit is to discuss with the officials of the Turin Polytechnic University in Italy the results of the 2021/2022 academic year and plans for the future; the state of preparation in the direction of education ” Industrial manufacturing technologies “, as well as the signing of another agreement with the “Juventus” Football Academy and discussion of plans for the future.


On June 13, 2022, the weekly training meeting of the European Union Erasmus+ CBHE program on the SPACECOM project began at Artesis Plantijn University College of Antwerp (AP Hogeschool Antwerpen). This meeting includes the networking, coordination meeting of consortium partners and special training on FPGA Programming and Software Defined Radio (SDR).

On the first day of the meeting, all partners of the project:

2 European universities: Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria), AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium), and 6 universities of Uzbekistan: Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Tashkent) – project coordinator; Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Ferghana); Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent); Tashkent University of Information Technologies Karshi Branch (Karshi); National University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent); Astronomical Institute of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (Tashkent); Retraining In-Service Center of Academic Staff in Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Tashkent) and representatives of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Tashkent) were attended the event.


Erasmus Plus empowers development of training and research landscape on Intelligent Big Data Analysis in Uzbekistan

The team members of the ELBA project, Mr.Mansur Asranov, and Mr.Khamidulla Khabibullaev, conducted an online seminar for the Network Center at Tashkent University of Information Technologies. Mr.Mansur Asranov focused his speech on the opportunities provided by the Erasmus Plus CBHE Joint Projects program, and ongoing projects in TTPU, such as #ELBA, #ERAMCA, #MechUZ, #MUSAE, and #SPACECO. He also highlighted its impact on the development of the training and research landscape of Uzbekistan, especially in the field of Intelligent Big Data Analysis (IBDA). Mr.Khamidulla Khabibullaev provided comprehensive information about the outputs of the #ELBA project, such as the newly developed course package, IBDA training, and research center infrastructure specifications.

The project facts and results were welcomed by the attendants with great interest.
Moreover, the ELBA project team members shared their experiences and motivated professors and researchers from the hosting center to step into “The amazing world of Erasmus+”.


On June 1 of this year, members of the Erasmus+ project consortium “MechaUz – modernization of mechatronics and robotics for higher education institutions in Uzbekistan through innovative ideas and digital technologies” visited the Vilnius Baldai furniture production plant.

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the production processes of the university. The consortium members were presented with a full production cycle, starting from the process of feeding raw materials to the packaging of final products. The guests of the plant noted the high level of automation of production. It was also found that the plant has very close scientific and practical ties with the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

At the end of the meeting, the guests had a very informative conversation with the plant’s employees about the importance and necessity of introducing new technologies for teaching mechatronics and robotics in higher educational institutions.

Master Degree Program: “Restoration and Conservation of Historical Monuments”











Overview of the Program

The Master Course will cover the interdisciplinary approach to complex problems of environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

Curriculum of the master program was developed in the frame work of ERAMCA EU ERASMUS+ project (https://eramca.com/) which considers real needs, knowledge and expertise for restoration and conservation of historical monuments of Central Asian Countries.

The overall pedagogical approach is to set up with an outline of innovative learning schemes, including e-learning and learning by doing.


Program Offer

In this program, students will learn main aspects and skills in the field of geomatics, seismic engineering, hydrogeology, restoration and geotechnics, which will later on be applied to develop best practice in order to design restoration and conservation strategies for historical monuments.

The Master Course’s teaching methodology is incorporated into the general structure of the course and enables students to continue their education for PhD study programs either in European, national or international institutions.

Furthermore, due to the wide-ranging field incorporated into the proposed course, it offers an easy approach to variety of specific research topics or job placement opportunities. 


Course Activities

The two-year Master Course is divided into four semesters (two years). The overall number of 120 ECTS credits is assigned for Master Course and is divided into 30 ECTS per semester (60 ECTS per year). The number of credits per subject is in general 6 ECTS as in many European countries. See the curriculum of the master course.

First-year students are provided with theoretical backgrounds on different disciplines with basic training to learn the use of software and instruments.

Second-year students are involved in the analysis and data collection from specific case studies where they can elaborate the idea for the final thesis. 


Course Activities

The 4th semester is comprised with the research (laboratory or field work), oriented Master’s thesis writing and submission (research-based learning) of total 20 ECTS.


