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Future prospects of perovskite based solar cells:
Low carbon energy conversion through advanced functional materials

From May 15 to May 21, 2023, Khiva is hosting an international conference on topic “Future prospects of perovskite based solar cells: Low carbon energy conversion through advanced functional materials”, dedicated to the most important issues of alternative energy sources. Namely, such advanced areas thin-film photovoltaics of the third generation based on perovskite and polymer materials.

The conference is held by the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Urgench State University, the Society of Physics of Uzbekistan and the University of Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany) with the support of the Volkswagen Science Foundation.

The subject of the conference and the problems discussed in it are one of the most topical for the modern world, namely the development and implementation of commercially efficient, environmentally friendly and flexible solar panels.

A wide range of topical issues in the field of thin-film solar cells: from achieving high conversion efficiency to ensuring commercial competitiveness and building-integrated photovoltaics are being discussed at the conference by the world’s leading expert scientists.

The conference was attended by a number of the world’s largest scientists and experts in the field of third-generation thin-film solar cells – Tsutomu Miyasaka (Japan), Thomas Riedl (Germany), Michele Sessolo (Spain), Wolfgang Tress (Switzerland), Satoshi Uchida (Japan), Francesca Brunetti (Italy), Jose Rajan (Malaysia) and others. In addition to presenting lectures, all these experts shared their recommendations on the development and implementation of renewable energy sources, especially solar energy converters in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

A notable feature of the conference is the fact that a lot of young people, students and young scientists from such foreign countries as Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Spain, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, as well as many students and young scientists from Uzbekistan.

Detailed information is available on the conference website at the link:
