The patents gained by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent:

  1. “An apparatus collecting fallen tree leaves” № FAP 01136;-19.06.2019
  2. “Obtaining solid bracket fuel” № IAP 20140028;
  3. “The method of obtaining solid bracket fuel from paintwork material wasteы” № IAP 05505; -23.01.2014
  4. “A program for sports training equipment” №DGU 04820; -22.08.2017
  5. “A program for Braille display” № DGU 04988; -13.09.2017
  6. “An electronic system calculating incomes and expenditures of an enterprise” № DGU 05262; -16.03.2018
  7. “Smart chandelier” (Home design and modern devices) № DGU 05190; – 05.03.2018
  8. “Smart house” (Home design and modern devices) №DGU 05171; -21.02.2018
  9. “A program for electron controlling block of a stand of picking machine” № DGU 0738;
  10. “An automatic watering system” №DGU 0763; -03.10.2018
  11. “Cylindrical vertical spindle drum pressing cotton in cotton picking machine” №FAP 20160044; -15.04.2016
  12. “A stand for testing the determination of tribological parameters of sliding friction lateral pairs” №IAP 20180183;
  13. “A program for electron controlling block of a stand of picking machine” № DGU 05971; -25.09.2018
  14. “Moving eye and eyelid of Humanoid – humanlike robot” № DGU 71592; – 04.11.2019
  15. “SP-119 A program for controlling seismic platform” № DGU 06319;
  16. “Ergonomic ARM manipulator» №FAP92259; – 18.03.2019
  17. “A program for Humanoid – humanlike robot” № DGU06185; – 13.12.2018
  18. “Membrane construction” № FAP 01374; – 21.12.2016
  19. “A program for controlling a hydraulic service driver of two-axis vibrating device” №DGU12573 – 08.10.2019
  20. “Numerical solution of the Sine-Gordon equation in a metric graph representing a star” №DGU 07394; – 15.11.2019
  21. “Numerical solution of particle transporting problems in metric star graphs that can control the reflection of node points” № DGU 07855; -15.11.2019
  22. “Student assessment system by Blockchain” №DGU 05898; -23.11.2019
  23. “” № DGU 05826; -27.09.2018
  24. “e-Table” № DGU 04985; – 20.12.2017
  25. “Loading device of friction machine” № FAP 00882; – 10.07.2017
  26. “Installing ERA-GLONASS system for automobiles and trucks in Uzbekistan and developing methods of its integration with automobile mechatronics system” №DGU 09274 -05.10.2020
  27. “Transport of quasiparticles in a stellar quantum graph” №DGU 09307; – 08.10.2020
  28. “An automatic device for developing finger joints” №FAP 01539 – 09.11.2017
  29. “A contactless measurement device for detecting gaps in the car body in assembly process ” №DGU 09294