Starting from 2024-2025 academic year

Program duration: 2 years

Language: English and Russian

Application deadline: 30 September, 2024


The tuition fee is 15 000 000 (fifteen million ) UZB sums for 1 year (two semester).








Little Ring Road 17,  Almazar distrct, 100095, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan,


Contact numbers: +99871 246-70-82, +99871 246-63-48
E-mail: info@polito.uz
Bank: JSC “National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities”. Almazar BSC
Address of the bank: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Korakamish-2 street, 54
Account: 20208000204790690001
MFO [BIC]: 00450, INN [TIN]: 301249598, OKED [SIC]: 85420
Currency account: 20208978204790690003 (EUR €)
Currency account: 20208840904790690003 (USD $)







On May 30, 2022, the 3rd meeting of the European Union Erasmus+CBHE program on the MechaUZ project began at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS Tech). This meeting included the interaction of partners and special training.

On the first day of the meeting, all partners of the project: 6 European universities (International Greek University (Thessaloniki, Greece) – project coordinator, Research Center of South-Eastern Europe (Thessaloniki, Greece), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius, Lithuania), Liepaja University (Liepaja, Latvia), Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Valmiera Latvia), Polytechnic Institute of Viano do Castello (Viano do Castelo, Portugal) and 6 universities of Uzbekistan: Andijan Engineering Institute (Andijan) – The event was attended by representatives of Turin Polytechnic University (Tashkent), Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Ferghana), Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Tashkent), Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics (Karshi), Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent) and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University at the opening ceremony of the training seminar, Prof. Dr. Romualdas Klyukas made a speech and wished the project participants success.

Then, in accordance with the WP2 agenda: implementation of educational programs within the framework of the development of a new bachelor’s degree program, information about the education system, mechatronics and robotics was discussed with partners with the participation of project coordinator Thomas Tomidis (Hellenic International University, Greece).

The training seminar and discussions continue in accordance with the agenda.

More detailed information about the project can be found on the mecha.uz website.

Summer internship at TTPU

Nowadays, 4 th year students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are involved in summer internships, depending on their field. This internship program helps to strengthen the theoretical knowledge and skills of the students by practice. The difference between TTPU’s internship program from other universities is that all assignments and internships are carried out online through a special platform.

A chapter formed by the names of enterprises and organizations, has been created through a special platform. The student’s visit to the enterprise or organization of his choice is provided by the “Educational-methodical and scientific department” (Department) of the University.


The list of students is formed by Department and placed on a special platform. A Tutor is assigned to supervise the students attached to each enterprise and organization.

During the internship, students go through the following stages:

In the first phase, go to the section of the “Summer Internship Journal” and download the electronic form of the internship diary. 

During the internship, our students fill in this diary, which is supervised by tutors. After completing the diary, the student uploads a form certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise where the internship took place in a special section of our website for verification.

In the second stage, the student writes down the knowledge gained during the internship in the form of a 30-page report and uploads it to a special section of our website called Final Report.

In the third stage, the student prepares a presentation about the work done during the internship and places it in a special section of our site called “Presentation”. All the above tasks are checked by the professors of our University attached to the Educational-Methodical and Scientific Department and evaluated on a 30-point scale.

The list of students who have successfully passed all stages is formed by the educational-methodical and scientific department. The list will be published on the platform and based on this list the Final Exam will be organized. In this exam, the student’s presentation will be defended in front of a panel of professors and teachers of our university.

All of the above processes are carried out online through a special platform of our university, which in turn is equally convenient for both teachers and students.

TTPU: implementation of innovative technologies in education

Today, innovative technologies at the speed of light enter all aspects of our lives. The rapid development of technology could not but affect the educational system.

In order to introduce innovative technologies into the educational process of the university, an agreement was signed between the Turin Polytechnic Institute in Tashkent and the “ALPHA DX GROUP” to establish a joint venture.

The main goal is to improve the quality of education and the interest of students in learning, the introduction of virtual reality technologies, blokchain  and NFT  technologies into the educational process and the formation of educational materials (content) based on these technologies.


Through the development of the latest AR and VR technologies, it is planned to introduce the innovative EduVerse concept into the educational process at the Turin Polytechnic University and launch the 2 + 2 programs.

For this, a laboratory has been created at our university and the necessary equipment for EduVerse is being purchased.

In the future, it is planned to create a learning platform with partners to create new content for other educational institutions through EduVerse.

