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Summer internship at TTPU

Nowadays, 4 th year students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are involved in summer internships, depending on their field. This internship program helps to strengthen the theoretical knowledge and skills of the students by practice. The difference between TTPU’s internship program from other universities is that all assignments and internships are carried out online through a special platform.

A chapter formed by the names of enterprises and organizations, has been created through a special platform. The student’s visit to the enterprise or organization of his choice is provided by the “Educational-methodical and scientific department” (Department) of the University.


The list of students is formed by Department and placed on a special platform. A Tutor is assigned to supervise the students attached to each enterprise and organization.

During the internship, students go through the following stages:

In the first phase, go to the section of the “Summer Internship Journal” and download the electronic form of the internship diary. 

During the internship, our students fill in this diary, which is supervised by tutors. After completing the diary, the student uploads a form certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise where the internship took place in a special section of our website for verification.

In the second stage, the student writes down the knowledge gained during the internship in the form of a 30-page report and uploads it to a special section of our website called Final Report.

In the third stage, the student prepares a presentation about the work done during the internship and places it in a special section of our site called “Presentation”. All the above tasks are checked by the professors of our University attached to the Educational-Methodical and Scientific Department and evaluated on a 30-point scale.

The list of students who have successfully passed all stages is formed by the educational-methodical and scientific department. The list will be published on the platform and based on this list the Final Exam will be organized. In this exam, the student’s presentation will be defended in front of a panel of professors and teachers of our university.

All of the above processes are carried out online through a special platform of our university, which in turn is equally convenient for both teachers and students.
