Online ApplicationDate March 25 (Fri), 9:00 – May 11 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (First Admission) ● May 16 (Mon), 9:00 – July 8 (Fri), 18:00 2022 (Second Admission) ● July 11 (Mon), 9:00 – August 31 (Wed), 18:00 2022 (Third Admission) Your application is considered as “complete” if you receive a verification email from the admissions Office. You cannot cancel or change the Admissions Program after your application is verified. Date of examinationThere will be three admission tests for the 2022/2023 Academic year: The second session will take place…
We would like to invite you to take part in the scientific event which will be held on April 26, 2022, at 13:30 in the Grey Hall of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent AIM OF THE CONFERENCE This event is a completely open scientific forum for the exchange of new ideas and findings. This year’s meeting will highlight state of art and advances in engineering new materials and technologies. The presentations will be addressed the following topics: Mechanical engineering, Energetic, Natural sciences and mathematics, Ecology and environmental issues, Materials science, etc. Everyone with an interest is invited to attend including students, scientists, engineers, technical managers and production…
Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy
Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy.Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J.Sh.Inoyatkhodjaev on April 2-7 will visit Italy as part of delegation of “Uzavtosanoat” JSC, for negotiation with the rector of the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) for further development of cooperation.
Universitetimiz talabalari Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xoʻjaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari institutiga tashrifi
Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti “Mashinasozlik texnologiyasi” taʼlim yoʻnalishi 4-bosqich talabalari “Suyuqliklar mexanikasi va gidravlika (Fluid mechanics and hydraulics)” fani doirasida Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xoʻjaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari institutidagi amaliy oʻquv dars jarayonlari hamda laboratoriya uskunalari bilan yaqindan tanishish uchun institutga tashrif buyurdilar. Tashrif davomida talabalar institutning “Gidromeliorativ ishlarni mexanizatsiyalash” kafedrasi oʻquv laboratoriyasi, Avtotraktor dvigatellari va yonilgʻi moylash materiallari tajriba laboratoriyasi va boshqa koʻrgazma stendlari bilan yaqindan tanishishdi. Ushbu tashrif fanni chuqurroq oʻzlashtirish, fan, taʼlim va ishlab chiqarishning oʻzaro integratsiyasini taʼminlash va pirovardida sanoatning yuqori texnologiyaga asoslangan tarmoqlari uchun yetuk mutaxassislarni tayyorlashga xizmat qilishiga ishonamiz.
Xalqaro “SOL-GEL 2020” konferensiyasi
Joriy yilning 11-15 oktabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti bilan hamkorlikda Samarqand Davlat Universitetida MDH davlatlarining oltinchi xalqaro konferensiyasi "Sol-gel sintezi va noorganik birikmalar, gibrid funksional materiallar va dispersli tizimlarni tadqiq qilish"-"SOL-GEL 2020" bo’lib o’tadi. Konferensiya davomida xorijiy va mahalliy professorlar-o'qituvchilar taqdimotlari bilan qatnashadilar. Bundan tashqari xalqaro deligatsiya Samarqand va Buxoro kabi tarixiy shaharlarga sayohat qiladi. Qolaversa, Toshkent viloyati Parkent tumanida joylashgan O`zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi Materialshunoslik institutiga tashrif buyurishi rejalashtirilgan. Batafsil ma'lumotlarni quyidagi havola orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.
O‘zbekistonda ilk bor Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universiteti talabalari tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan CubeSat (nano sun’iy yo‘ldosh) kosmosga uchiriladi.
CubeSat stratosferada havo namligi, shamol tezligi, havoning ifloslanish darajasi to‘g‘risidagi va boshqa turdagi ma’lumotlarni onlayn tarzda uzatadi, universitetda joylashtirilgan ma’lumotlarni qabul qiluvchi stansiyada uzatilgan ma’lumotlar tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, CubeSat uchishi davomida video tasvirlar onlayn tarzda uzatiladi, ushbu ma’lumotlar yordamida kelgusida geo axborot tizimlari yo‘nalishidagi tadqiqotlarda foydalaniladi. Ushbu tadbirda ishtirok etish uchun sizni Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universitetiga 2021 yil 17 sentabr kuni ertalab soat 05:30 ga taklif qilamiz.
