International Conference “Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus: 21st Century Silk Road for Science and Peace” 1-4 October, 2023, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

A series of international conferences called Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus, which has become an attractive international scientific platform for physicists from Central Asia, Caucasus, Middle East and South-East Asia to collaborate with their colleagues from Europe, USA, Japan and South Korea. The first conference of this series under this name was organised in 2013 in Samarkand. To date, the conference has attracted more than 1000 leading physicists, mathematicians and specialists in complex systems science. In addition to discussing the most important scientific problems and the prospects for their solution, the conference serves as a platform to facilitate the integration of the region’s scientists, especially young ones, into the world of science. Being interdisciplinary, the thematic areas of the papers presented at the conference cover such areas as nonlinear dynamics, theory of complex systems, geodynamics, earthquake physics, mathematical biology and epidemiology, socio- and econophysics.

It is noteworthy that this conference was mentioned in a recent article by a prominent Italian physicist, Professor Casati, which was published in the famous Italian newspaper “Corriere della sera”. In particular, it is noted that, in addition to attracting scientists from the region to new cutting-edge areas of modern science, this conference serves as an effective tool for the association and cooperation of young scientists from different countries, thus directing their intellectual potential to solve such global problems as climate warming, predicting earthquakes and natural disasters, modelling the spread of epidemics, predicting financial and economic collapses, the development of renewable energy sources and resource-efficient functional meshes, as well as the development of new technologies for the development of renewable energy and resource-efficient functional meshes.

This year, it takes place from 1 to 4 October under the title “Silk Road XXI Century: Science for Peace” in the ancient city of Bukhara (Uzbekistan). The latter signifies the priority of scientific research in the field of nonlinear dynamics and physics of complex systems for the development of scientific developments that provide solutions to global problems of ecology, energy, resource conservation, epidemiological, water and food problems that hinder the sustainable development of mankind.

Detailed information about the conference can be found on its website at https://ddcac8.las.uz/

The 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Mechatronics and Robotics: problems and prospects of development” was held at the Andijan Engineering Institute.

About 50 professors and lecturers from prestigious higher educational institutions of our country and Europe, including the University of Turin in Tashkent, took part in the conference held on the eve of the completion of the project “Mechauz-modernization of the bachelor’s degree in mechatronics and robotics in Uzbekistan based on innovative ideas and digital technologies”, implemented within the framework of the European Union’s programdaasmus+, including the rector and the teaching staff of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, the Rector of the Institute Umid Turdialiev, speaking, wished the participants success, noting that in recent years Mechatronics and robotics have been focused on the development of an educational direction based on national priorities, with the help of innovative ideas and digital technologies in higher education.

In the afternoon, the participants were divided into departments, analyzed the results of scientific research and discussed a number of current tasks, discussing the successes achieved and the problems they expect to be solved.

Also, within the framework of the event, the guests of the university got acquainted with the laboratory base of the university, after which a visit to the UzAuto Motors automobile plant was organized for the guests of the event.

Within the framework of meetings of the university book lovers club a literary and educational event was held

On September 26, 2023 a literary-educational event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the late national poets of Uzbekistan, Rauf Parfi and Amon Matjonlar, was held as part of the next meeting of the club of book lovers of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Fakhriddin Orolovich Sattiyev, the tutor of the academic groups who moderated evening, gave a speech to the 1st vice-rector of TTPU Ashurov Alisher Abdimavlonovich.

In his speech, A. Ashurov emphasized that studying the works of these two poets will teach us all to love the Motherland with pride, to honor it with love, to place it in the heart with pride.

During the event, the participants were shown the life and work of the poets Rauf Parfi and Amon Matjon, as well as the songs composed by our famous singers based on their best poems.

In addition, the audience was very interested in the video clips of the poems read by the poets themselves, and the students also read samples of their poems.

Initiation ceremony – 2023

On September 27, 2023, an event was held dedicated to “Initiation ceremony” to TTPU freshmen, admitted in 2023-2024 academic year.

First, the event was opened with the anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After that, the first vice-rector of the university A.Ashurov made a speech and said that the university will provide the necessary conditions for the students to become leading specialists in the future.

