Happy Holy Ramadan Eid!

Dear compatriots!

On behalf of the team of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, we sincerely congratulate you all on the holiday of kindness, graciousness and generosity – The Holy Ramadan Eid.

May Allah open the doors of happiness and prosperity for our prayers in this Holy Month. May Allah accept our prayers’ good deeds and sacrifices and shower us with holy blessings.

On this beautiful and glorious occasion, let us wish to all Muslims of our country joy and love to their hearts, all the opportunities and success. May Allah enrich our lives with happiness, peace and prosperity.

With sincere and best regards,

TPUT administration


The list of applicants participating in ADMISSION test on May 22nd 

(If you have already registered and couldn’t find your name on the list below, it is due to not completing the second step. You will have a chance to take the admission test in July. Your application is still considered active. Please read the instructions below in order to be ready to ADMISSION test in July.)


wpDataTable with provided ID not found!


Remote Admission Test (TIL) instructions 

To participate in the admission test, the student must have the following appropriate means:

  • Personal computer/Laptop(Notebook) Windows 10 or Mac, equipped with a webcam
  • Browser (for example Opera, Chrome, Firefox etc.)
  • Network connection suitable for a videoconference

In addition, it is mandatory to prepare the ID (identity document, preferably the same used during the registration phase) before the beginning of the test and some blank pages with a good writing pen.

The start time of the test is the one published on your personal Apply page Apply@polito. It is mandatory for the student to prepare on time in order to meet the start time on the schedule and checking the functionality of the necessary devices.

A test simulation is available at student’s personal account and students are required to take the simulation a few days before the test in order to identify and solve any problem or critical aspect.

It is also important to remark that a lack of network connection for a long time period that does not allow the regular execution of the admission test may result in cancellation of the test itself. Participating in the test implies the acceptance of the methods identified by the Politecnico of Torino, including the video recording to ensure the regularity of the TIL test performance.

Before May 22:

  1. go to http://apply.polito.it/
  2. select English language (“ENG” on top right hand side of the webpage)
  3. log in and insert your account information (i.e. username and password)
  4. go to section “TIL Engineering” (see the tabs on the left)
  5. download the LockDown Browser
  6. install the LockDown Browser (but DO NOT OPEN)
  7. go back to your personal account – take the simulation of the test
  8. click on “SIMULATE THE TEST” button and follow the instructions

On May 22 at 13:00 and 16:00:

  1. go to http://apply.polito.it/
  2. select English language (“ENG” on top right hand side of the webpage)
  3. log in and insert your account information (i.e. username and password)
  4. go to section “TIL Engineering” (see the tabs on the left)
  5. click on “START THE TEST” button and follow the instructions




Dear Compatriots!

The administration of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent sincerely congratulates you on Remembrance and Honor Day, the Day of Great Victory!

The foundation of state and social life in our country are PEACE and FREEDOM, that were generously presented to post-war generations by our ancestors who traversed the hard paths of a brutal and arduous war.

Decades have been passing, generations have been changing, but the Great Victory remains in our hearts as a symbol of the national pride, military glory and valor of our people.

The ranks of veterans are declining, but their names and the courage they displayed will remain in our memory forever.

We sincerely wish you, your family and friends good health and prosperity, peace and stability, patriotism and inexhaustible faith in the bright future of our country! 





With sincere and best regards,

TPUT administration

Туринский политехнический университет в г. Ташкенте протянул руку помощи пострадавшим в Сырдарьинской области.

Чрезвычайное проишествие на Сардобинском водохранилище в Сырдарьинской области потряс каждого из нас и не оставил никого равнодушным. По возможности, каждый протянул руку помощи.

В частности, 2 мая текущего года команда нашего университета оказала моральную и материальную поддежку пострадавшему населению, эвакуинованному в Гулистанский строительный колледж.

В связи с этим, старший преподаватель гуманитарно-экономических дисциплин Томчани Людмила Владимировна, принявшая участие в благотворительном визите, поделилась с нами своими впечатлениями:

” Мы привыкли с вами жаловаться на жизнь. Особенно сейчас мы часто слышим вокруг: надоело сидеть дома, плохой интернет, высокие цены в магазине. Но вчера я побывала там, где даже мысли о тех, кто это говорит, вызывают не только недоумение, но и раздражение. Вчера я была в городе Гулистане, куда были эвакуированы жители посёлков из зоны подтопления в результате прорыва дамбы Сардобского водохранилища.

Ректор нашего университета Саломов Уктам Рахимович, первый проректор Иноятходжаев Джамшид Шухратуллаевич и проректор по работе с молодёжью Ашуров Алишер Абдумавлянович, по просьбе нашего президента Мирзиёева Ш.М., взяли на себя заботу о людях, которым сейчас очень плохо. Это простые граждане нашей страны, жители далёких кишлаков, скромные труженики, которые, как и мы с вами, вносят свой посильный вклад в развитие нашей Родины. Сегодня у них случилась беда. Многие потеряли всё своё имущество, жильё, домашний скот. Но наша страна не оставила их без помощи и поддержки!

