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Remembering the great poets …

These days, events dedicated to the birthdays of two great ancestors of poetry: the founder of Uzbek classical literature, Hazrat Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoi and the great king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur – are widely celebrated in all educational institutions. In particular, on the 13th of February of this year, an evening of creativity took place at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent called “Remembering the Great Poets”.

The event was attended by Afzal Rafikov, National artist of Uzbekistan, who contributed to the Uzbek dubbing for more than 1000 films. In addition, an event was attended by teachers and students of the academic lyceum at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, university staff, teachers and students.

The event was opened by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Igor Semone Stievano. Igor Semone Stevano acquainted the students with the life and work of Navoi and Babur, their artistic and scientific heritage, and spoke with admiration about the respect given to the great ancestors in the country and their role in enriching the imagination of the young generation. At the end of his speech, the vice-rector spoke a poem translated from the “Alisher Navoi Gazelle” into English.

The literary part of the event began with gazelles and rubies of priceless figures of spirituality and literature of Mir Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, represented by talented university students.

The priceless works of geniuses have become the property of mankind thanks to their spiritual depth and artistic excellence. Students also presented a sketch of the drama of Uygun “Alisher Navoi” and Khurshid Davron “Baburshokh”. These performances show the enormous significance of works of art, the artistic nature, deep philosophy, educational significance, the spirit of patriotism and commitment to the country, the strengthening of a sense of kindness and mutual respect.

One of the highlights of the event was a video about the golden heritage of the World of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur from the university administration, teachers and students.

The main speaker in the event was Afzal Rafikov, who noted that studying the heritage of our great-grandfathers is a great honor. The exemplary life of Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, their versatile creativity and outstanding works on the development of science still amaze the world. We are all inspired by such ideas as the beautiful artistic expression of the human spirit, spiritual perfection, peace and prosperity, interethnic harmony and prosperity of the country.

Any studies about their life and creations, this is not enough. When we study gazelles and poems, love for their creations grows. In his speech, A. Rafikov mentioned that playing the role of A. Navoi, it appears the pride in his heart.

After the words of the king of dubbing, the Tanovar dance, prepared by university students, added color to the event.

The end of the creative evening was presented to Sultanov Mansur Kilikovich, the head of the educational-methodical department. In his speech, he thanked all the guests and representatives of the university for their contribution to the event.