During the annual event, students take their oaths to dedicate all their activities for our motherland and its great future, to become highly qualified professionals, to be the best before parents, to devote all their knowledge in order to fully fulfill it, regularly acquire practical knowledge and skills in the chosen specialty, to complete the activities specified in the curriculum and programs on time, to constantly participate in training sessions, use the acquired professional knowledge, master the engineering profession and contribute to the development of the economy of our country, and consider compliance with the internal rules of the university as their sacred duty.

The participants of the university music club and the military orchestra of the University of Public Safety gave the event a special upbeat mood.

At the event, active and talented, exemplary, winners of a number of contests, in order to show their achievements, university education system, created conditions, projects implemented in the last two years and become motivation for students, the university ” Urunov Asadbek and Qayumov Asadbek, students of the 4th stage of the “Mechanical Engineering Technology” course, presented very interesting presentations.

To show his achievements, educational system of the university, the created conditions, the projects implemented in the last two years and to motivate the students, an active and talented student, a fourth-year students Urunov Asadbek and Qatumov Asadbek presented a very informative presentation.

The further stages of cooperation were discussed.

On September 27, 2023 as part of visit of the German business delegation of Southern Thuringia to Uzbekistan, a delegation headed by the president of the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Southern Thuringia visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, guests were closely acquainted with the material technical base of the University, opportunities created for students, the activities of technical and scientific centers created to support innovation.

Also, as part of the cooperation of the TTPU and Simson Private Akademie (Germany), a round table discussion was organized with the listeners of the training courses, which began according to the signed memorandum on training in professional education directions. At the round table, the head of the SPA Academy Mr. Max Reumschüssel and representatives of and the employer company took part. During the meeting, the listeners of training course were able to get answers to all their questions related to the project from the German representatives.
During the visit, a meeting was organized between the business delegation of Thuringia and the management of the University, and further stages of cooperation were discussed.

International school conference “New trends in modern quantum science: from new functional materials to quantum technologies”

From 22 to 30 Septemberб 2023, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in cooperation with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, the Physics Society of Uzbekistan and the Bukhara State University, organizes an international conference «New trends in modern quantum science: from new functional materials to quantum technology»


The focus of this Summer School is on cutting-edge ideas, new results, current challenges and future perspectives in the field of modern quantum science, with a special focus on quantum materials and their application in quantum technologies. It is a new and advanced field of research in physics and technology, aimed at using such phenomena of quantum mechanics as confusing states, quantum superpositions, tunneling and quantum interference, which are used in quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, high-precision quantum metrology. and quantum visualization.


This event presents a series of lectures addressed to a wide audience of young researchers (including undergraduates and graduate students, young researchers), as well as scientists from developing countries working on various aspects of the physics of condensed media, materials and technologies. Science as well as statistical and chemical physics. Invited lecturers are world-renowned experts in research. The lectures will be complemented by short presentations by younger participants from developing countries in Central and South-East Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East.

The event can be seen as part of our efforts to attract advanced topics of modern physics and technology to developing countries with a focus on regions such as Central Asia, the Caucasus, South-East Asia and the Middle East. Advanced scientific topics, such as quantum science and technology, quantum information, and nano-physics, have not yet taken root in the region. On the other hand, the economies of these countries need people who work and are familiar with materials science, energy conversion and nanotechnology. We believe that the establishment of such a School will help to attract young researchers to these new areas of research. The event will also help strengthen the cooperation of researchers from the above regions with the international academic community of Europe, the USA, Japan and other developed countries.

TTPU progressing to develop key specialists in the field of the restoration of historical monuments

TTPU, ERAMCA ERASMUS + second level master students are successfully strengthening their obtained theoretical knowledge on the restoration of historical monuments in practice.

From 18 to 22 September 2023, students actively participated in restoration projects of timber construction of Juma mosques, Khiva under the supervision of specialists and restorers from Half-timbered center Quedlinburg, Germany.

During the project following restoration works have been performed:

  • Restoration of historical column and door
  • Elimination of damaged parts and production of new fitting parts
  • Restoration of historical timber frame construction
  • Restoration of historical painting, mixing ecologically color based on historical recipes for color

International Conference on “Mathematics for the Micro and Nanoworld: From Soliton Dynamics, Nonlinear Optics to Quantum Technologies”

On 18-22 September, 2023, an international Conference on “Mathematics for the Micro and Nanoworld: From Soliton Dynamics, Nonlinear Optics to Quantum Technologies” is held in Samarkand city. The goal of this conference is to present and discuss a wide range of less studied and recently emerged problems in mathematical physics, focusing on evolution equations in low dimensional domains with applications in optics, optoelectronics, and quantum technologies. Special attention will be paid to applications of these topics in condensed matter physics, nonlinear and quantum optics, optoelectronics, quantum functional materials, and other areas of modern quantum science and technology.