Туринский университет тоже принимает участие в работе по оказанию помощи нашим соотечественникам. Меня и Алламову Гульбахор Азатовну попросили приехать для оказания психологической, эмоциональной и моральной помощи пострадавшим. К счастью, если в данной ситуации уместно это слово, люди, с которыми работает вся команда Туринского университета, не потеряли имущество и дома, они были эвакуированы для обеспечения их безопасности, пока спецкомиссия оценивает масштабы разрушения дамбы. И тем не менее, это люди, которые оторваны от дома, многие от семьи. Они напуганы и растеряны. Я была свидетелем того, как простые и хорошие люди нашей команды находят добрые слова для, вчера ещё чужих и незнакомых, людей, говорят с ними, как с родными, покупают им лекарства, выполняют просьбы.

Руководство города Гулистана обеспечило этих людей всем необходимым: местом временного проживания, питанием, защитой. А простые жители этого небольшого города весь день несли для пострадавших то, чем готовы были поделиться: продукты, вещи, одеяла. А вид авто-поезда с гуманитарной помощью от одной области нашей страны пострадавшей Сырдарье потряс меня до глубины души! Я насчитала 30 огромных грузовиков! Возможно их было больше. И это только от одной области! И знаете что? Я горжусь, что я член этой большой семьи, имя которой – Узбекистан!”

Interview with Muslimlimbek Pirnazarov

Interview with Muslimlimbek Pirnazarov, lecturer at the Department of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, about his startup project “Diagnosis of breast cancer using artificial intelligence”


ADMISSION 2020-2021

The list of applicants participating in ADMISSION test on May 22nd 

(If you have already registered and couldn’t find your name on the list below, it is due to not completing the second step. You will have a chance to take the admission test in July. Your application is still considered active.)


wpDataTable with provided ID not found!


Remote Admission Test (TIL) instructions 

To participate in the admission test, the student must have the following appropriate means:

  • Personal computer/Laptop(Notebook) Windows 10 or Mac, equipped with a webcam
  • Browser (for example Opera, Chrome, Firefox etc.)
  • Network connection suitable for a video conference

In addition, it is mandatory to prepare the ID (identity document, preferably the same used during the registration phase) before the beginning of the test and some blank pages with a good writing pen.

The start time of the test is the one published on your personal Apply page Apply@polito. It is mandatory for the student to prepare on time in order to meet the start time on the schedule and checking the functionality of the necessary devices.

A test simulation is available at a student’s personal account and students are required to take the simulation a few days before the test in order to identify and solve any problem or critical aspect.

It is also important to remark that a lack of network connection for a long time period that does not allow the regular execution of the admission test may result in the cancellation of the test itself. Participating in the test implies the acceptance of the methods identified by the Politecnico of Torino, including the video recording to ensure the regularity of the TIL test performance.

Before May 22:

  1. go to http://apply.polito.it/
  2. select English language (“ENG” on the top right-hand side of the web page)
  3. log in and insert your account information (i.e. username and password)
  4. go to the section “TIL Engineering” (see the tabs on the left)
  5. download the LockDown Browser
  6. install the LockDown Browser (but DO NOT OPEN)
  7. go back to your personal account – take the simulation of the test
  8. click on “SIMULATE THE TEST” button and follow the instructions

On May 22 at 13:00 and 16:00:

  1. go to http://apply.polito.it/
  2. select English language (“ENG” on the top right-hand side of the web page)
  3. log in and insert your account information (i.e. username and password)
  4. go to the section “TIL Engineering” (see the tabs on the left)
  5. click on “START THE TEST” button and follow the instructions



ADMISSION 2020-2021



This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU).


For the 2020/2021 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs, for each faculty is:

Name of faculty Number of seats

Mechanical Engineering 200
Automotive Engineering 200
Information Technologies and Programming in Industry (Computer Engineering) 150
Industrial and Civil Engineering and Architecture 50
Management and Industrial engineering 100


1.3. Admission procedure and important dates

1.3.1. Admission test

All the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by TTPU are based on a “locally programmed admission” scheme. There is a limit with a limited number of places for students. The University accepts applicants who have received the highest number of points in the Admission Test until the limit of the admission quota is reached. The score obtained in the Admission Test is valid only for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

Applicants, who score very high marks in the Admission Test, are allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and given the opportunity to be enrolled in the First Level (= Second Year), provided that the language requirements discussed in Section 1.4 are satisfied. The applicant has the right to refuse this opportunity and continue his/her studies from the Preparatory Year.

The final decision on admission to the First Level is made after the consent of the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters, the coordinator of the Admission Committee and the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.
1.3.2. Date of examination

  • There will be two admission tests for the 2020/2021 Academic year:
    The first exam will take place on May 22, 1 PM Local Time (Registration deadline May 18, the maximum number of applicants is 200). This exam will be online, therefore EVERY APPLICANT MUST HAVE PC/LAPTOP AND WORKING VIDEO CAMERA.
  • The second exam (with a larger number of applicants) will take place at the beginning of July (exact dates and procedure will be announced later)

1.3.3. STEP #1 On-line Application

The Online application form is available at: —->>>



Step 1 is mandatory and applicants cannot proceed to step 2, if step 1 is not completed!