TTPU: implementation of innovative technologies in education

Today, innovative technologies at the speed of light enter all aspects of our lives. The rapid development of technology could not but affect the educational system.

In order to introduce innovative technologies into the educational process of the university, an agreement was signed between the Turin Polytechnic Institute in Tashkent and the “ALPHA DX GROUP” to establish a joint venture.

The main goal is to improve the quality of education and the interest of students in learning, the introduction of virtual reality technologies, blokchain  and NFT  technologies into the educational process and the formation of educational materials (content) based on these technologies.

Through the development of the latest AR and VR technologies, it is planned to introduce the innovative EduVerse concept into the educational process at the Turin Polytechnic University and launch the 2 + 2 programs.

For this, a laboratory has been created at our university and the necessary equipment for EduVerse is being purchased.

In the future, it is planned to create a learning platform with partners to create new content for other educational institutions through EduVerse.

Ilmiy seminar



Date of examination

  • Exam of the second phase will take place on JULY 5,6,7, starting time 10 am local time (Registration deadline July 1); When registering please choose July 5 as the date of the exam in the TIL-Engineering section.
  • Third session will take place in September (tentative period; exact dates and procedure will be announced later) and eligible applicants are not allowed to skip PY.

The admissions tests will be at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”).  

Online Application




The registration is now open for the second, i.e., July session.


In order to ensure the transparency of the admission process, applicants must upload their recent photo and attach the pdf copy of the passport (or ID Card) after the registration to the LMS platform.

In addition, due the cost associated with maintaining the student database, each applicant must pay the admission fee of 5 euros (65000 sum) at the exchange rate of Central Bank. The receipt of the payment must be also uploaded to the application form above. Applicants who have not paid the admission fee will not be admitted to the exams.

After the successful completion of the application form applicants will receive confirmation email.

If the applicant did not make successfully the Online Application within the admission period, then the documents will not be accepted and the applicant will not be allowed to take the exam!

Online test

Knowledge of the applicant will be assessed by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, featuring a difficulty level that is adequate to the secondary school programs of the Uzbekistan.

The Online Test consists of:

  • Mathematics: 18 questions (time: 40 minutes)
  • Comprehension: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)
  • Logic: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)
  • Physics: 12 questions (time: 26 minutes)

The full online test consists of 42 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct.

Every question carries:

  • 1 point – if it is correct(you get 1 point)
  • -0.25 points – if it is wrong(you loose 0.25 points)
  • 0 points – if it is left blank(you do not loose any points)

All the questions will be in English!

For information about regulations, procedures and dates for Management track please follow the link .

Exam results

Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with percentage of their results will be announced within a week after the admission test.

After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:

  • submit the paper application form, provided at the front desk by the Admission Office: it must be properly filled in and initially signed by the Applicant, in front of an Authorized member of the Admission Committee;
  • show the original Passport (with copy);
  • provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;
  • provide 1 paper folder, large envelop;
  • submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);
  • IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher (for other language certificates see section 1.4. of this regulations).

Paper documents should be submitted to the Admission Committee at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: Kichik Halqa Yuli str. 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan.

Exemptions from the admission test

This section is intended for applicants, who have certificates listed below. A score equal to or higher than a given threshold is set. The students with very high marks are possibly allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and enter the First Level. The final decision is made by the Admission Committee coordinated by the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters. For foreign students coming from countries where Admission Test to University is compulsory, it is necessary to attach a certificate confirming that the exam is passed.

Certificates considered equivalent to the admission test (the following number refers to the grading equal to or higher than the threshold: 60/100)

GRE (General Test) with a minimum score of 153 in the “Verbal” section and 144 in “Quantitative” section and any score inthe “Analytical Writing” section

GMAT with a minimum score of 500 in the two sections “Verbal” and “Quantitative”, with any score in the “AnalyticalWriting” section.

SAT SAT Reasoning test (section “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and section “Math” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section) and SAT Subject Test (section “Physics Level 1 or 2” and section “Mathematics Level 1 or 2” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section). The two sections “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and “Math” of the SAT Test can be replaced by the ACT Test with a minimum score of 20.


The minimum IELTS (academic) requirement for enrollment in the Preparatory Year of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU is IELTS 4.5.

IELTS (academic) 5.5 or higher is mandatory to progress to the First Level of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs atTTPU.