Matematik olim “Doʼstlik” ordeni sohibi
Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetining tabiiy-matematika fanlari kafedrasi professori Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovich “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan taqdirlandi. Oliy darajali “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan qardosh xalqlar oʼrtasida koʼp asrlik doʼstlik va qoʼshnichilik munosabatlarini mustahkamlashdagi, jamiyat va xalqlarning birdamligini uygʼunlashtirishdagi, xar tomonlama strategik hamkorlikni rivojlantirishdagi alohida xizmatlari uchun faxrli ustozimiz Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovichni bu mukofot bilan universitetimiz jamoasi chin yurakdan tabriklaydi. Vatan taraqqiyoti yoʼlida olib borayotgan faoliyatida ulkan zafarlar tilaymiz.
Внимание! Проводится тендер по приобретению оргтехники!
В целях приобретения оборудования для Туринского Политехнического Университета в рамках программы ERAMCA (Environmental Risk Assessment and Mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia) объявляется о проведении тендера. Подробную информацию о необходимом оборудовании можно узнать по следующей ссылке. Скачать Все предложения можно направить до 21 мая 2021 года по почте на следующий адрес: Узбекистан, 100095, г. Ташкент, ул. Кичик Халка Йули, 17, Ташкент, Узбекистан., Туринский политехнический университет в городе Ташкенте
ADMISSION 2021/2022
REGULATION ON ADMISSION AND DEADLINES OF SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAMS IN TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT (TTPU) FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 1.1. FOREGROUND This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). 1.2. Faculties and seats For the 2021/2022 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) for each faculty is: Name of facultyNumber of seatsMechanical Engineering250Automotive Engineering250Information Technologies and Programming in Industry (Computer…
Are you passionate about science and technology? Do you want do develop new technological knowledge and skills while working in an inspiring academic environment? Doing a Ph.D. may be the right choice for you! Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) is offering fully funded PhD position by Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major for three years at TTPU (in Uzbekistan) and “Politecnico di Turino” in Italy (one of the top European universities for interdisciplinary research in the fields of Engineering). Accepted candidates are expected to study one year at “Politecnico di Turino” in Italy and two years at TTPU (in Uzbekistan).…
Туринский политехнический университет в г. Ташкенте протянул руку помощи пострадавшим в Сырдарьинской области.
Чрезвычайное проишествие на Сардобинском водохранилище в Сырдарьинской области потряс каждого из нас и не оставил никого равнодушным. По возможности, каждый протянул руку помощи. В частности, 2 мая текущего года команда нашего университета оказала моральную и материальную поддежку пострадавшему населению, эвакуинованному в Гулистанский строительный колледж. В связи с этим, старший преподаватель гуманитарно-экономических дисциплин Томчани Людмила Владимировна, принявшая участие в благотворительном визите, поделилась с нами своими впечатлениями: " Мы привыкли с вами жаловаться на жизнь. Особенно сейчас мы часто слышим вокруг: надоело сидеть дома, плохой интернет, высокие цены в магазине. Но вчера я побывала там, где даже мысли о тех, кто это…
ADMISSION 2020-2021
REGULATION ON ADMISSION AND DEADLINES OF SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAMS IN TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASH-KENT (TTPU) FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 1.1. FOREGROUND This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Admission For the 2020/2021 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs, for each faculty is: Name of faculty Number of seats Mechanical Engineering 200 Automotive Engineering 200 Information Technologies and…
For the purpose of effectively fighting against the coronavirus COVID-19 and preventing the spread of the disease in our republic, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a contest of ideas! Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent gives you an opportunity of participating in the competition with your innovative ideas and projects. You can give ideas and suggestions in the following areas: The role of the media (television, radio, social networks, etc.) in the effective organization of leisure activities of citizens during quarantine; Measures on the remote organization of work, teaching and studying during quarantine for employees (mainly the service sector),…