STEP #2 – In order to ensure the transparency of the admission process, during the quarantine, after completing step 1 applicant must send the electronic copy of his/her passport to admission.polito.uz.
If the quarantine is over before the deadline (i.e., May 18 for the first test), the admission committee will be taken the applicant’s fingerprint and photo. In addition, the applicant must have with him/her a passport, document of secondary education —> diploma, a certificate in the absence of the diploma —> a document confirming the completion of the studies at this educational institution (original).
For this, applicants must arrive at the address: Kichik Halka Yuli street, 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan (Landmark: Students’ Campus, former Cinema “Nukus”, supermarket “Asia.uz”). After completion of this process, the original documents will be returned to applicants.

If the applicant did not make successfully the Online Application within the admission period and did not submit fingerprint and photo, then the documents will not be accepted and the applicant will not be allowed to take the exam!

1.3.4. For applicants who took admission test last year
Due to the COVID-19, we offer a unique opportunity to applicants who participated
in the last year’s admission test. The score applicant received last year is valid and the
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent will accept those applicants to the Preparatory Year for 2020/2021 Academic year without admission exam.

1.3.5. Online test

Knowledge of the applicant will be assessed by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, featuring a difficulty level that is adequate to the secondary school programs of Uzbekistan.

The Online Test consists of:

Mathematics:                  18 questions (time: 40 minutes)

Comprehension:               6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Logic:                                 6 questions (time: 12 minutes)

Physics:                            12 questions (time: 26 minutes)

The full online test consists of 42 questions and will last 90 minutes. Each question has 5 possible choices, but only one of them is correct.

Every question carries:

1 point               –      if it is correct (you get 1 point)

-0.25 points       –      if it is wrong (you loose -0.25 points)

0 points             –       if it is left blank (you do not loose any points)

All the questions will be in English!

1.3.6. Exam results

Applicants will know their results soon after the end of the online test. The full list of the candidates ranked with the percentage of their results will be announced within a week or two after the admission test.

  • After the announcement of the results of examinations, applicants who have successfully passed the admission test must submit the following documents to the Admission Committee:

submit the paper application form, provided at the front desk by the Admission Office: it must be properly filled in and initially signed by the Applicant, in front of an Authorized member of the Admission Commit-tee;

show the original Passport (with copy);

  • provide 4 color photos 3 x 4;
    provide 1 paper folder, large envelop;
    submit Secondary Education Certificate (college or lyceum certificate/ diploma);
    IELTS certificate 5.5 band or higher (for other language certificates see section 1.4. of these regulations).

Paper documents should be submitted to the Admission Committee at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Kichik Halqa Yuli str. 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan.

1.3.7. Exemptions from the admission test (for foreign students only)

This section is intended for applicants from foreign countries, who have certificates listed below. A score equal to or higher than a given threshold is set. According to Section 1.3.1, students with very high marks are possibly allowed to skip the Preparatory Year and enter the First Level. The final decision is made by the Admission Committee coordinated by the Vice-Rector on Academic and Scientific Matters. For countries, where Admission Test to University is compulsory, it is necessary to attach a certificate confirming that the exam is passed.

Certificates considered equivalent to the admission test (the following number refers to the grading equal to or higher than the threshold: 60/100)

GRE (General Test) with a minimum score of 153 in the “Verbal” section and 144 in “Quantitative” section and any score in the “Analytical Writing” section

GMAT with a minimum score of 500 in the two sections “Verbal” and “Quantitative”, with any score in the “Analytical Writing” section.
SAT SAT Reasoning test (section “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and section “Math” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section) and SAT Subject Test (section “Physics Level 1 or 2” and section “Mathematics Level 1 or 2” with a minimum score of 500 points in each section). The two sections “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing” and “Math” of the SAT Test can be replaced by the ACT Test with a minimum score of 20.

1.4. English Language certificate

The minimum IELTS (academic) requirement for enrollment in the Preparatory Year of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU is IELTS 4.5. DUE TO THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN APPLICANTS ACCEPTED TO PREPARATORY YEAR CAN SUBMIT THEIR IELTS SCORE WITHIN THE YEAR OF ADMISSION.

IELTS (academic) 5.5 or higher is mandatory to progress to the First Level of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs at TTPU. DUE TO THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN APPLICANTS ACCEPTED TO THE FIRST LEVEL CAN SUBMIT THEIR IELTS SCORE BY THE END OF 2020.

The equivalent English Language Certificates and exemption cases can be found at https://didattica.polito.it/cla/en/certificates.

1.5. Tuition fee

The tuition fee per 1 Academic Year for all courses of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred thousand) UZB sums.


