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The human rights defender Malala Yousafzai’s work was discussed at the university

On June 23 of this year, the next spiritual and educational meeting of book lovers’ club members was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. As most of the students were away for summer vacation, the meeting was held online via the Zoom platform.

At the meeting, the speech of Pakistan human rights defender Malala Yousufzai, recommended by F. Nabikhanova, the chairman of the women’s advisory council of our university, “I am Malala. The autobiographical work “The girl who was educated standing and humiliated by the Taliban” was discussed.

At the beginning of the event, a video about Malala Yusufzai’s life and activities was shown to the participants.

The moderator of the club meeting, the tutor of academic groups Fakhriddin Orolovich Sattiev, gave the floor to Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector for work with youth of TTPU, to start the discussion of the work.


A. Ashurov said, first of all, Malala is a very strong and brave person, and it is highly commendable that at that time, being an 11-year-old girl, she was able to say without fear that all girls have the right to education. She noted that this autobiographical work, written in collaboration with British journalist Christina Lamb, will attract the reader because it is written at a very high level and reflects real life in those countries.

When it was F. Nabikhanova’s turn to speak, she said in her speech that our country has joined all major international agreements that protect women from any form of discrimination and humiliation in legal, socio-economic terms, as well as women’s access to quality education, vocational training and employment. and gave examples of the creation of favorable opportunities for him to start business activities.


At the end of his speech, he noted with pleasure that the number of girls who want to study has been increasing in recent years and that 47% of students studying in higher and secondary special educational institutions are currently women.
The members of the club gave thoughtful comments to the moderator’s questions on the topic of discussion, tried to analyze the characters of the work – Malala, her parents, relatives and friends, and shed light on the political situation in the Swat Valley.

The discussion of the work took place in a lively spirit full of debates, and the active participation in it was recognized by the members of the club. Souvenirs were presented to female students by the university.