The equivalent English Language Certificates and exemption cases can be found at https://didattica.polito.it/cla/en/certificates.


The tuition fee for all courses of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) on the Preparatory year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZB sums.


Responsible people for the work process of the Admission Committee:

Chairman of the Admission Committee – Inoyatkhodjaev J. Sh.

Secretary of the Admission Committee – Abdullayev F. B.

The administration of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is not responsible for the activities of people outside of this list!

For more information regarding the application process and any other queries, please contact directly to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at:

Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”)

(Room №105).

E-mail: admission@polito.uz

Tel: +99871 246-80-51, +99871 246-80-52


          Online Application Date March 25 (Fri), 9:00 – May 11 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (First Admission) ● May 16 (Mon), 9:00 – July 8 (Fri), 18:00 2022 (Second Admission) ● July 11 (Mon), 9:00 – August 31 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (Third Admission)   Your application is considered as “complete” if you receive a verification email from the admissions Office. You cannot cancel or change the Admissions Program after your application is verified.
                Date of examination There will be three admission tests for the 2022/2023 Academic year: The second session will take place on July 11th at 9:00 am local time. The registration for July exam is open. The third session will take place in September (tentative period; exact dates and procedure will be announced later).  
Admission quota 200
Education language: English
  Tuition fee   28 500 000 soums  
  Diploma Uzbek and USA* *Need to transfer to the Pittsburg State University “2+2” program (USA)  
          Admission exam   LMS (Math, English, Logics) Mathematics: 18 questions (time: 66 minutes) English: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) Logic: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) The full online test consists of 30 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct. Every question carries: 1 point – if it is correct 0 points – if it is incorrect All the questions will be in English!  
  Accepted certificates (not to take admission exam): IELTS 6.0; SAT; GMAT; GRE. IELTS 7.5 = no exam + 50% scholarship of tuition fees (only for 2022/2023 AY with possibility to extend the scholarship); IELTS 8.0 = no exam + 75% scholarship of tuition fees (only for 2022/2023 AY with possibility to extend scholarship); The certificate must be valid at the date of APPLICATION SUBMISSION.
  Exam results   Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with percentage of their results will be announced within a week after the admission test.
            Submission of documents After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee: show the original Passport (with copy);provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher.  
    Location The admissions tests will be at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”).    

“Industrial manufacturing technologies”: plans for the future

On May 16, 2022, This week TTPU’s Rector Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev hosted a delegation of Politecnico di Torino (Italy) headed by Rector Guido Saracco on TTPU campus.

During the meeting, plans for the next academic year were discussed, including the launch of a new direction “Industrial manufacturing technologies.”

Rector Guido Saracco met with students and academic staff of TTPU at the university conference hall. The relevance and possibilities of the direction “Technologies of industrial production” and the existing directions of the university were discussed. After the meeting, which was held in the form of an open dialogue, the participants had a question-and-answer session.

Meeting of the participants of the Erasmus + project “MeсhaUz.

On May 16, 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus + project to expand the boundaries of higher education, at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, meeting of the participants of the Erasmus + project “MechaUz- modernization of mechatronics and robotics for scientific research of bachelor’s degree Uzbekistan in connection with the emergence of ideas and digital technologies” took place.

 The meeting was attended by representatives of 13 organizations, including 6 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan (Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent University of Information Technology, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Fergana Polytechnic Institute and Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute), 6 universities of the European Union, including the International Hellenic University (Greece), South-East European Research Center (Greece), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), Liepaja University (Latvia), Vidzeme University and Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute (Portugal).

During the meeting, special attention was paid to WP-2 – the development of a modern curriculum in mechatronics, which will allow higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan to train highly qualified specialists in the field of mechatronics and robotics according to international standards. The participants of the meeting exchanged views on the overall format of the program and discussed in detail the training modules that will make up the curriculum in the future.

Also, due attention was paid to the coverage of the project’s activities in the media. A roadmap has been developed to improve work in social networks and public relations. At the end of the meeting, it was proposed to develop mechanisms for the creation of an association of mechatronics engineers, which will popularize this industry in Uzbekistan and create a huge communication platform for both experienced engineers and beginners and students.

World Cup in Turin.