For more information regarding the application process and any other queries, please contact directly to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at:

E-mail: admission@new.polito.uz

Tel: +99871 246-63-48, +99871 246-80-52

Working days: Monday-Friday (09:00-18:00)

Answers to TTPU students’ frequently asked questions

Dear students!

Today, the world’s attention is focused on the campaign against COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and the scientists of the whole world community are mobilizing their intellectual potential to prevent and stop the spread of this disease.

So, our government under the leadership of our President Sh. Mirziyoyev, is taking all necessary measurements and fully in fights against COVID-19 pandemic. The present situation in Uzbekistan has been the cause of establishing quarantine for our people to be safe and healthy being at home. Taking into account these circumstances, all necessary arrangements concerning distance learning have been put in place by responsible executives of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Referring to this situation Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is also in charge of taking all necessary efforts in organizing distance learning during COVID-19 quarantine period beginning from April 1, 2020 in accordance with our President’s directives related to the situation concerning the negative impact of coronavirus pandemic in our country, and the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 233 dated March 27, 2020. With a focus on this order, on the distance educational platform of the Turin Polytechnic University (Italy) electronic resources (video lessons, educational-methodic complexes, electronic versions of textbooks, practical tasks, etc.) of all subjects (primarily for the current semester) taught in our university have been uploaded and the students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent have all the chances and access to use them.

Dear students, our university administration will try to answer the questions which need to be clarified to some extent.

Question 1.  Will the exams be taken by TTPU professors or will we wait for the end of quarantine in Italy? What if the quarantine is over in the territory of Uzbekistan, but it lasts in Italy?   

Answer: According to the partnership agreement between TPU-Italy and TPU-Tashkent, Italian partners are responsible for education quality and monitoring all academic processes in TTPU. So, all tests and exams are taken under the authority of Italian professors and executives.  In case the quarantine is over in the territory of Uzbekistan, but not in Italy all the measurements on organizing alternative forms of examinations (online individual oral exam, group examinations, etc.) will be taken in agreement with TPU-Italy executives.

Question 2.  An IELTS 5+ certificate is required to participate in the examinations. Some students arranged to get IELTS 5+ certificate in spring to enter summer examinations. Unfortunately, it is not possible at the present time because of quarantine. My question is – Is it possible to take part in the exams that will be held in summer?

Answer: Meanwhile for the preparatory level students to submit IELTS 5+ certificate to participate in examinations is not necessary.

But, students of the 1, 2, 3 – level need to submit IELTS 5+ certificate to get permission to pass their examinations as it is Specified by Academic Regulations provided by TPU-Italy.

Taking the quarantine situation in our Republic into account our university administration will try to do the best in solving this situation positively in association with TPU-Italy representatives, i.e. the certificate will not be required to enter exams, and IELTS certificate submission will be delayed for a certain period.

If the situation is not solved positively, let us remind you that the 1, 2, 3 – level students were given enough time to get IELTS 5+ certificate and submit it in time.

Question 3. Some of the students do not have an opportunity to follow the video lessons prepared by our professors because of some technical problems related to internet access in regions at a present moment. I wonder if the lessons will be conducted after the quarantine period is over?

Answer: The video lessons will not be conducted in summer months again as these subjects are being presented to students by means of video translation distantly via the distance educational platform of Turin Polytechnic University (Italy). Taking into account the problem of unavailability of internet access in certain regions where students do not have the possibility to follow video lessons, all students will have an opportunity to download the video lessons from the TPU-Italy portal “Didattica” after quarantine is over.  Moreover, the TTPU administration is taking measures on saving these video lessons in TTPU Information Resource Centre electronic archive with reserving all rights. Where TTPU students will have full access to use these study materials and electronic resources furthermore.

Question 4. Will it be possible to transfer our study to local higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan from TTPU this year? If yes, what requirements are necessary?

Answer: The issues concerning transferring the students’ studies are carried out according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 393 dated June 20, 2017. Besides, transferring issues are carried out based on the order regulations “About the requirements of transferring and restoration the students’ studies in higher educational institutions” approved by the abovementioned order. The students who want to transfer their study to other institutions may accomplish this procedure according to this Regulation, following the requirements stated in it. The student applies to Regional Study Transferring Commission with an application submitting an academic rating reference letter. To get such a reference letter the student should fulfill all the requirements (should pay the educational fee completely) and pass all examinations on all the subjects.

Additional courses held as an assistant help for low-performing students at the end of the last academic year will not be organized this year.

Question 5. The process of registration for additional examinations for the 1, 2, 3 – level students has started. Will these examinations be taken online form? Could you please give some information about this process?  

Answer: First examinations on all subjects are aimed to be held on May 5, 6, 7. If the declared quarantine in our Republic is over till these dates the examinations will be taken in the usual format. The examinations may be organized in online mode if the quarantine period is prolonged. The university administration will clarify this issue deliberately and inform the students about the furthermore decision.

Note: to have an opportunity to participate in the examinations education fee for the first and second semesters should be fully paid.

