Japanese professors held a seminar training at TTPU

On July 31 and August 1, 2023, a two-day scientific seminar training was organized at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent with the support of experts from Japan.
For the seminar, specialists and researchers from Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, and Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction were invited.
Professor Yasushi Niitsu from Tokyo Denki University and Chikahiro Minova from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience participated in this seminar.
In seminar training, seminar participants and Japanese professors jointly conducted an image-processing experiment with a small building model.

3rd phase ADMISSION is OPEN for Business Administration – Management

Registration for the third phase of the entrance exams (“Business Administration – Management”) at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is OPEN!

❗️Registration deadline is August 23.
✍️Third entrance exam date is August 26.

📞71-246-80-51; 71-246-80-52

Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent announces a competition for the vacant positions of teaching professors for the academic year 2023/2024:

I.  Department of “Automatic Control and Computer” in the following subjects:

1. Applied electronics and measurement (5 credits)

2. Software Project Management (6 credits)

3. Software quality assurance (6 credits)

4. Software Architecture (6 credits)

5. Basics of cybersecurity (6 credits)

6. Software for Sustainable Development (6 credits)

7. Digitalization (Digital Business Platforms) (6 credits)

8. Human-computer interaction (8 credits)  

9. Data Mining (6 credits)

10. Mobile Apps (Native and Web) (6 credits)

11. Game development (6 credits)

12. Fundamentals of Technological Change (6 credits)

13. Enterprise Data Management (6 credits)

II. Department of “Architecture and Construction” in the following subjects:

1. Construction Project Management (6 credits)

2. Building Information and Modelling (BIM) (6 credits)

3. Transportation Systems (6 credits)

4. Building Planning and Design 3 (6 credits)

5. Introduction to Urban Planning (6 credits)

6. Architectural Conservation (6 credits)

III. Department of “Management, Economics and Humanities” in the following subjects:

1. General Psychology (6 credits)

2. Industrial Economics (6 credits)

3. Principles of Macroeconomics (6 credits)

4. Introduction to Business Law (6 credits)

5. Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Art and Life (ELECTIVE) (6 credits)

6. Labor Economics (ELECTIVE) (6 credits)

7. Management and Organizational Behavior (6 credits)

8. International Business (6 credits)

9. Quantitative Decision Making (6 credits)

10. Business Finance (6 credits)

11. Quality Management (6 credits)

12. Entrepreneurship and small business management (ELECTIVE) (6 credits)

13. Fraud Examination (ELECTIVE) (6 credits)

Note 1 credit is 13-15 hours.

Minimum requirements for applicants:

1) Resume/C.V.

2) Master’s diploma

3) PhD diploma

4) DSc diploma

5) A document confirming the level of knowledge of the English language

Candidates will be selected through interview and open class. Professors who have successfully passed the interview of the university commission can be hired.

Professors who wish to participate in the competition can register through the following application by August 20, 2023:

Contact phone: (71) 246-63-95.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent expresses deep condolences in connection with the loss of SAIDOV ABDULLA ABDUNAZAROVICH

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent expresses deep condolences in connection with the loss of


Professor of “Mechanical and aerospace engineering” department of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, member of the university council.

Abdulla Abdunazarovich has been working effectively at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent for many years. He was respected by his colleagues as a humble, hardworking person, a kind teacher, and a wise leader.


Taking into account the increase in wages and utility bills, according to the minutes of the meeting of the members of the Board of Trustees of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, from the 2023/2024 academic year in educational fields:
*️⃣Software engineering
*️⃣Architecture and design
the contract fee for one academic year for all levels (2nd, 3rd and 4th year) was set at 22 000 000 (twenty-two million) soums.


Bank details have changed

New bank details:
Bank: JSC “National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities”. Almazar BSC
Address of the bank: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Korakamish-2 street, 54
Account: 20208000204790690001
MFO [BIC]: 00450
INN [TIN]: 301249598
OKED [SIC]: 85420
Currency account: 20208978204790690003 (EUR €)
Currency account: 20208840904790690003 (USD $)

Admission Test for “Management” Track (Phase-1-2) Results are announced!