The recent progress made in various advanced areas of physics and its practical applications in quantum technologies has led to several challenging problems in the mathematical physics of partial differential equations and spectral theory of differential operators with applications in physics. A wide range of challenging mathematical problems arising in condensed matter physics, quantum materials, nonlinear optics, matter-wave physics and PT-symmetric physics will be discussed by invited speakers and plenary talks. The papers presented at the conference will condemn problems and perspectives in the control of optical and quantum processes, optimization of properties of optical and quantum functional materials, miniaturization of optical and optoelectronic devices, in the context of modeling physical processes using evolutionary equations in low dimensional domains.

The conference is attended by leading scientists from Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Kazakhstan and other countries.

The conference is jointly organized by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Samarkand State University and the Physical Society of Uzbekistan.

The President of Uzbekistan met with compatriots in the USA.

As part of a visit to the USA, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met on September 18 with a group of our compatriots living and working in the United States, as well as scholarship holders of the El-Yurt Umid Foundation, who are studying at leading higher education institutions of the USA

In particular, the meeting was attended by students who studied at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, scholarship holders of the “El-Yurt Umid” fund, Jasurbek Kaynarbekov who is currently a master’s student at the Pittsburgh State University and Saidakbarkhon Pulatov, a student at the Arizona State University.

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

In order to develop cooperation relations with the Politecnico de Torino (Italy), agree on the preparation processes for the new 2023/2024 academic year and discuss future plans with JUVENTUS Academy F.C.S.p.A (Italy) as well as to solve the issues of experience exchange of students of Juventus academy under the university, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjayev with the specialist of the Department of Strategic Development and International Relations- T.F.Maxamatxodjayev will leave to Italy on a business trip, from September 15 to September 19, 2023.

“Lesson of Independence Day” was held at TTPU.

On September 13, 2023 “Independence lesson” was held under the slogan “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” for 1st year students at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Academician, doctor of technical sciences, professor, distinguished scientist of Uzbekistan Kadirov Savar Mukadirovich visited the event, where a sincere and open dialogue with students was held.

Jamshid Inoyathodjaev, DSc, rector of TTPU opened the event with an introduction and called on the students to be active in acquiring their knowledge, using all the conditions created in the university in the new academic year, and wished them success in their future studies and work.

Then, Savar Mukadirovich noted that 2023 has been declared as the “Year of attention to people and quality education” in our country, and the quality of education and upbringing of the young generation in our country is of decisive importance for the fate of the country.
At the same time, the scientist gave valuable information about his path, scientific activity, and the conversation left a great impression on the students. The event was full of lively discussions and questions.

For information: Honored Scientist Sarvar Muqadirovich Kadyrov is a well-known scientist who has been working effectively in the higher education system for 57 years, has made and continues to make a great contribution to the fields of motor transport, automobile engineering and road communications. About 40 pamphlets, essays, short stories, novels by S. M. Kadirov were published. His novels were published in Russian and English.Under the guidance of the scientist, 3 doctors of science, 9 Phd and more than 20 masters were trained.

“Minister’s honour certificate”

On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Fariza Nabikhanova, chairwoman of the Women’s Advisory Council of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, was awarded the 2023 award of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation for her spiritual and educational work in the system and her activity in the field of working with female students. She was awarded the “Minister’s honour certificate” according to the order No. 398 dated August 30.
On behalf of the university team, we sincerely congratulate Fariza Nabikhanova and wish her success in her future endeavors!


Today, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of our independence, in 16 regions of our country, running marathon “New breath” was held under the slogans: “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!”, “We run together in the same country, at the same time, at the same distance, for the same purpose!”

Students, professors and tyutors actively participated in this public sports event held in “Humo Arena” of Tashkent under the leadership of TTPU management. Souvenirs were given to the participants who reached the finish line among the leaders.
More than 31,000 students from 86 higher education institutions took part in this special event.

