Armwrestling tournament revealed the strongest

On May 16, an arm wrestling championship was held in Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent, where more than 20 students took part.

      According to the results, prizes places were distributed as follows:
The winners in the weight category 52-62kg were arranged as follows:

  1.Akmalxonov Ibroxim

    2.Juraxodjayev Jasur

    3.Norboyev Dilshod.


Prize-winners in the weight category 68 -73kg:

1.Ergashev Fozil

2.Soibjonov Fazliddin

3.Ubaydullayev Davron


The winners in the weight category 74-78 kg were arranged as follows:

1.Abdul Farzad

2.Qurbonov Oybek

3.Dorobov Jamshid


Prize-winners in the weight category 83-90 kg:

1-Salohiddinov Muhammad

2-Baxodirov Vosil

3-Xodjakbarov Bositbek


The winners in absolute 93-100 kg weight category

1-Kazakov Umidjon

2-Abdul Farzad

3-Abdulxayev Abdulvoris

Musurmankulov Dilmurod Uralovich, International Armwrestling Judge, (Armwrestling Federation of the Republic of Uzbekistan) was invited as a judge. Winners and prize-winners in each weight category were awarded with diplomas and medals.Thanks to all participants for interesting tournament!


Future prospects of perovskite based solar cells:
Low carbon energy conversion through advanced functional materials

From May 15 to May 21, 2023, Khiva is hosting an international conference on topic “Future prospects of perovskite based solar cells: Low carbon energy conversion through advanced functional materials”, dedicated to the most important issues of alternative energy sources. Namely, such advanced areas thin-film photovoltaics of the third generation based on perovskite and polymer materials.

The conference is held by the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Urgench State University, the Society of Physics of Uzbekistan and the University of Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany) with the support of the Volkswagen Science Foundation.

The subject of the conference and the problems discussed in it are one of the most topical for the modern world, namely the development and implementation of commercially efficient, environmentally friendly and flexible solar panels.

A wide range of topical issues in the field of thin-film solar cells: from achieving high conversion efficiency to ensuring commercial competitiveness and building-integrated photovoltaics are being discussed at the conference by the world’s leading expert scientists.

The conference was attended by a number of the world’s largest scientists and experts in the field of third-generation thin-film solar cells – Tsutomu Miyasaka (Japan), Thomas Riedl (Germany), Michele Sessolo (Spain), Wolfgang Tress (Switzerland), Satoshi Uchida (Japan), Francesca Brunetti (Italy), Jose Rajan (Malaysia) and others. In addition to presenting lectures, all these experts shared their recommendations on the development and implementation of renewable energy sources, especially solar energy converters in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

A notable feature of the conference is the fact that a lot of young people, students and young scientists from such foreign countries as Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Spain, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, as well as many students and young scientists from Uzbekistan.

Detailed information is available on the conference website at the link:


TTPU students took part in the Formula 1 grand prix of Azerbaijan 2023.

On April 30, the FORMULA 1 AZERBAIJAN GRAND PRIX 2023 was held at the city track in Baku, which attracts the attention of the whole world. Thanks to its rich history, it is known as one of the most prestigious sports in the world and is also known as the “queen” of motorsport. It is commendable that the citizens of Uzbekistan acted as marshals among the countries of the world in such a prestigious sport.


On the initiative of the rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Jamshid Inoyatxodjaev, in cooperation with a member of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) – NAFKU (NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MOTORSPORT AND KARTING OF UZBEKISTAN), TTPU students Gulomjonova Dilnoza, Podgornaya Lidiya and Masharipov Ruslan, who also take part in NAFKU projects , with members of this organization went to the FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX OF AZERBAIJAN 2023.


They took the position of marshals of the race. As you know, marshals care about the safety of pilots and other issues. Marshals are the working personnel of the autodrome. They are located around the track, their duties include taking care of safety: evacuating fireballs and pilots from dangerous positions, warning pilots with flags about obstacles and dangers on the track. Before the races, they trained under the close attention of experienced Azerbaijani colleagues.


The most important element of Formula 1 is safety, and the inexperience of the marshals can lead to a mistake at the cost of life. But after a series of training sessions, guys gained experience and were looking forward to giving all their strength to the races.

Each time one of the organizers came to the marshals’ base, located in the Athletes’ Village encouraged the guys, provided all kinds of support and assistance.
All conditions for trainings, rest and pleasant pastime were created.

Rector of TTPU held a lecture for students

On May 12, rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, DSc., Inoyatkhojaev Jamshid Shukhratullaevich held a lecture for students on the topic “Prospects for the development of electric vehicles in Uzbekistan: problems and solutions.”