Training program in Italy within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Multidisciplinary Skills for Entrepreneurship in the Arts / MUSAE”

From July 6 to July 13, 2023, within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Multidisciplinary Skills for Entrepreneurship in the Arts / MUSAE”, trainings and presentations of projects of students from 9 universities (Uzbekistan, Palestine and Tunisia) were held  in the city of L’Aquila, Italy. Students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Institute of Applied Arts named after. K. Bekzod and the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan took part in Uzbekistan. Students presented their innovative work in various areas, each of which is a complete project that can already be used to support various segments of the population, in educational and professional fields, etc.

Also a meeting of the project management members was held, during which the submitted student works, dissemination of the project results, further tasks and financial issues were discussed. In addition, further meetings and issues related to them were discussed.

Admission Test (Phase-1-2-3) Results are announced!

Conditions created for students living in rented apartments and with close relatives

In order to place students in rented apartments, in cooperation with academic group tutors, parents, prevention inspectors working in our university and neighborhood officials, apartments for rent near Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and in the districts of Tashkent region were identified and their conditions were studied.

Currently, in the new 2023-2024 academic year, 204 students have expressed their intention to stay in these apartments.

At the same time, 110 students who came to study at the university from different regions were settled in the apartments of their close relatives in Tashkent.

Including the following districts of Tashkent city:

Olmazor  â€“ 65

Chilonzor – 43

Shayxontoxur– 27

Mirzo Ulugʼbek– 20

Bektemir– 2

Uchtepa  â€“ 13

Sergeli  â€“ 5

Yashnaobod  â€“ 8

Yunusobod– 34

Yakkasaroy  â€“ 8

Mirobod – 10

Tashkent region:

Zangiota  â€“ 12

Qibray – 18

Oqqoʼrgʼon – 1

Parkent – 7

Toshkent – 9

Oʼrtachirchiq – 4

Chirchiq – 8

Chinoz tumani – 2

Yuqorichirchiq – 3

Yangiyol – 15

Conditions created in the dormitory for the students

In order to create all the conditions for comfortable living of the students studying at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from distant regions of our Republic and foreign countries and to ensure their safety, the four-floor, fully equipped student dormitory for 160 places has been prepared for the next academic year 2023-2024.

The rooms in the dormitory are equipped with all the necessary equipment: washing machines, a stove for cooking, a microwave oven, and a dining room. There is also a library and Wi-Fi points in the dormitory for students to spend their free time usefully.

List of applicants Saturday, July 15TH, 2023 for the Management track.

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and corresponding time of the admission test on Saturday July 15TH, 2023 for the Management track. Please bring with you identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee.

Cooperation in the field of professional education

On July 11, 2023, representatives of Simson Private Akademie (SPA) Germany, visited TTPU.

During the visit, the parties discussed further cooperation in the field of vocational education and signed a Memorandum of Understanding and an agreement on opening a vocational training program. In particular, TTPU together with German partners agreed to open a program of dual vocational education “1+2”, where students of this program, after one year of training in TTPU, will be sent to Germany to continue their education combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills in various German companies.   It should be noted that the implementation of this project will be improved in cooperation with the Khakimiyat of Almazar district.

According to the proposal, after finishing their studies in Germany, candidates will have an opportunity to work for German industrial companies.

As a start of the project, it was suggested to launch programmes in German language, industrial manufacturing technologies, mechatronics and applied skills including welding, development of electric circuits, etc.

Admission test on Tuesday, July 11TH 2023. 

Dear Applicants, please find the list of those applicants and corresponding time, who participate in the admission test on Tuesday, July 11TH, 2023. 

Please bring with you identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee.

Please note that the admission test for Management track will be held on July 15TH.

The list of applicants

Dear Applicants, please find the list of those applicants and corresponding times, who participate in the admission test on Monday, July 10TH, 2023. Please note due to the large number of applicants and time constraints, the rest of the applicants will take the exam on Tuesday, July 11TH, 2023. The list and time of those applicants who are taking the exam on July 11TH, 2023, will be published tomorrow.

Please bring with you an identification document (passport or ID card) and a receipt for the admission fee.

Please note that the admission test for the Management track will be held on July 15TH.