Question 6.  How will the admission procedure to our university be carried out this year? When the registration is possible? How will the necessary document be applied and the entrance exams be organized?

Answer: As you know, every year the Admission process is carried out in June and July. We hope the quarantine period will be over by the time University Admission Commission will start and the admission process will be carried out in usual mode. Follow mass media and our web site, please. We will announce and give detailed information about the Admission process via media outlets.

Question 7.  As we are allowed to register only 7 subjects during summer and winter examinations, some students have to take exams on 8- 11 subjects to graduate this year. What privilege will be given to such students in order to graduate the university in time?

Answer: In case you are registered to participate in examinations on 7 subjects, and pass all these exams successfully, taking your acquisition rate into account the University Examination Commission will give you an opportunity to be registered for additional examinations depending on the number of examinations you are supposed to take.

Question 8. Will there be any discount for tuition fees as we are not attending the lessons conducted by our University professors due to quarantine established in our country?

Answer: Despite the COVID -19 quarantine established in our Republic all local and Italian professors are preparing video lessons, educational-methodic complexes, electronic versions of textbooks, set of practical tasks, etc. in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 233 dated March 27, 2020. So, their salary remains unchanged. Moreover, several collateral agreements are concluded to maintain the University. Cleaning and beautification affairs are being conducted. Additional sanitary-epidemiological works are performed daily. Consequently, it should be noted that our university does not have any financial privileges. So, we would like to inform you that no discounts for education fees are meant.

As additional information we inform you that our university staff has worked out a specific project for discounts in different spheres, such as active students in the academic process, students dealing with scientific projects, research and students with other achievements are going to be motivated.

Question 9. At the present time, the quality of lessons is not as high as before, since they are presented online where the question-answer interaction is not conducted. Of course, we understand this situation and we are thankful to our professors conducting online video lessons. However, will we have any assistance or privilege in the examinations as the quality of teaching is not as high as before?

         Answer: It should be stated that no privilege will be given in arranging examinations.  Because the Italian side is responsible for compiling examination questions and their quality.

However, there are certain opportunities to increase the quality of video lessons.

First of all, there are video lessons in English prepared by Italian professors on the educational portal www.polito.it in TPU-Italy. These video lessons cover at least 80% of the subjects conducted in TTPU. This portal is being enriched with video material on the main subjects at the present time. Besides the video lessons prepared by Italian professors working in our university, there is an opportunity to use video lessons prepared by other professors as well. Thus, there is a choice to use and select video lessons of the same subject prepared by different other professors.

Moreover, your requests and offers have been sent to our local teachers and agreed with the head of departments in return they are ready to improve the quality of video lessons. Besides, we have come to an agreement with a teaching staff that at the end of the lesson you will have the opportunity to ask your questions via Zoom video conference. Some teachers have already started using this practice.

Question 10. We hope we will fully get rid of the virus pandemic very soon. However, if the quarantine period prolongs, how will summer examinations be carried out?

Answer: In case the COVID-19 quarantine period established in our Republic prolongs, the examinations may be taken in online mode. The university administration will clarify these issues in collaboration with TPU-Italy executives respectively and the students will be announced about furthermore information as soon as possible.

Dear students!

         We hope we could give possible answers to all the questions you are interested in. Thank you very much for your questions.

Please, attend the online lessons conducted on the internet, particularly the video lessons presented on the distance educational platform of Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent and Turin polytechnic university (Italy)!

Follow all the quarantine regulations, personal hygiene rules, keep clean giving special attention at being physically healthy!

As it has been mentioned at the appeal of Sh. Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan: “My dear children, do not waste your time at home! Learn online lessons attentively. Read books, increase your knowledge, do physical exercises every day”.

Wishing you all strong health, we want you to get knowledge and spending your free time effectively-staying at home!

With best regards!

University administration.  


For the purpose of effectively fighting against the coronavirus COVID-19 and preventing the spread of the disease in our republic,

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a contest of ideas!


Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent gives you an opportunity of participating in the competition with your innovative ideas and projects.
You can give ideas and suggestions in the following areas:
  1. The role of the media (television, radio, social networks, etc.) in the effective organization of leisure activities of citizens during quarantine;
  2. Measures on the remote organization of work, teaching and studying during quarantine for employees (mainly the service sector), students and pupils;
  3. Measures on using disinfectants and preventing the spread of the disease;
  4. Means of rapid detection of coronavirus infection.
The university will consider and take measures to implement each relevant idea.
To take part in the contest, just send a brief description of the idea, the full name of an author and a phone number to @businessincubator by telegram messenger!

DUBAI 2020 EXPO Results of the 1st stage of the competition of innovative start-up projects and ideas

In February of this year, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announced a Republican competition of startup projects in 9 directions.