Students learned about the features, advantages and disadvantages of using electric vehicles in the transition to a “green economy”, the dynamics of the development of this area in our country, the current state of the charging infrastructure in Uzbekistan and in the world. The listeners received a lot of useful and practical information.       

The lecture was held in English, and those who wished could also join online.

At the end of the lecture, students had the opportunity to ask the speaker all their questions and get comprehensive answers to them.

The Minister of higher education, science and innovation was introduced to Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent

On May 11, 2023, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent was visited by Doctor of Biological Science and Academician Ibrahim Abdurakhmanov, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.


During his visit, the Minister got acquainted with the university’s start-up projects, scientific and sports facilities, Technopark and laboratories.

The Rector of the university, DSc Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev, introducing the activities of the university emphasized the significant work done in the field of the automotive industry and the training of personnel in this direction. He gave a presentation on the university’s current situation and its development strategy, as well as areas of academic study, works on installation of energy-efficient solar panels, operations of spin-off firms and international relations.

In an open discussion with university academics and students the Minister discussed their work and study, problems and solutions.

The minister gave instances from his life to illustrate the importance of students’ observance as well as the need to learn the essential material, manage their time well, and constantly advance.
It is not enough to have talent to be a scientist or a specialist, it is necessary to be observant and to strive for big goals.

The students also expressed their opinions and gave a number of suggestions. In particular, there were proposals to increase the number of scientific internships abroad for young people, to support scientific grants awarded by the university as projects focused on innovative and creative fields, develop media projects. Also, the initiative to launch the production of microchips in our country by developing the field of photonics was supported.

Everything you wanted to know about the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Another meeting of participants within the framework of the Erasmus + MUSAE project – Multidisciplinary skills for Artist’ Entrepreneurship.

On May 1 and 2, 2023, a scheduled meeting was held as part of the Erasmus + MUSAE project – Multidisciplinary skills for Artist’ Entrepreneurship


Within the framework of the meetings, which were organized jointly by the three participating universities-partners of the project – Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after  Kamoliddin Bekzod and State Conservatory of Uzbekistan discussed the implementation of the project, provided information on new training modules developed within the framework of the project, as well as students work participating in the project.

On May 1, a meeting was organized at National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekzod. On behalf of TTPU, the report was made by senior researcher Olga Karpova.

On May 2, at the morning session, which was organized at State Conservatory of Uzbekistan from TTPU, a report was presented on the new training module by the department head Abror Hoshimov and presentations by students Jamshid Dorobov and Guzal Matchonova.

On May 2, 2023, the participants of the meeting visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, where on that day an exhibition of works by students of art institutions in Tashkent was organized.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of three European universities – Alfredo Casella Conservatory (Italy), L’Aquila University (Italy), L’Aquila Academy of Arts (Italy), Artesis Plantijn Antwerp University College (Belgium), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and also from Tunisia and Palestine – Birzeit University (Palestine), Palestine Polytechnic University (Palestine), Dar-al-Kalim University College of Culture and Arts (Palestine), University in Sfax (Tunisia), University of Tunisia (Tunisia).

“Youth and fine art” festival

On May 2, TTPU hosted “Youth and fine art” festival, in cooperation with the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan and P.Benkov Specialized Art School.

During the event, an exhibition of art works by talented young people and a contest was held among the participants.

At the end, prizes and diplomas were awarded to participants.

An annual scientific and practical conference was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

On April 27, 2023, a scientific-practical conference was held dedicated to the 14th anniversary of Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent, with participation of professors and teachers, researchers and students.

The lectures of the conference were devoted to topics such as mechanical engineering, energy, natural sciences and mathematics, ecology and environmental problems, alternative energy sources and material science.

In particular, topics about the students’ proposals for the production of large quantities of alternative energy sources, the construction of solar and wind power plants in Uzbekistan, dedicated to the applications of chemistry, physics, and modern mathematics. is doing

At the end of the event, the first vice-rector of the university, A. Ashurov, congratulated the participants on the fact that the scientific conference was very useful and uplifting from all sides, and emphasized that it was a real scientific bridge between teachers and students, and it will definitely be continued in the future. All participants were awarded certificates and souvenirs.

Student spring-2023

On April 27, 2023, the traditional “Talabalar bahori” (Students’ Spring – 2023) festival was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The main goal is to spend free time of university students meaningfully, to enrich their spiritual and cultural level and increase their interest in sports, art and literature.
Within the framework of the event, the winners of chess, basketball and table tennis competitions organized at the university were awarded with certificates and souvenirs.
As part of the festive program, information was given about the referendum, an important political event that will take place in our country on April 30 and a quiz was held among the students.

Cooperation relations with German universities have been strengthened

On April 27, on the initiative of the representative office of the German economy in Central Asia, a delegation of German organizations and universities visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TPUT). Under the leadership of the Thuringian State Secretary for Economy, Higher education and Digital Affairs, the representatives of the 6 German universities, Thuringian state administration and German Economic Delegation took part in the event.

