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Representatives of one of the best technical universities in Kazakhstan visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

The delegation of Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU) headed by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A. Djhumasseitova visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU).

During the visit, in order to familiarize the guests with all the opportunities of the university, the administration of TTPU conducted an introductory tour of the campus. The members of KBTU were greatly interested in the university’s mechatronics and the incubation centers.

The main part of the visit was devoted to the discussion of the terms of mutual cooperation. An agreement was reached between the universities on cooperation in the following areas:

  • Introduction of exchange programs for teachers and students;
  • Exchange of experience on international systems;
  • Implementation of joint research projects and publication of articles;
  • Joint participation in foreign grants;
  • Creation of a summer education school.

In order to develop cooperation, it was proposed to organize the first online meeting of professors and teachers in order to initiate the exchange of professors in the field of information technology.

It is worth to note that according to the QS world ranking, KBTU is included in the TOP-800 universities in the world and is the only Kazakhstan university that has received international accreditation from the US agency ABET for all computer specialties. According to the QS EECA rating, KBTU is in the TOP 30% of universities in the EECA region.

“During the visit, we were impressed by the achievements of the students, the developments of young specialists. We were very glad to get acquainted with the material and technical base. We are glad to cooperate and give a new round to the development of our bilateral relations, including the development of double degree programs,“ -said Diana Amirbekova, Managing Director for Internationalization and Strategic Development of KBTU.