Main statistics

TTPU employees participated in the next international seminar at AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium) in the framework of  ERASMUS+ SPACECOM project

From June 26 to June 29, professors and staff of Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) in Tashkent participated in the next international seminar at AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium).
The partners of the project: Technische Universität Berlin; Sorbonne University (Sorbonne UniversitĂŠ, Paris); EXOLAUNCH company (Germany); Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria); AP Hogeschool (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen) Antwerp (Belgium) and 6 universities and institutes of Uzbekistan: “Al-Khorazmi Tashkent University of Information Technologies” (TATU) – project coordinator; “Fergana Polytechnic Institute” (FarPI); “Tashkent State Technical University” (TDTU); “Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi”; “National University of Uzbekistan” (UzMU); “Institute of Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Ulugbek”; Network Center for Training and Professional Development of Pedagogical Personnel at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi.

At the seminar, participants exchanged views on the effective implementation of the SPACECOM project (www.spacecom.uz) at the universities and institutes of Uzbekistan.

A spiritual educational-enlightenment event for students at TTPU

On June 27, an educational event called “Enlightened youth – creators of New Uzbekistan” was held among students at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The first vice-rector of the university, A. Ashurov, spoke about the issues set on the agenda of the educational event and said that in today’s era of advanced globalization and information exchange, human trafficking, drug addiction, spreading and promoting religious-extremist ideas are a crime. He said that the spread of the first ideas is a serious concern not only for the public of our country, but also for the world community.

In such a complex process of globalization, protecting the youth of our country from the influence of religious extremist and various foreign ideas, manifestations of “mass culture” is one of the most important tasks that not only intellectuals but every person consciously approaches and faces.

 S.S. Saidjalolov, a senior teacher of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, was given a speech to explain these issues. He noted that large-scale work is being done to ensure the stability of the socio-political situation and spiritual environment in our country, and to improve inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations. Regarding the fact that the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan is organizing wide-ranging religious-educational activities among young people in order to eliminate the threats posed to the peace and security of our society by the ideas spread by religious-extremist currents. they talked.

Also, he taught to prevent young people from falling under the influence of various vices and foreign ideas, to fight against the manifestations of “mass culture”, to use Internet information correctly and appropriately. attracted the attention of the participants. Because ideas that are alien to our national spirituality and mentality, information promoting cruelty are poisoning the minds of our youth. In particular, young people were given information based on real life examples about terrorist groups operating in areas where armed conflicts are taking place and their heinous goals.
At the event, it was noted that it is important for each of our compatriots, especially our youth, to be active and selfless, to use the opportunities given to them, to grow into people who serve the prosperity and development of our country in order to build a new Uzbekistan and strengthen the foundations of the Third Renaissance.

The human rights defender Malala Yousafzai’s work was discussed at the university

On June 23 of this year, the next spiritual and educational meeting of book lovers’ club members was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. As most of the students were away for summer vacation, the meeting was held online via the Zoom platform.

At the meeting, the speech of Pakistan human rights defender Malala Yousufzai, recommended by F. Nabikhanova, the chairman of the women’s advisory council of our university, “I am Malala. The autobiographical work “The girl who was educated standing and humiliated by the Taliban” was discussed.

At the beginning of the event, a video about Malala Yusufzai’s life and activities was shown to the participants.

The moderator of the club meeting, the tutor of academic groups Fakhriddin Orolovich Sattiev, gave the floor to Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector for work with youth of TTPU, to start the discussion of the work.


A. Ashurov said, first of all, Malala is a very strong and brave person, and it is highly commendable that at that time, being an 11-year-old girl, she was able to say without fear that all girls have the right to education. She noted that this autobiographical work, written in collaboration with British journalist Christina Lamb, will attract the reader because it is written at a very high level and reflects real life in those countries.

When it was F. Nabikhanova’s turn to speak, she said in her speech that our country has joined all major international agreements that protect women from any form of discrimination and humiliation in legal, socio-economic terms, as well as women’s access to quality education, vocational training and employment. and gave examples of the creation of favorable opportunities for him to start business activities.


At the end of his speech, he noted with pleasure that the number of girls who want to study has been increasing in recent years and that 47% of students studying in higher and secondary special educational institutions are currently women.
The members of the club gave thoughtful comments to the moderator’s questions on the topic of discussion, tried to analyze the characters of the work – Malala, her parents, relatives and friends, and shed light on the political situation in the Swat Valley.

The discussion of the work took place in a lively spirit full of debates, and the active participation in it was recognized by the members of the club. Souvenirs were presented to female students by the university.