Meeting with an expert from Denmark on alternative energy

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On July 29, 2021, an expert in alternative energy Dr. Hans Laurberg (CEO and Founder of Rope Robotics) paid a visit to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, where he met with the university leadership. The application of robotics in alternative energy sources was discussed throughout the meeting.On August 9, there will be an open seminar for professors and students.

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Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent and Politecnico di Torino renewed cooperation

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From 19 to 23 July 2021, a delegation of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, headed by the rector, paid an official visit to Politecnico Di Torino (Italy). The delegation was met by the rector of the Politecnico di Torino, Professor Guido Saracco. During the visit, the parties discussed issues of further cooperation and long-term plans for the future. An agreement was signed between TTPU and POLITO on academic cooperation for 2021-2026. It was agreed to start a professional Bachelor's degree program in “Industrial manufacturing technologies” in the 2022/2023 academic year. After three years of education, professional skills are acquired…

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Admission Test (Phase-1 and Phase-2) Results are announced!

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Dear Applicants, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE SUCCESSFUL PASSING OF THE ADMISSION TEST for the Academic Year 2021-2022! Please pay particular attention to this official announcement! Based on the results of the Two Entrance Exams (First - on May 21, second – on July 6,7,8) the results are divided into six categories: FIRST CATEGORY: Those who scored greater or equal to 50.00 points, not only will be directly enrolled in the First Level (Second Course) but also will be given the GRANT positions. If the applicants DO NOT have an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate…

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Jizzax politexnika instituti va Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetining hamkorlikdagi qo‘shma ta’lim dasturi “mashinasozlik texnologiyasi” yo‘nalishi uchun 2021-2022 o‘quv yiliga qabul boshlandi

2017–2021 yillarda O‘zbekiston Respublikasini rivojlantirishning beshta ustuvor yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha Harakatlar strategiyasini “Yoshlarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash va aholi salomatligini mustahkamlash yili”da amalga oshirishga oid davlat dasturi to‘g‘risida”gi 2021 yil 3 fevraldagi PF-6155-sonli farmon ilovasining 168-bandiga muvofiq Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti va Jizzax politexnika instituti hamkorligida qo‘shma ta'lim dasturi tashkil etildi. 2021–2022 o‘quv yilidan boshlab talabalar dastlabki 2 yil Jizzax politexnika institutida, keyingi 2 yil esa Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida ta'lim olishi va bitiruvchi talabalarga ikki tomonlama diplom berilishi nazarda tutiladi; Abiturientlar uchun kirish imtixonlarini o‘tkazish, talabalikka qabul qilish va baholash, ta'lim sifati nazorati hamda bitiruvchilarining yakuniy attestasiyasi Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika…

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Admission results – Phase 2

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Dear Applicants! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE SUCCESSFUL PASSING OF THE ENTRANCE EXAMS for the 2021-2022 academic year! According to the entrance exams held on 6, 7 and 8 July 2021,THE EXAM RESULTS YOU CAN SEE BELOW,categories (on the basis of a grant/contract, 1 course / 2 course, enrolled/did not enroll and the possibilities of obtaining other benefits) will be announced on Monday (12.07.2021).

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