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Program «2 + 2» is an integration of European Education with National Educational Standards

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and Andijan Machine-Building Institute signed an agreement on a joint double-degree program named “2 + 2”. The implementation of the joint program was made possible due to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № DP-4397 dated from July 18, 2019 “On additional measures for the accelerated development of the automotive industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

The purpose of the joint program is to promote the use of advanced educational resources between the two higher educational institutions, to introduce international educational standards and to encourage the involvement of talented teachers in academic programs. This program helps to prepare competitive students with flexible thinking, a high level of modern global vision, strong capabilities in engineering science and decision-making abilities.

According to this program, students who have successfully completed the second-year study of the Andijan Machine-Building Institute can be enrolled at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, according to the academic performance and level of English proficiency. Upon completion of the university, students who meet the criteria and requirements established by both educational institutions will receive appropriate bachelor’s degrees and diplomas of the Andijan Machine-Building Institute and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Starting from the current 2019-2020 academic year, the first students were accepted for participating under the “2+2” program in the field of Mechanical Engineering.


“The program “2 + 2” is a wonderful opportunity to gain knowledge, experience and a double diploma both at the state and international levels. I am happy to be one of the first owners of such an opportunity,” said Izzatullo Rakhmonov, a third-year student studying in this program.




In the future, it is planned to expand the program“2 + 2” to other areas of specialization. We hope that this agreement between the universities and the jointly organized undergraduate program of obtaining a double diploma will become an excellent base for developing the potential of the automotive industry in our country.