As part of the visit, members of the delegation, were closely acquainted with technopark, laboratory and startup projects of Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent.

Both sides discussed the possibility of further cooperation. In particular, as follows:

  • Signing Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between TPUT and German universities;
  • Organizing Internship programs in Industries of Germany for TPUT Professionalizing degree students;
  • Organizing summer schools in both side university;
  • Cooperation in Erasmus+ Capacity Building project calls (signing ERASMUS+ Inter Institutional Agreement);
  • Exchange library resources and online access to electronic resources to use educational-scientific information databases;
  • Cooperation on research projects and new calls on Horizon Europe projects;
  • International mobility: exchange of students and doctoral candidates, exchange of researchers and lecturers and exchange of administrative staff funded Erasmus+ programs;
  • International cooperation in teaching: mutual recognition of academic achievements (2+2 programs leading to degree programs in Uzbek track students), establishing joint and double degree in BSc, MSc and PhD programmes;

At the end of the meeting, a memorandum of understanding and an agreement on student exchange were signed with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.
Other universities also expressed great interest in cooperation and agreed to sign a memorandum of cooperation in the future.

“A new version of Constitution in a new Uzbekistan”

On April 18 and 20, 2022, an event on the topic “” A new version of Constitution in a new Uzbekistan” was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The event was attended by the preventive inspector, lieutenant Ismoilova A.F., lieutenant colonel, senior inspector of the IIB, Almazor District – Yusupov Sh.N. and university staff.
It was noted that the new version of the Constitution serves the development of our country, the development of the well-being of our people, and first of all, it defines the idea of “For human dignity” as a priority.

PhD dissertation was successfully defended

On April 21, 2023, Gulnora Yahshilikova, TTPU teacher of “Mechanical and aerospace engineering” department successfully defended her PhD dissertation at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, on the topic “Development of Energy Management System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles” under the supervision of  Prof.Andrea Tonoli (Politecnico di Torino) and DSc. Sanjarbek Ruzimov (TTPU).

The commission consisting teaching staff highly evaluated the work done, emphasized its importance and relevance in modern industry and wished the researcher great success in her future scientific activity.

The 3rd round of “Zakovat” game was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

On April 19, 2023 the 3rd round of the Zakovat game was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The main purpose is to organize students’ free time in a meaningful way, to further strengthen their extracurricular knowledge in a wide range of ways, and to form the skills of being able to express their thoughts deeply on various topics.

The following teams:

1-“SU” team

2- “Posledny Patron” team

3-Millon teams participated.

In the heated debate, the “SU” team got 2 points by answering two questions correctly, the “Posledniy Patron” team got 5 points by answering five questions correctly, and the “Million” team could not answer any question.

At the end of the event, participants from each team shared their thoughts about the event. The best question and the best participant were determined.

A roundtable discussion “Awareness is the need of time”

On April 18, 2023, a roundtable discussion on the topic “Awareness is the need of time” was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The event was held with the participation of university students, on the initiative of Senior preventive inspector of the University, lieutenant colonel Yusupov Sh.N., in cooperation with an employee of the Department of Combating Cyber Crimes in the Field of Information Technologies of Almazor District, Captain Yarmatov Sh.Kh. and preventive inspector, lieutenant Ismoilova A.F.
The participants of the meeting spoke on the following topics:
1) “CYBER SECURITY” and those who are still falling for it, how to get rid of this and the need to build immunity against it.
2) Fight against oppression and violence.
3) Prevention of cases of corruption and fight against it.
4) Fight against crime and drug addiction.
Students received detailed answers to their questions during the interesting roundtable discussion.

The only source of knowledge is experience.

One of the big advantages for students of the Civil Engineering and Architecture Department is the opportunity to have both lectures, as well as practical lessons on construction sites.

Third-year bachelor students of the department conducted their practical part of the Geodesy course at the LOT6 construction site in Tashkent city. In practice students under the supervision of Prof. Saidislomkhon Usmanov participated in the quality assurance process using geodetic instruments together with specialists from PE BOMI Construction Engineering Co., LTD. This helps students strengthen their theoretical knowledge and gain ‘hands-on’ experience.

National dress as a mirror of culture

National costumes embody the history, ancient customs and traditions and aesthetic views of our people, and now it is very important to widely promote the beauty of national costumes among young people.

To preserve the national values ​​and spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people, to inspire the pride of national costumes in the hearts of our girls, respect and loyalty to our national values, customs and traditions, to widely promote the beauty and charm of national costumes among the youth, on April 12, 2023, an event named “Milliy libos-millat qiyofasi!” was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The first vice-rector of the university A. Ashurov opened the event and wished all the participants good luck.