According to the results of the competition, more than 100 projects were received in the following areas:

– Automotive and mechanical engineering – 25 projects;

– Energy – 5 projects;

– Information technology – 18 projects;

– Architecture and construction – 12 projects;

– Agriculture – 27 projects;

– Light industry – 8 projects;

– Medicine and pharmaceuticals – 8 projects;

– Sports and physical education – 3 projects:


According to the results of the competition, 33 projects in the following areas were selected by university officials:

– Automotive and mechanical engineering – 10 projects;

– Information technology – 12 projects;

– Architecture and construction – 1 project;

– Agriculture – 3 projects;

– Light industry – 1 project;

– Medicine and pharmaceuticals – 5 projects;

– Sports and physical education – 1 project:


The winners of the competition will be announced in June of this year after consideration of selected innovative projects with the participation of their authors.

Visit of representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications

On the 13th of February of this year, representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mohammed al-Khwarizmi visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, a meeting of representatives with 3rd year university students was organized.

The introductory speech was started by the rector of the University, Salomov U., introducing the representatives to students and the purpose of their visit, which was informing students about the opening of a special faculty at the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Mohammed al-Khwarizmi – the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense.

The next speech was given to the rector of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant Mukhitdinov H.A. and the heads of the departments Lieutenant Tashtaev Z.D. and Nurmetov B.V. They informed students about the possibility of entering and transferring to their institute after completing a 3-year course and receiving two-year tactical training in the rank of officers in six areas, and also presented information about amenities, faculties and employment after graduation.

After the presentation, interested students had the opportunity to receive answers to their questions about admission and entrance exams.

International project on modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics”

In order to improve the quality of educational and scientific work, learning and apply the experience of foreign countries, in particular European countries, in the educational process, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent carries out many actions.

The international project “MechaUZ: Modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” for Bachelor degree in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology” is also an activity carried out by the university in accordance with the grant agreement 609564-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA2-SBHE-JP of the European Union program Erasmus +.

The project for preparing a high qualified personnel in the bachelor’s degree faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of modern requirements and proposals, a modernized training program, equipped with modern material and technical equipment and educational laboratories, is planned for 2020-2022.

On February 10-14 of this year in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece) at the international faculty of the University of Sheffield the first meeting of the partners of the Kick-off Meeting project was organized. The participants in this event were representatives of 6 universities in Uzbekistan, 6 universities in Europe and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

The partner universities under the project are:

  • International University of Hellenic, Greece
  • Southeast Europe Research Center, Greece
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
  • Liepaja University, Latvia
  • Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
  • Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  • Andijan Engineering Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Tashkent University of Information Technology, Uzbekistan
  • Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute, Uzbekistan
  • Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan
  • Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Uzbekistan

As a result of the meeting, it was discussed issues on the preparation of the project and the analysis of academic programs of education in developed countries on the Mechatronics and Robotics direction, on the development of a new undergraduate program, on the creation of new courses and the organization of trainings for teachers, employees and engineers of Uzbekistan, as well as it was discussed and decided new tasks of the project and the time of the next meetings to implement them.

International ICT exhibition and conference “IndiaSoft-2020” and “GlobalSoft-2020”

On March 3-4 of this year, the international conference and exhibition IndiaSoft-2020 and GlobalSoft-2020 were held in Hyderabad, India.

The conference was participated by more than 200 IT companies from different countries. They presented and shared the latest technological innovations and experiences in the field of information technology according to their activities to the delegates from more than 60 countries.

Among participants from these countries, 19 delegates from Uzbekistan participated in these occasions, among which were representatives from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: Professor Muslimlimbek Pirnazarov, student Jamshid Ergashov and  university graduates working in their specialty Zohid Akbarov, Sukhrob Shakirov and Begzod Khudzhanazarov.

A university student, Jamshid Ergashov, who attended the conference and exhibition, said: “During this two-day event, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with many managers and programmers who offered us their software solutions.

In particular, at a meeting I was impressed by IT solutions presented by the representatives of “World1 Solutions-IT consulting and education” and “Radius innovation systems”, and invited them to visit our university. The statement “Software is eating the world” made a strong impression on me. The share of software in the global market is growing rapidly. In this situation, we, young people, cannot calmly look around, we should try to effectively use our precious time, learning programming and applying it in life. I am grateful to the administration of our university and the Carwon team in which I work for helping me to participate in this event. ”

Second trip by “Unlock Tours” program

On the 10th of March of this year, Unlock Tours program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the next trip to the largest factory of Artel company, producing the household appliances.
45 students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, who passed through a selection among more than 110 people, had the opportunity to visit Artel factory and get acquainted with one of its largest sectors – the section of thermoplastic household appliances production and section of washing machines’ and refrigerators’ assembly.

The guides and the administration of the plant explained the details of the conveyor process, the principles of equipment operation and answered numerous questions of students. A cognitive excursion interested every student. Especially, students were impressed with the volume of household appliances production by domestic manufacturers.

We are very grateful to the administration of Artel company factory and the Unlock project team for the opportunity to get acquainted with the factory’s activities and to gain knowledge in the home appliances production area.

Competition “Among Girls -2020”

Women and girls are compared with spring and spring with them. Beauty, elegance, renewal are combined in the concepts of spring and woman. The role of women in the family is priceless. Wise, beautiful women with their care, kindness and sincerity keep calm in the family and in society as a whole and also create an atmosphere of purity, honesty, sincerity and justice.