Admission Test for “Management” Track (Phases-1-2-3)Results are announced!

TTPU staff participated in an international meeting at the Technical University of Berlin, as part of the ERASMUS+ SPACECOM project.

On August 21-26, 2023, professors and staff of the Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) in Tashkent attended an international conference at the German Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin).

A number of European universities as: Sorbonne University (Sorbonne Université, Paris); EXOLAUNCH company (Germany); Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria); AP Hogeschool (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen) Antwerp (Belgium), and 6 universities and institutes from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as: Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad Al-Khorazmi ” (TATU) – project coordinator; “Fergana Polytechnic Institute” (FarPI); “Tashkent State Technical University” (TDTU); “Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi”; “National University of Uzbekistan” (UzMU); “National University of Uzbekistan” (UzMU); “Astronomy Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Ulugbek”; Professors, teachers and employees of “Network center for training and professional development of pedagogical personnel under the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi” participated.

At the conference, they exchanged views on the effective implementation of the SPACECOM project (www.spacecom.uz) in universities and institutes.

List of applicants for Business Administration Management (3rd phase)

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and the corresponding time of the admission test on Saturday August 26th, 2023 for the Management track. Please bring with you an identification document (passport or ID card) and a receipt of the admission fee.

In order to ensure the transparency of the exam process, each applicant will see the result of the admission test on their computers immediately after the end of the test. Those applicants who score above the threshold, above 15 points, on tomorrow’s exam, can come to the Marketing department (Room 102) to pick up their contract, starting Monday, August 28th.

“International Conference on Electrical Engineering & Computing Convergence and Applications 2023”

The international conference “International Conference on Electrical Engineering & Computing Convergence and Applications 2023” (ICEE-CCA 2023) is being held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent city from August 16 to 19, 2023.

The conference held in a hybrid format (offline and online) will encompass discussions and presentations on a variety of topics such as Electro-Physics & Applications, Power Asset Management, Power IoT & Sensors, Artificial Intelligence & System Convergence, Intelligent Transportation Systems for Green Mobility and Geomatic Engineering & Building Information Modeling. Many research papers and ideas about these topics are set to be discussed during the event.

Organizers of the international conference:

• KIEE-Electro-physics and applied society

• Korea National Transport University

• Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent,

• Turin Polytechnic University (Italy)

• Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi

On August 18, 2023, the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering & Computing Convergence and Applications 2023 (ICEE-CCA 2023) was held at TTPU.

The floor for opening the conference was given to 1st Vice President of Korean Computer and Information Society Dr. Won-Joo Lee, First Vice Rector of Tashkent University of Information Technologies Dr. Doniyor Yakhshibaev. His Excellency Jang-Hyun Kuk the Minister-Counsellor and Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of Uzbekistan and Toychiyev Olimjon Alijonovic Director of the Innovation Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan made a congratulatory speech.

During the conference conducted in a hybrid format (both offline and online). leading specialists, from foreign countries as well as professors, scientists and experts local university presented their scientific work and exchanged valuable insights.

The exhibition of Korean industrial companies and of local innovative projects was also conducted, where the guests had the opportunity to get to know about them. The conference continued its work in oral sessions and poster sessions.

During the conference, a memorandum on mutual cooperation was signed in cooperation with TTPU, Korea’s Daejeon University and Korea Computer Information Society.

📣 Dear students 📣

We are announcing a change in the size of the tuition fees for the 2023-2024 academic year in the following tracks

P.S. If full payment of tuition fees is made by September 1st, 2023, the contract amount remains the same as for the academic year 2022-2023 (Italian tracks – 28,500,000, Uzbek tracks – 19,200,000)


Japanese professors were awarded the title of “Honorary Professor” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Yasushi Niitsu, professor of Japan’s Denki University, and Chikahiro Minova, professor of the National Research Institute of Earth Sciences and Natural Disaster Resilience, were awarded the title of “Honorary Professor” of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Professor Chikahiro Minova is famous for his scientific work on “Analysis and strengthening of seismic independence of buildings”. Minova Chikahiro headed many years of scientific projects, such as learning the experience of Japanese people on the construction of seismic priority buildings, establishing the activity of laboratories organized in the institute.


As the below-mentioned students were not able to obtain enough credits to continue their studies at the next level, they will repeat the corresponding levels from 2023-2024 A.Y.