At this event, together with the students of the university, the students of the “Art of historical and theater costumes” department of the art school named after Pavel Benkov held a fashion show of bright and attractive national costumes from different regions of our country.

The performances by “Alladin unique” kindergarten children, added a special atmosphere to the event.

The performances of the university girls were duly evaluated by the members of the jury, which consisted of teachers of the art school named after Pavel Benkov. All participants were awarded diplomas and souvenirs.

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent hosted a cultural event dedicated to the 687th anniversary of Amir Temur’s birth.

On April 5, a cultural event “Sahibqiran Renaissance in World Civilization” was organized among university and academic lyceum students dedicated to the 687th anniversary of Amir Temur’s birth.

Guest of the event were – people’s Artist of Uzbekistan Tesha Muminov, director of the Republican House of Actors Munira Rakhimova and academic lyceum history teacher Khakimova Sayyora.

The event was opened by the first vice-rector of the university, A. Ashurov, and in his speech, he noted that, on april 9 we celebrate 687th anniversary of the great statesman and entrepreneur Amir Temur, as well as the material and spiritual heritage of Temur and the Timurid dynasty.

Academic lyceum history teacher Khakimova Sayyora gave information about Amir Temur – a great statesman of the Middle Ages, a great general, the founder of a strong, centralized state and patron of science and culture. First of all, he carried out military and most important economic reforms to increase and strengthen the power of his country. Also, Amir Temur paid special attention to the creation of a single state for development, mutual harmony, favorable property and legal conditions for businessmen, especially to the development of trade, and also made great changes in the field of creativity and reached our contemporaries.

The guest of the event, the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Tesha Muminov, at the beginning of his speech about our great grandfathers, noted that most of the historical cities and beautiful places were created during the period of Amir Temur and the Timurids. Due to national independence, there was an opportunity to deeply understand, study and glorify our perfect ancestors who have their place in the field of world spirituality and enlightenment and the rich spiritual and educational heritage they left behind.

The guest spoke about the work “Temur Tuzuklari” that Amir Temur left as a legacy to us, Amir Temur’s respect and attention to women, glorified them, and read a poem on this topic.

At the end of his speech, T. Mominov addressed the young people and said that they should study the teachings of such great people, analyze them and use them for the benefit of the country in the future.

M. Saparboev, head of the university’s music club, concluded the event with a musical performance about “Motherland”.

The event was very meaningful and interesting.

The “Rector’s Cup” in chess was held at TTPU

The “Rector’s Cup” in chess was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

TTPU hosted the “Rector’s Cup” in chess, where about 60 students from the university and academic lyceum took part.

Tournament results:

1st place — Raupov Nasrullo

2nd place – Jahongirov Samandar;

3rd place – Abdukayumov Akbar.

Congratulations to the winners!

We want to remind that the awards ceremony will take place on April 27

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Participates in New International Educational Project “I2-PLEDGE”

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) has partnered with several other universities in Europe and Uzbekistan for a new international educational project called “I2-PLEDGE: Innovative and Interdisciplinary Programmes in Bio-medical Engineering to Leverage and Exploit the Digital Growth Programme for Students’ Employability in Uzbekistan”. The project is being conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ “Capacity building in higher education” program.

The kick-off meeting for the project was held on March 29-30, 2023, at Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. The meeting was attended by representatives from the European Union, the Erasmus+ National Office, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, as well as partner universities in Europe and Uzbekistan.


The “I2-PLEDGE” project aims to provide students with innovative and interdisciplinary programmes in biomedical engineering to leverage and exploit the digital growth programme for their employability in Uzbekistan. The partner universities involved in the project are University of L’Aquila and University of Western Macedonia from Europe, and Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent State Technical University, Andijan Machine Building Institute, Adijan State Medical Institute, Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Urganch branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent from Uzbekistan.


During the kick-off meeting, the project coordinator provided important project management information, recommendations for successful project implementation, and the latest news from EACEA representatives. The meeting also covered financial issues, the role of each higher education institution in the project, work packages, the plan of future activities, and the importance of achieving results.

On the second day of the meeting, the participants visited the brand new campus of Tashkent Medical Academy, which is one of the project partners and a leading institution in the field. The academy introduced the participants to their state-of-the-art lab rooms, which will play an important role in the project.


The team of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent also made presentations on their tasks in the project. This project represents an exciting opportunity for TTPU to expand its international reach, collaborate with other institutions, and create new opportunities for its students and faculty. Overall, the “I2-PLEDGE” project is an important initiative that will help enhance the quality of education in Uzbekistan and improve students’ employability by providing them with innovative programs in biomedical engineering.