Increasing the socio-political activity of women in the country, increasing their spiritual and intellectual potential, strengthening their health, protecting families, motherhood and childhood are the policies of our state.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in order to provide an opportunity to test the abilities of girls in any field, organized a contest “Among Girls – 2020”.

For a fair assessment of the contest participants professionals in each of their areas of competition were invited :
– Director of Autoradio – Kamola Ermatova
– Director of the restaurant “Banquette Hall” – Dilnoza Sharipova
– Senior Researcher at the Center for Innovative Development under the Ministry of Innovative Development – Ulmas Zoirov
– Stylists of the beauty salon “S-Class”
– Founder and chief designer of the Anor brand, chairman of the Council of young designers – Dilnoza Umirzokova.

Participants demonstrated their abilities in 5 stages:
– “My mirror image” (presentation about yourself);
– “Cooking Secrets” (video about cooking and tasting dishes)
– “My innovative idea” (presentation of own innovation)
– “I-stylist” (creating the image of the model)
– “I’m on the podium” (creating your own image)

The most active girls of the university competed to show their superiority in agility, skill, intelligence and knowledge. The jury evaluated the participants in various trials. According to the results of the competition “Among Girls 2020” among female students, the first place was awarded to a first-year student Ozodova Shakhrizoda.

Each participant was awarded with diplomas and prizes from the university. Such events play an important role in educating our girls in harmony with national traditions. Girls with knowledge of oriental etiquette, gestures and traditions of grandmothers prove that they must become future husbands, husbands, mothers and make a worthy contribution to the solid foundation of the family society that they will build.

Eastern education, quick wit, knowledge of the traditions of our ancestors will become a support for our girls in their becoming worthy companions, excellent guardians of the hearth and exemplary mothers.

Ten Central Asia universities are being trained at University of Santiago de Compostela in Big Data within the framework of an international project

At the opening event of ELBA, endowed with one million euros for its execution, USC rector Antonio López Díaz held a meeting with counterparts from these institutions.

Santiago, February 27th, 2020. The ETSE Engineering College hosted on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th the kick-off meeting of the project ‘Establishment of training and research centres and course development on Intelligent Big Data Analytics in Central Asia’ (ELBA). In this capacity-building project, which will coordinate the USC through the Vice- Rectorship of Students and Internationalization and the CiTIUS, other institutions in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Italy and Slovenia are also involved. This event gathered in Compostela over 30 members of Central Asia and the European university community.

The ELBA Project, which has about one million euros for its execution, will work on the development of new skills in innovative technologies that help to improve the field of Big Data Analytics, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) paradigm which addresses the processing of huge amounts of data. This three-year initiative aims to respond to the shortage of qualified professionals to address its management, particularly in certain geographical areas.

Rector´s meeting with Central Asian counterparts

During the kick-off meeting, the rector Antonio López Díaz held a meeting with four rectors of the participating universities in order to strengthen relationships with these institutions.

Two other European partners (Turin Polytechnic and Primorska University) and ten institutions from Central Asia, from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, also participate with the USC, the project´s coordinating institution. USC´s tasks will be geared towards improving the training capacity of Central Asian partners, monitoring and advising in order to build curricula in Big Data Analytics and provide learning methods and tools in intelligent big data processing technologies. At this initial meeting, the partners will define the main project guidelines and lines of action to undertake in this first year of implementation and will take part in several seminars on good practices for the implementation of projects taught by USC teachers and technicians.


Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on December 28, 2019 No. DP-4553 “On Measures to Further Expand and Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan,” Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, U. Salomov and Head of the Department of International Relations in the university, J. Abdujalilov, visited the city of Hiroshima, Japan.

On the 19th of February of this year, the meeting with the president of Hiroshima University Mitsuo Ochi was organized. In the meeting, an agreement on academic and educational exchange was signed.

During a conversation with Vice President of Hiroshima University Yasushi Maruyama, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Professor Atsushi Sugeta and Head of the Department of International Relations Professor Toru Takashina, it was reached an agreement on educating the students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at the Master’s program of Hiroshima University in Japan, organizing the exchange program of professors and teachers and conducting joint researches. Also, it was agreed to realize a program on obtaining a bilateral academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy sciences.

Together with Balcom company, it was signed an agreement on the creation of a training center at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The goal of this center will be exchanging experience with reputable Japanese companies, preparing the university graduates and educating technical skills to train qualified specialists who can compete in the global labor market. In the future, for the purposes of professional development, graduates who successfully completed their studies at the center will get a job in international companies in Japan.

Also, Balcom company is planning to provide a grant program for Master’s Degree for talented students to study at the University of Hiroshima.
The experience of the University of Hiroshima taken from cooperation in the field of science and industry will be laid down in the training center and carry out trilateral activity.

There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam!

In our country, large-scale efforts are being made to preserve the purity of our sacred religion, to create new mosques and madrassas and to study the scientific heritage of great philosophers who have made a huge contribution to the development of Islamic culture. Unfortunately, nowadays, while there are forces that aimed to achieve their goals through various conflicts, actions that create conflicting situations will continue to be perceived. Even in the 21st century, when the ideological struggle escalates, peace and tranquility become a dream for many countries. An example of this can be the bloody conflict that took place in 2011–2016 in some Arab countries as a result of the political crisis and is still being continued. It is not a secret that in these countries the massacres, murdering innocent people during the so-called “Arab spring”, are mainly religious forces used by extremist movements and terrorist groups.
On the 20th of February of this year, a round table was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the topic “There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam” and “Information attack on social networks”.
The welcome speech of the event was spoken by Vice-Rector on Working with Youth Alisher Ashurov. In his speech, he talked about the threats of religious extremism and terrorism to the international community, about protecting young people from such dangers, about ensuring peace and stability and preserving the sacred religion in our country. The main tool of religious and extremist organizations to achieve their goals using modern information communications, promoting Internet sites in different languages and creating virtual communities, which is based on a well-developed strategy. The growing popularity of such forums, turning into fanaticism especially among young people, testifies to the seriousness of the problem. In addition, mobile messengers, which serve as a bridge to social networks, greatly facilitate their work.
The main purpose of this event was to familiarize young people about the threat of religious extremism and terrorism and to create immunity against destructive ideas to counter these forces when its necessary.
The next speech man was Dilafruz Turdieva, a teacher at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. In her speech, Dilafruz Turdieva informed students about religious extremism and terrorism, becoming a global problem nowadays, which manifests itself in various forms, about a number of terrorist organizations disguising the Islamic religion, and about their movements. She also encouraged students to be vigilant and aware of the threats posed by various religious extremist organizations. Due to the activity of terrorist organizations on Internet sites and social networks, she accented the need for caution.
The Internet is the result of the evolution of science and technology. Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. The global network is becoming more significant, especially in the lives of young age. Thanks to the Internet, it is becoming much easier for people from different parts of the world to interact and share information. According to statistics, a huge number of Internet users in the world are young age people from 21 to 30 years. According to Dilafruz Turdieva, day by day the number of Internet users in Uzbekistan is increasing.
At the end of the event, students had the opportunity to get answers to all the interested questions.

Remembering the great poets …

These days, events dedicated to the birthdays of two great ancestors of poetry: the founder of Uzbek classical literature, Hazrat Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoi and the great king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur – are widely celebrated in all educational institutions. In particular, on the 13th of February of this year, an evening of creativity took place at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent called “Remembering the Great Poets”.

The event was attended by Afzal Rafikov, National artist of Uzbekistan, who contributed to the Uzbek dubbing for more than 1000 films. In addition, an event was attended by teachers and students of the academic lyceum at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, university staff, teachers and students.

The event was opened by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Igor Semone Stievano. Igor Semone Stevano acquainted the students with the life and work of Navoi and Babur, their artistic and scientific heritage, and spoke with admiration about the respect given to the great ancestors in the country and their role in enriching the imagination of the young generation. At the end of his speech, the vice-rector spoke a poem translated from the “Alisher Navoi Gazelle” into English.

The literary part of the event began with gazelles and rubies of priceless figures of spirituality and literature of Mir Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, represented by talented university students.

The priceless works of geniuses have become the property of mankind thanks to their spiritual depth and artistic excellence. Students also presented a sketch of the drama of Uygun “Alisher Navoi” and Khurshid Davron “Baburshokh”. These performances show the enormous significance of works of art, the artistic nature, deep philosophy, educational significance, the spirit of patriotism and commitment to the country, the strengthening of a sense of kindness and mutual respect.

One of the highlights of the event was a video about the golden heritage of the World of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur from the university administration, teachers and students.

The main speaker in the event was Afzal Rafikov, who noted that studying the heritage of our great-grandfathers is a great honor. The exemplary life of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, their versatile creativity and outstanding works on the development of science still amaze the world. We are all inspired by such ideas as the beautiful artistic expression of the human spirit, spiritual perfection, peace and prosperity, interethnic harmony and prosperity of the country.

Any studies about their life and creations, this is not enough. When we study gazelles and poems, love for their creations grows. In his speech, A. Rafikov mentioned that playing the role of A. Navoi, it appears the pride in his heart.

After the words of the king of dubbing, the Tanovar dance, prepared by university students, added color to the event.

The end of the creative evening was presented to Sultanov Mansur Kilikovich, the head of the educational-methodical department. In his speech, he thanked all the guests and representatives of the university for their contribution to the event.

А youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden

On the 8th of February of this year, it was held a youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. The event included masterclasses, performances, contests and exhibitions of all Tashkent high educational institutions.

Students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent presented their robotic developments and technical projects like 3D-printer, Humanoid robot and an unmanned aerial vehicle.

In addition, many young people interested in our university had the opportunity to receive information about university education, opportunities and entrance exams.