You are currently viewing International Conference “Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus: 21st Century Silk Road for Science and Peace” 1-4 October, 2023, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

International Conference “Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus: 21st Century Silk Road for Science and Peace” 1-4 October, 2023, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

A series of international conferences called Dynamics Days Central Asia and Caucasus, which has become an attractive international scientific platform for physicists from Central Asia, Caucasus, Middle East and South-East Asia to collaborate with their colleagues from Europe, USA, Japan and South Korea. The first conference of this series under this name was organised in 2013 in Samarkand. To date, the conference has attracted more than 1000 leading physicists, mathematicians and specialists in complex systems science. In addition to discussing the most important scientific problems and the prospects for their solution, the conference serves as a platform to facilitate the integration of the region’s scientists, especially young ones, into the world of science. Being interdisciplinary, the thematic areas of the papers presented at the conference cover such areas as nonlinear dynamics, theory of complex systems, geodynamics, earthquake physics, mathematical biology and epidemiology, socio- and econophysics.

It is noteworthy that this conference was mentioned in a recent article by a prominent Italian physicist, Professor Casati, which was published in the famous Italian newspaper “Corriere della sera”. In particular, it is noted that, in addition to attracting scientists from the region to new cutting-edge areas of modern science, this conference serves as an effective tool for the association and cooperation of young scientists from different countries, thus directing their intellectual potential to solve such global problems as climate warming, predicting earthquakes and natural disasters, modelling the spread of epidemics, predicting financial and economic collapses, the development of renewable energy sources and resource-efficient functional meshes, as well as the development of new technologies for the development of renewable energy and resource-efficient functional meshes.

This year, it takes place from 1 to 4 October under the title “Silk Road XXI Century: Science for Peace” in the ancient city of Bukhara (Uzbekistan). The latter signifies the priority of scientific research in the field of nonlinear dynamics and physics of complex systems for the development of scientific developments that provide solutions to global problems of ecology, energy, resource conservation, epidemiological, water and food problems that hinder the sustainable development of mankind.

Detailed information about the conference can be found on its website at