On May 16, 2022, a meeting with the legendary defender of Milan football club – Christian Zaccardo and young players – pupils of the “Juventus” football academy was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The meeting was also attended by Donato Albanese – manager of AC MILAN and Massimiliano Alesi – head of the Uzbek joint venture BMB-OPERA ZAFFERANO.

The main purpose of the visit is to communicate with young players, hold a master class for them, answer their questions and get acquainted with the conditions created at the Juventus Academy.
The meeting made an unforgettable impression on the young players. They took colorful photos with the football player and received an autograph as a memory of this event.

Admission Test for “Management” Track (Phase-1) Results are announced!

Dear Applicants,


Please pay particular attention to this official announcement!

Based on the results of the Entrance Exams for the “Management” Track that was held on May 14th, 2022, the results are divided into three categories:


Those who scored greater or equal than 26 points are accepted to the Preparatory year (= First Course) and will be given the FULL SCHOLARSHIP. The deadline for providing the IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) is until the end of the academic year. No tuition fee for this category.


Those who scored greater or equal than 10 but less than 26 points are accepted to the Preparatory year (= First Course). Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS. The deadline for providing the IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) for this category is until the end of the academic year.


Those who scored below 10.00 points has not passed the admission threshold, therefore they are on the waiting list and the admission decision will be made after the second phase of the entrance exam, which will take place in July.

Unique opportunity for applicants!

Applicants who paid the FULL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT IN ONE PAYMENT before June 10 will receive a DISCOUNT for 10% of the contract amount.

Issuance of contracts will be carried out in the building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from May 20, 2022 from 9 a.m.

The rules for the July admission exam (Phase-2) will be announced soon.

Responsible people for the work of the Admissions Committee:

Rector – Inoyatkhodjaev Jamshid Shukhratullaevich

Dean – Abdullayev Farhod Bahramovich

The administration of the Turin Polytechnic University is not responsible for the activities of people outside this list.

List of required documents:
Original Version of Applicant’s PASSPORT;
Passport Copy of Applicant’s parents.

For any questions, you can call the numbers:

(71) 246-80-51/52

(71)  246 63 48

E–mail: admission@polito.uz

Adress: st. Kichik Khalka Yuli, 17, Almazar district, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan

Admission Test (Phase-1) Results are announced!

Dear Applicants,


for the Academic Year 2022-2023!

Please pay particular attention to this official announcement!

Based on the results of the Entrance Exams that was held on May 13th, 2022, the results are divided into five categories:


Those who scored greater or equal than 80.00 points, not only will be directly enrolled to the First Level (Second Course) but also will be given the FULL SCHOLARSHIP. If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5) by the end of December, 2022*. No tuition fee for this category.


Those who scored greater or equal than 70.00 but less than 80.00 points will be directly enrolled to the First Level (Second Course) and will be considered for the FULL SCHOLARSHIP, pending on the results of the second phase admission test that will be held in July. If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) by the end of December, 2022*. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS.


Those who scored greater or equal than 50.00 but less than 70.00 points will be directly enrolled to the First Level (Second Course). If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) by the end of December, 2022*. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS.

*In case that the Applicant does not provide in time IELTS certificate, he/she automatically switches to the Preparatory year.


Those who scored greater or equal than 10.00 but less than 50.00 points are accepted to the Preparatory year (= First Course), regardless of the availability of an IELTS certificate. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZS. The deadline for providing the IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) for this category is until the end of the academic year.


Those who scored below 10.00 points has not passed the admission threshold, therefore they are on the waiting list and the admission decision will be made after the second phase of the entrance exam, which will take place in July.

Unique opportunity for applicants!

Applicants who paid the FULL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT IN ONE PAYMENT before June 10 will receive a DISCOUNT for 10% of the contract amount.

Issuance of contracts will be carried out in the building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from May 18, 2022 from 9 a.m.

The rules for the July admission exam (Phase-2) will be announced soon.

Responsible people for the work of the Admissions Committee:

Rector – Inoyatkhodjaev Jamshid Shukhratullaevich

Dean – Abdullayev Farhod Bahramovich

The administration of the Turin Polytechnic University is not responsible for the activities of people outside this list.

List of required documents:
Original Version of Applicant’s PASSPORT;
Passport Copy of Applicant’s parents.

For any questions, you can call the numbers:

(71) 246-80-51/52

(71)  246 63 48

E–mail: admission@polito.uz

Adress: st. Kichik Khalka Yuli, 17, Almazar district, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan