Scientific conference on «Advanced Science and Technology: Celebrating 15 Years of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent»

«Advanced Science and Technology:
Celebrating 15 Years of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent»

Scientific conference

(April 22-23, 2024)

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the scientific conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the foundation of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The aim of this scientific event is to discuss the state of the art and outlooks in the fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering, natural and mathematical disciplines, information technologies, production management, civil engineering and architecture.


  1. Mechanical, energy and aerospace engineering
  2. Natural sciences.
  3. Problems of modern mathematics
  4. Information and communication technologies.
  5. Civil engineering and architecture.
  6. Production management


The working language of the conference is English. Plenary lectures (20 minutes) and oral presentations (10 minutes) will be dedicated to the specific areas of the Conference. The Conference materials (Abstracts) will be published in electronic form before April 22, 2024. Selected works after receiving a positive evaluation are indented to publish in a journal included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The conference will be held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Building B) at the address: Tashkent, Kichik Halka Yuli str. 17.


Electronic registration for participation at the Conference will be carried out HERE  until April 3, 2024.


The abstract must be submitted only in English. After receiving a positive result of the preliminary review, a notification about the inclusion of the presentation to the Conference program will be sent.

The electronic form of the abstract should be sent to the following email address: conference@polito.uz. Abstract should be exclusively in Microsoft Word format and not exceed one page. Page format – A4 (210×297 mm). The document margins are 2.5 cm on each side. Font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt. Line spacing is single. Paragraph indent – 1.25. Name the file will be surname_thesis.doc (sample: Valiev_thesis). Template of the abstract


Registration of participants: until April 3, 2024

Abstracts: until April 3, 2024

Notification of acceptance of the Abstract: until April 15, 2024

Conference working days: April 22-23, 2024


Tashkent, 100095, Kichik Halka Yuli str. 17, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Phone: +99890 348 90 82

Sustainable Transportation within the Framework of Green Deal

Four higher education institutions of Uzbekistan within the framework of the Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union started a new project “Establishing a Bachelor’s Degree in Sustainable Transport Systems” on March 1, 2024. Today the official Launch Meeting was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The total cost of the project is 800,000 euros and will be implemented in 2024-2027.

Project Consortium


  1. University Of Mitrovica (UPKM)
  2. Toshkent Shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti (TTPU)
  3. Akademija Strukovnih Studija Kosovsko Metohijska Leposavi (AASKM)
  4. Toshkent Davlat Transport Universiteti (TSTRU)
  5. Tashkent Kimyo International University (KIUT)
  6. Jizzakh Branch of National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek (JNBNU)
  7. Univerza v Mariboru (UM)
  8. Polytechneio Kritis (TUC)
  9. Universidad Politecnica De Madrid (UPM)
  10. Politecnico Di Torino (PTT)

Non-Academic Partners:

  • Ministry Of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of The Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Transport Ilmiy-Tadqiqot Markazi (UZTT)
  • W3 Lab Digital Solutions (W3lab)

Associated Partner:

  • JV “Samarkand Automobile Factory” LLC (SAF)

Within the framework of the project it is planned to establish a Bachelor’s degree on sustainable transport systems in participating higher education institutions of Uzbekistan. It is planned to introduce the best practices of the European Union into higher education institutions of Uzbekistan by developing comprehensive educational programs using innovative and new technologies.

The participating universities will be given with laboratory equipment, software, and literature, and 72 professors will be taught at European universities. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs will be created, with at least 70 new courses.

It is planned to hold training sessions for at least ten different transportation-related companies. 12 second and third-year students from the bachelor’s degree program designed within the project plan will engage in an exchange program at European universities.

Project exploitation will be done through the accreditation 5 study programmes (4 bachelor and 1 master) and modernization of 1 study programme at bachelor level, according to national standards and Bologna Declaration.

Kick-off meeting of project: Sustainable Transportation within the Framework of Green Deal

We kindly invite you to participate in the kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ SPHERE (Sustainable Transportation within the Framework of Green Deal – 101128065) project on 12-13 March 2024, in Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent. Agenda of the kick-off meeting is attached.

The intellectual game “Zakovat” game was organized at TTPU

Today, on March 5, an intellectual game “Zakovat” dedicated to International women’s day was held between the female students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent the academic lyceum under the university.

Rector of Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent Olimjon Toychiyev opened the event with a greeting and congratulated all the women and students working at the university with this beautiful holiday.

Then the “Zakovat” game began and 10 interesting questions prepared by the tutors were given.

A defile of ethnic costumes prepared by the students of P. Benkov art school, who were invited to the event as a guest, added a festive mood to the event.

At the end of the game, the winning team was awarded with souvenirs.

An academic and youth meeting

      On March 1, 2024, the head of the department of “Natural and mathematical disciplines” of Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician Dilshat Ubaydullaevich Tulyaganov met with youth at Samarkand State Medical University.

      During the event, academician told the students about his scientific and practical activities, his efforts to reach the academic level. He spoke about the facilities and opportunities in the field of science that are being created for our youth today and called on the students to make good use of such opportunities.

      He also visited the Museum of the History of Samarkand State Medical University in order to get acquainted with the history and present of the university. At the end of the meeting, academician Tulyaganov Dilshod was presented with a letter of thanks for his contribution to the training of qualified specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel in our country, for his many years of effective and honest work, and cooperation with Samarkand State Medical University.

Results of the business trip of the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University to Italy

During the business trip to Italy on February 20, 2024 Chairman of the Board of “Uzavtosanoat” JSC Ulugbek Rozukulov and Rector of Turin Polytechnic University Olimjon Tuichiev visited a large Italian enterprise for the production of automotive equipment, “IVECO” (Industrial Village Complex).

       The main purpose of this visit was to study the best practices in organising the production of electric vehicles with high energy efficiency and environmental characteristics that meet international standards. Within the framework of active implementation of projects on production of batteries for electric vehicles as a supplement to internal combustion engines, car manufacturers of leading countries are striving for sustainable development and compliance with environmental standards.

         As part of the trip programme to Italy on February 21, members of our delegation held important talks with key representatives of the Politecnico di Torino. The opportunity to discuss the long-standing co-operation with the leading university was provided at the meeting with the current Rector Guido Sarakko, Professor Anita Tabakko, as well as the newly elected Rector Stefano Paolo Corgnati.

        Particular attention was paid to the lecture by Ulugbek Rozukulov, Chairman of the Board of Uzavtosanoat JSC, on “The Automotive Industry of Uzbekistan”, which attracted the attention of students, professors and representatives of the world’s leading companies, creating a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience.

        This event was an important step in strengthening cooperation between Uzbekistan and Italy in the field of education and innovation, and created fruitful prospects for future projects and research.

A roundtable discussion was held among university students

On February 21, 2024, a roundtable discussion was held among female students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the topic “Protection from oppression and violence between women and girls and prevention of early childbirth. Specialist of “Oq Yelkan” social protection center participated in round table and shared their knowledge and skills.
First, the lawyer of the center Qurbonali Dadajonov that in recent years, 3 laws, 2 decrees and 6 decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and more than 20 decisions of the government have been adopted on the issue of social support for women in Uzbekistan, also mentioned the essence of these decisions and decrees.
The speech was continued by F. Nabikhanova, Rector’s adviser on women’s issues. In her speech, she mentioned that the rights of women are protected by the state, which is confirmed in the newly revised Constitution, and strict measures are taken against violence against women.

Olmazor district senior lieutenant O. Ismailova explained the meamimg of Presedential Decree “On equal rights and opportunities for women and men”, and Law “On Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence”. In addition, the students were explained what the protection order is, how it can be used, and what liability issues exist if the conditions of the protection order are violated.

After that, Deniz Mametova, a psychologist of the “Oq Yelkan” social protection center, gave a lecture on gender equality for women and men, as well as harassment and violence against women and children. In addition, it was also mentioned how to provide psychological support to women who have suffered harassment and violence.
Gynecologist of the central multidisciplinary polyclinic Yakubjanova Shahzoda informed the students about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, reproductive health and negative consequences of early life.
At the end of the roundtable discussion, students’ questions, suggestions and opinions were listened and given answers and instructions.

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

From 18 to 22 February 2024, in order to discuss plans for further cooperation with the management of Politecnico di Torino and to get acquainted with the research conducted on electric vehicles in the research centre “CARS”, as well as to hold a series of meetings with representatives of the company “IVECO Trucks” and business circles, the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent O.A.Tuychiev, with the chief specialist of the Department of Strategic Development and international relations F.T. Makhamatkhodjayev will pay a working visit to Italy.

A сreative event dedicated to the birthdays of our great ancestors was held at TTPU

Uzbek culture and literature are embodied in the imaginations of the world’s enlighteners, first of all, in the image of such great figures as Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Mukhammad Bobur.

On the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of the great thinker poets of the Uzbek people Alisher Navoi and the 541st anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, a festive event was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent called “Remembering Great Thinkers”.

The event was attended by- people’s Artist of Uzbekistan, owner of the “Dostlik” medal Saidkomil Hamroyevich, who spoke about the life and ways of creativity of these two creators, the rich literary heritage that we have and the noble, educational aspects in their works.

“Shodlik” doira team with their performances gave the event an uplifting mood.
Samples of the ghazals of our great ancestors, stage performances were performed by university students and students of academic Lyceum under the University.

Chemical elements and the world around us.

The structure and characteristics of chemical elements, by what principle they are indicated in the Mendeleev table, the amazing stories of their discovery and much more were told to pupils of secondary school № 14 of Zangiata district of Tashkent region by the head of the department of “Natural and mathematical disciplines” Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician Dilshat Ubaydullaevich Tulyaganov.

Introducing pupils to the topic of the lesson, academician Tulyaganov emphasized that the discovery of chemical elements took place over a long period of time. So carbon, sulfur, iron, copper, silver, tin, gold, mercury, and lead have been known since ancient times.

Arsenic, antimony, bismuth, zinc were obtained in the Middle Ages, and phosphorus, nitrogen, barium, beryllium, hydrogen, tungsten, yttrium, oxygen, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, platinum, strontium, tellurium, titanium, uranium, fluorine, chlorine, chromium, zirconium in the 17th and 18th centuries.  During the 19th century about 48 new elements were discovered, including aluminium, germanium, silicon, a number of alkali and alkaline earth metals, the inert gases helium, argon, neon, krypton, xenon radon, as well as lanthanum, lanthanides and many others.

Today there are already 118 chemical elements in the Mendeleev table – 92 of them are found in nature, the rest were obtained artificially – they are unstable and have short periods of existence. Chemical elements, all isotopes of which are unstable, are called radioactive and include all elements with atomic numbers higher than polonium.

In general, the lesson was conducted in an interactive question-and-answer mode, which allowed demonstrating the close connection between chemistry and other areas of natural science – mathematics, physics, biology, geography, geology, ecology. This form of the lesson allowed to show interest on the part of pupils due to their involvement in solving the issues under discussion.

“Awareness is the need of the time”

On February 8, 2024 an event on the topic “Awareness is the need of the times” was held among the students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, where S.S. Saidjalolov, a senior teacher of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, was invited as a guest.

In his speech, he talked about terrorism, radicalism, extremism, which are considered to be urgent problems, the involvement of young people in various negative impacts of foreign ideas, as well as the work being done to fight them in our country.

Jasur Kholkhujaev has successfully defended his PhD dissertation at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) on the topic “Innovative geometrical and mechanical characterization of metallic components”

TTPU “Mechanical and aerospace engineering” department doctorate student Jasur Kholkhujaev has successfully defended his PhD dissertation at Politecnico di Torino (Italy) on the topic “Innovative geometrical and mechanical characterization of metallic components”, under the supervision of Prof. Gianfranco Genta (Politecnico di Torino) and Prof. Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev (TTPU) and was awarded with PhD diploma.


👏On behalf of our university team, we congratulate Jasur Kholkhujaev and wish great success in his future professional and scientific activities.

A journey into the world of science. Chemistry through the ages.

Chemistry is one of the most important and extensive fields of natural science, that studies substances, as well as their composition and structure, chemical reactions, as well as the laws and patterns that these transformations obey.
          On January 20 and 27, 2024, the head of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines of TTPU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician Dilshat Ubaydullayevich Tulyaganov taught a lesson on the topic of chemistry basics with schoolchildren of secondary schools № 196 of the Almazar district of Tashkent and № 9 of the Tashkent district of the Tashkent region.

At the beginning of his speech, D.U.Tulyaganov focused on the activities of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, aimed at training highly qualified specialists for mechanical engineering, energy, industrial and civil engineering and other sectors of the national economy.

Introducing schoolchildren to the basic concepts and laws of chemistry, academician Tulyaganov emphasized that chemistry plays a huge role in human life. Everything that surrounds us – people, animals, plants, mountains, seas, objects – is directly related to chemistry. Based on the basic laws of chemistry, it is possible to conduct scientific research aimed at creating new materials.

During his lesson, the academician spoke about the thinkers of Ancient Greece and the encyclopedist scientists of the East Abu Raikhan Biruni, Ibn Sina and others, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of natural sciences, in particular their statements about the existence of extremely small, further indivisible material particles that make up the whole universe. The lecturer, in a very interesting and accessible form, introduced schoolchildren to the results of the scientific research of J. Dalton, J. Thompson, E. Rutherford and N. Bohr, who made an invaluable contribution to the evolution of ideas about the structure of the atom.

At the end of the classes, Academician Tulyaganov spoke about the history of the periodic law by D.I. Mendeleev. It was emphasized that the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev became the most important milestone in the development of atomic-molecular science.


Students actively participated in the discussion and asked questions, demonstrating their interest and attention. The administration of educational institutions expressed the opinion that such events will help schoolchildren better decide on their choice of profession and build their life path.

TTPU has announced a call for Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility for teaching of Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

TTPU has announced a call for Erasmus+ Staff mobility for teaching of Marmara University (for the 2023-2024 a.y.)

  • Application Date: 01.02.2024 – 09.03.2024
  • Announcement of Final Results: 14.03.2024
  • The number of quotas allocated for participation in the mobility program in 2023-2024 is 1 Academic Staff  (Dr., Associate Professor, Lecturer)
  • Mobility period is 5 business days (excluding travel days) per staff member
  • A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week.

Application Documents:

– Application Form

– CV

– Proof of proficiency in English

Application documents can be delivered in person to Strategic Development and International Relations Office (room 503) or they can be sent to the e-mail address international.department@polito.uz.

Funding rules

  • Individual Support for Participants

Every participant will receive a mobility grant composed of subsistence support according to the length of stay (in days). 

Staff: EUR 140/day

  • Travel Support for Participants

Each selected individual participant will receive a travel contribution. Travel grant will be paid along with the individual grant upon arrival at Marmara University.

The amount is decided by the distance between Istanbul and Tashkent. According to the European distance calculator https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/resources-and-tools/distance-calculator   the distance band indicated is 3000-3999 km, which corresponds to 530 € for travel support and 610 € for Green travel.


A dedicated Commission will evaluate applications and the results of the selection will be announced on March 14, 2024.

       Below you can find detailed criteria for TTPU Erasmus Staff mobility program



  1. Job experience at TTPU (max.9 points)

< 1 year: 0 point

1- 2 years: 1 point

2-3 years:  3 points

3-5 years:  5 points

5-7 years:  7 points

> 7 years: 9 points

2. Seniority Score: Years of service (professional internship/teaching experience) in higher education will be taken into account (max.10 points)

20 years and above 10 points

15-19 years 8 points

10 – 14 years 6 points

5 -9 years 4 points

0-4 years 2 points

3. Bilateral Agreements Score: People who have concluded or facilitated the signing of bilateral agreements shall be awarded (max.20 points)

for the 1st agreement 10 points

for the 2nd agreement 15 points

for the 3rd agreement.  20 points

Note: The agreement must be in place before the application date specified in the announcement and should not be benefited from in previous applications

4. Candidates with special needs: Personnel with disability shall be awarded +10 points

Note: The statement from a doctor or other relevant authority confirming the special needs should be submitted to room 503 during the application period

5. For each previous participation in the Erasmus Staff Mobility programs: -5 points

6. Meeting the language criteria shared below:+10 points

English language proficiency certificate – B2 level

Evaluation: Evaluation will be done by adding the points according to the criteria mentioned above.

Note: Ranking shall be made starting from the candidate with the highest score to the candidate with the lowest score, with merit and waiting lists being formed.

The opening ceremony of an international project within the framework of the Erasmus+ program took place at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies

On January 22-24 of this year, at the initiative of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 7 universities of our republic and 3 universities of the EU – the Polytechnic University of Turin of Italy, the University of Portugal and the Polytechnic University of Madrid. the first meeting of participants in the international project “Development of the targeted Educational program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan (DEBSEUz)” within the framework of ERASMUS+ Higher Education Capacity Building.

The following project issues were discussed:
– Development of new undergraduate programs.
– Creation of innovation laboratories
– Ensuring project stability.
– Quality control and monitoring
– Communications, news and project image
– Financial management issues.

Source: Information service


A cultural and educational event on the topic “Armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan – a post of peace and tranquility” dedicated to Defender of the Motherland Day was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the beginning of the event, the anthem of our state sounded, and the first vice-rector of the University Alisher Ashurov opened the event with his welcome speech.

Guests of the event – military servants of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Lieutenant Colonel Sadikov Khafizjon Murtazaevich and Doctor of Philosophy in Military Sciences, Akbarov Laziz Izzatullaevich warmly welcomed and congratulated the participants of the event with the defender of the Motherland day and the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

After that, a video dedicated to our Armed Forces was shown. During the event, Central singing and dance ensemble of the Armed Forces, as well as the musical performances of our talented students, gave the participants a high mood.

The 5th meeting of the ERAMCA project and the Final Workshop were convened from January 7 to 11 of 2024 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU)

The 5th meeting of the ERAMCA project and the Final Workshop were convened from January 7 to 11 of 2024 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), Uzbekistan. The aim of the meeting was to gather all ERAMCA project partners at TTPU to discuss the progress of the activation of the ERAMCA master degree program and laboratory in every partner university.

The following high-level guests participated at the meeting: Ms. Sara Noshadi,Head of the UNESCO Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Ms. Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Coordinator of National Erasmus + Office in Uzbekistan; Mr. Botir Abdullayev, Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Tursunali Kuziev, Deputy Director of the Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Alessandro LIAMINE, Programme Manager of Cooperation Section Delegation of the European Union.

At the end of the meeting the delegation visited the new ERAMCA laboratory, met master students and got acquainted with their research activities.

NODIRJON YUSUFOV, Amazon Sales Manager at Arduino, Turin, Italy.

NODIRJON YUSUFOV, Amazon Sales Manager at Arduino, Turin, Italy.

Master’s Degree: Master of Science in Engineering and Management at Politecnico di Torino, class of 2022.
Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.


  • Bachelor’s exchange semester at West Virginia University in the United States as a Global UGRAD program winner. President of the Students Union at TTPU for 2 consecutive years 2016-2018.
  • Team Leader of the national team of Uzbekistan in FIRST Global Challenge robotics competition in Mexico.
  • Worked at the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan during 2018-2019 and lead international projects in London (UK), Manila (Philippines), Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) and Guangdong (China.) “Sign of Uzbekistan” chest badge holder 2020. (O’zbekiston belgisi ko’krak nishoni).
  • Attendee of the Amazon Accelerate Prime Seller Conference in Seattle, the United States (2023)

❗️Interesting fact: Nodirjon Yusufov now lives in Italy and runs a family vlog on Instagram and YouTube, creating valuable content for people who are interested in studying, living and traveling abroad. The name of the vlog is: “Yevropa Kundaligi”.

He says:
“I currently live and work in Turin, Italy with my family and I would not be able to make it here without 4 years I spent at TTPU. I did not only study there, it was my second home and I got to know vast number of talented individuals. My network at the university helped me to win scholarships, attend events abroad, get employed at the Ministry and even start my international career. I am a proud TTPU alumni and always will be and the years I spent, I will always cherish.”

UMAROV MIRALI, Key Account and Sales Manager in Huawei Uzbekistan.

Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

As a key account manager in Huawei Uzbekistan, his primary responsibility is to build and maintain relationships with government customers and private companies. Additionally, he is responsible for leading and managing internal teams to coordinate sales efforts, develop strategies to increase revenue and identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling. Strong leadership, communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills are essential for success in his role.

He says:
“During my student years, our team was one of the first to create the Student Union, where I was able to learn a lot from such talented people as Nodirjon Yusupov, Gayratov Jasur, Mirzatillayev Rahmatilla etc., and made many friends from different universities, with whom we still do business. Our shared preparation to exams, projects and discussions have made my university experience unforgettable.
I am deeply convinced that my university years have shaped my personality and I will always cherish my memories of this time with warmth and gratitude.”

GULOROM INOYATOVA, Automation Engineer at Manganorobot, Turin, Italy.

GULOROM INOYATOVA, Automation Engineer at Manganorobot, Turin, Italy.
Master’s Degree: Master of Science in Mechatronics at Politecnico di Torino, class of 2020.
Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, class of 2015.

🏆Achievements: Five projects of parcel sorting system within a year (2021) in South Africa, Austria, Russia and Romania. Projects of baggage handling systems in two airports in Spain and one big project in Zurich airport, Switzerland.

She says: “The world is so big and beautiful, full of opportunities and things to learn to. Expanding the boundaries and worldview reveals new perspectives and paints one`s world in the colors that have never been seen before.”