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Family is the foundation of society  


Many people, especially women, mistakenly believe that the higher the cost of a party at weddings, family events and ceremonies, the better their relationship with the bride. The growth of the aforementioned negative consequences had a profound effect not only on the social status of thousands of families but also on their entire lives, as well as on the spiritual environment in our society. In order to eliminate these situations and strictly regulate weddings, family celebrations and ceremonies, stabilize the social and spiritual atmosphere in families, ensure social justice in society, and create a culture of salvation of the population, especially youth, on September 14, 2019, it was approved the Regulation “On the Procedure for Family Weddings, anniversary celebrations, family memorial rites and events dedicated to the memory of the dead” at a joint meeting of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, which entered into force in January of this year.

  1. Aripova continued her speech, presenting two important laws of the President of our Republic as a vivid example of attention to women:
  2. Law No. 561 of September 2, 2019, on the Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence
  3. Law No. 562 of September 2, 2019, On Gender Equality of Women and Men

“Domestic violence” is one of the most common crimes in the world. In most cases, women suffer from this crime. That is why countries and international organizations pay particular attention to protecting women’s rights.

“The law prohibits all forms of violence against people, including women. However, most Uzbek women do not turn to anyone, even if their rights have been violated by their spouse or their parents. As a result, the situation becomes more complicated and unpleasant. To prevent this, Centers for the Social Adaptation of Women were created in the regions. Their main task is to rehabilitate and adapt victims of violence and prevent suicides, identify and solve the problems of women who have been tortured in public life, family or others, to take regular preventive measures to prevent further adverse events, to identify dysfunctional family, family living out of wedlock or a family in which husbands have two or three wives, as well as to prevent their future crimes and offenses, ”said O. Aripova.

On the second question, Senior Colonel O. Matchonova, Senior Inspector for Women of the Almazar District Department of Internal Affairs, began her talk about early divorces. In recent years, the problem of divorce has become one of the most pressing problems in our society. Tashkent is currently the leader in family divorces throughout the country.

Since ancient times, the family was respected as a sanctuary, and it was protected from extraneous influences. When it comes to oriental upbringing, Uzbek families have always been exemplary. Unfortunately, today due to the lack of spirituality of adults, their attempts at self-expression and unreasonable interference in the lives of young families, the number of divorces is increasing, the family is falling apart and the children are left without parents.

Since the relations of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, early marriages, the intervention of adults or third parties in the lives of young people, as well as incompatibility lead to the breakup of young families, O. Matchonova noted in her speech on the activities of the relevant authorities that prepare young people for family life, help restoration of family relations and prevent family divorces, illegal and early marriages.

In order to determine the opinions and suggestions of students on this topic, they were asked questions and meetings continued in the form of discussions. During the conversation, students also asked the speakers their questions and received the necessary answers.

Summing up, it should be noted that the future of our society depends on the strength of the family. In this regard, each of us should become an example in the family and raise children so that they feel responsible and protect their family from everything that could become a threat. After all, a healthy family is the beginning of upbringing right generation and creating a strong family.
