TTPU: implementation of innovative technologies in education

Today, innovative technologies at the speed of light enter all aspects of our lives. The rapid development of technology could not but affect the educational system.

In order to introduce innovative technologies into the educational process of the university, an agreement was signed between the Turin Polytechnic Institute in Tashkent and the “ALPHA DX GROUP” to establish a joint venture.

The main goal is to improve the quality of education and the interest of students in learning, the introduction of virtual reality technologies, blokchain  and NFT  technologies into the educational process and the formation of educational materials (content) based on these technologies.

Through the development of the latest AR and VR technologies, it is planned to introduce the innovative EduVerse concept into the educational process at the Turin Polytechnic University and launch the 2 + 2 programs.

For this, a laboratory has been created at our university and the necessary equipment for EduVerse is being purchased.

In the future, it is planned to create a learning platform with partners to create new content for other educational institutions through EduVerse.
